This month’s collection of new tools, resources, and freebies for designers is a smorgasbord of sorts. You’ll find everything from useful APIs to icons to tutorials to fonts. Let’s get right into it, here’s what new for designers this month: Tooltip Sequence Now that your app or website is ready, you might need to help… Continue reading Exciting New Tools for Designers, October 2020
Category: Resources
I’m very font of you because you’re just my type
Popular Design News of the Week: October 5, 2020 – October 11, 2020
Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however,… Continue reading Popular Design News of the Week: October 5, 2020 – October 11, 2020
Learn to Code the Fun Way by No Starch Press (Book Bundle for $1)
October 10, 2020 by Noemi This one’s for beginners who would like to learn how to code without getting overwhelmed from the get-go. Or, if you’ve already got mad coding skills and you want to share your knowledge and love with someone else, this book bundle would be a perfect gift for the holidays: Learn… Continue reading Learn to Code the Fun Way by No Starch Press (Book Bundle for $1)
35 Remarkable Lettering and Typography Designs for Inspiration
42 Shares Good hand-drawn lettering and typography designs are always great for inspiring. This showcase contains different artwork of calligraphy, quotes, handmade lettering, typography posters, brushes with bristle effects and watercolor style typo all are great for inspiration. All lettering and typography posters have a motivational, inspirational quotes and thoughts that can give you strength and power to work… Continue reading 35 Remarkable Lettering and Typography Designs for Inspiration
The Ultimate 10 UX Influencers to Follow
The digital world is a place of constant change. Just as you get used to a new design trend, another one appears, forcing you to rethink the way that you approach each client project. As a web designer, it’s up to you to make sure that you have your finger on the pulse on the… Continue reading The Ultimate 10 UX Influencers to Follow
7 Ways Designers Can Streamline Client Communication
90% of web designers need to engage their clients with ongoing communication and collaboration. Effective communication is key to delivering for your design clients and maintaining your relationship with them. Without the right communication process and tools, it can eat into the time you need to get their project done as well as lead to… Continue reading 7 Ways Designers Can Streamline Client Communication
Business Card Templates – 31 Inspiring Design
37 Shares Simple, clean and professionally designed Business Card Templates for your business brand or use as a personal visiting card. All business cards and fully customizable and text can be changed with one click. All objects can be resized without any quality loss (shapes). Fully layered Photoshop PSD files with smart objects. Available in… Continue reading Business Card Templates – 31 Inspiring Design
Marmo: Free serif font family
Marmo is a free font family with sharp-edged and thick-bodied character, designed by Stefano Giliberti. This typeface comes in 10 styles (Extra Light, Light, Regular, Bold, Extra Bold, plus italic versions). Also, it includes 486 glyphs and provides support for 92 languages! Such a complete font family gives you a wide range of options when… Continue reading Marmo: Free serif font family
Who Do Web Designers Really Work For?
It would be way too easy to answer this question with: “Whoever pays your bills.” And, honestly, I don’t think you can be a very successful web designer if you’re only driven by what the person paying you tells you to do. Then again, that doesn’t mean you should swing to the exact opposite end… Continue reading Who Do Web Designers Really Work For?
7 Viral Halloween Ads
October’s finally started which means that Halloween’s finally around the corner! This means that Halloween-themed ads and designs are coming our way any time soon. If you’re a designer, you’ll probably be receiving requests soon for Halloween ads, themes, and the like. We’ve covered our favorite clever Halloween ads, now we’ll be listing down some… Continue reading 7 Viral Halloween Ads
3 Reasons Why The Online Shopping Trend Is Booming
The internet seems have the answer to every question you could ever ask. More than that, it is also a virtual world bustling with opportunity and convenience. The internet and digital technologies continue to progress. Along with it, most of the world’s population takes to the internet daily for all of their needs. They use… Continue reading 3 Reasons Why The Online Shopping Trend Is Booming
12 Important Rules to Observe When Designing a Logo
2 Shares The logo represents the very identity of a brand. Basically, it functions as the face of the brand and it makes the first impression upon customers. Hence, its design is mandatory. The execution of a logo design needs to be perfect, succinct and has the ability to arrest the attention of the potential… Continue reading 12 Important Rules to Observe When Designing a Logo
3 Essential Design Trends, October 2020
Design can make a statement. It evokes feeling and can encourage thought and conversation. That’s the common theme among the three trends in website design this month. Each trend is rooted on the time and place where we live and includes elements that provoke thought. Kudos to these designers and design teams for jumpstarting conversations.… Continue reading 3 Essential Design Trends, October 2020
New Business Cards PSD Templates – 30 Print Design
55 Shares Perfect business card templates for personal identity or any business. Business cards as a brand identity represent your business in the business market. In this article we are picked-up perfectly designed Business Card Templates. Each business card is ready to use and print ready. All business cards are well organized and easy to edit with… Continue reading New Business Cards PSD Templates – 30 Print Design
Best Practices for App Icon Design
October 3, 2020 by Clarence App icons have become a very important part of mobile applications. Years before, just a simple logo of the application program or its company would do. However, nowadays, app icons have been an important element of branding and marketing. If an app itself puts importance on its usability, an app… Continue reading Best Practices for App Icon Design
SyncMate : All In One Sync Tool
Are you tired of purchasing several sync solutions to sync your Mac with Android and all other devices? No need to worry further, SyncMate is here! Though all the apple products are great for business and personal use, they don’t provide much flexibility like android devices. It is a bit hard to transfer or sync… Continue reading SyncMate : All In One Sync Tool
Meet MacDroid : File Transfer App For Mac and Android
It can always be such an absolute headache transferring data between a Mac and an Android device. If you are one such user who has had to face this same problem, well, you aren’t alone. Thousands of users often find transferring files from their Mac to their Android device and vice-versa extremely tedious when using… Continue reading Meet MacDroid : File Transfer App For Mac and Android
Perfect Facebook Ads: How to Design Facebook Ads Like a Pro?
4 Shares Facebook is one of the most used social media networks today. Be it individuals or businesses, Facebook is used by billions around the world to showcase their talent, promote or sell products or build a following for themselves. Moreover, with constant updates in the way in which this social network works, it has… Continue reading Perfect Facebook Ads: How to Design Facebook Ads Like a Pro?
Learn How to Create Mobile Apps and Games
Have you been looking for a new hobby? Or maybe you’re looking to expand your skillset. It’s as good a time as any, after all. One of the most interesting – and lucrative – things to do is to learn how to create mobile apps and games. And the good news is that there are… Continue reading Learn How to Create Mobile Apps and Games
7 All-Too-Common Landing Page Errors You Must Avoid
And it does this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year without ever asking for a pay raise. But this is true only if your website landing page is designed well, maintained, and optimized to the gills. The art and science of a flawless landing page is beyond the scope… Continue reading 7 All-Too-Common Landing Page Errors You Must Avoid
5 Trends In IT Outsourcing (and How To Capitalize Them)
The pandemic has certainly revolutionized the way we all work. It turned remote working into a new standard of doing business, forced companies to reinvent themselves and provide new services, and even changed how people relate to businesses everywhere. All of those will surely have lasting effects that we can fully fathom today. There are… Continue reading 5 Trends In IT Outsourcing (and How To Capitalize Them)
Why AI & Automation Are Actually Friends to Design
Artificial intelligence. Just hearing the phrase has been a trigger for many in the technology world since that creepy Haley Joel Osment film circa 2001. But more recently, artificial intelligence and machine learning strike fear into the hearts of skilled workers for an entirely different reason: job security, or lack thereof. Smart-home devices, streaming services, self-checkouts,… Continue reading Why AI & Automation Are Actually Friends to Design
Kanban Board UI design
This week freebie is a simple Kanban Board to keep track of your personal and work tasks. You can open this file in Figma and quickly build or customise the sample screens, thanks to the powerful auto-layout feature that comes with the app. You can use this design as a starting point to build your… Continue reading Kanban Board UI design
5 Design Strategies to Boost Affiliate Sales for Content Sites
One of the best ways for content sites to make a profit is through affiliate marketing. After all, it’s an industry that has shown an average growth rate of 10% in the last five years. Moreover, it’s projected to hit the $6.8 billion mark in 2020. The industry is like a big cake, and everyone… Continue reading 5 Design Strategies to Boost Affiliate Sales for Content Sites