New Course: Advanced Animation With GSAP Plugins

What You’ll Be Creating The GreenSock Animation Platform is a powerful JavaScript library for animating HTML elements in the browser. In our new course, Advanced Animation With GSAP Plugins, you will learn how to take your GSAP animations to the next level using the plugins that come with the platform. What You’ll Learn Our recent GreenSock Animation… Continue reading New Course: Advanced Animation With GSAP Plugins

Better CSS Drop Caps With “initial-letter”

Drop caps are a form of decoration sometimes used at the beginning of a block of text; the initial letter running several lines deep and indenting the body text within these lines.  Drop cap example, as found on The Walrus Drop cap example, as found on Nautilus It’s a typographic tradition as old as the… Continue reading Better CSS Drop Caps With “initial-letter”

How to Use BrowserSync for Faster Development

BrowserSync is an automation tool that makes web development faster. In the past we’ve automated a lot of actions like compilation of SASS files, image compression etc. BrowserSync brings a whole new type of automation to the table with batteries included. BrowserSync makes your tweaking and testing faster by synchronizing file changes and interactions across… Continue reading How to Use BrowserSync for Faster Development

Weekly Inspiration: Full-on Full Screen Home Pages

The full screen splash is one of the most familiar patterns on the web at the moment. Some love it, some loath it, but whatever your feelings let’s take a look at some noteworthy examples and talk about best practices while we’re at it. A Note on Design Convergence The term “design convergence” refers to… Continue reading Weekly Inspiration: Full-on Full Screen Home Pages

Everything You Need to Know About WordPress Child Themes

A child theme is a set of styling guidelines and/or functions which are utilized to incorporate functionality or replace the appearance of an existing WordPress theme. Child themes can be modified without altering the original code of your theme, allowing you to make changes as small as changing a couple of colors, or as extensive… Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About WordPress Child Themes

Style Guides in Sketch

Product design is a team sport. The best teams tend to have lots of moving parts: designers and developers and managers and researchers all working in concert on a single, refined vision. All those moving pieces come with a cost, though, in the form of meetings, emails, and file versioning—all things we do in order… Continue reading Style Guides in Sketch

How to Work With Images in Shopify

When starting out with a new platform, such as Shopify, there’s a lot to learn. Whilst Liquid, the template language used in Shopify themes, is very readable and easy to get started with, one area of Shopify development which can often cause confusion for new theme developers is images. I believe the main reason for… Continue reading How to Work With Images in Shopify

How Good Is JavaScript for Building a Large Scale Web Application?

According to the most statistics that are recent on, significantly more than 89percent of sites presently utilize JavaScript as a client-side program writing language. As a cross-platform and programming that is lightweight, JavaScript makes it easier for programmers to build responsive websites and web applications that work with seamlessly with popular web browsers, operating… Continue reading How Good Is JavaScript for Building a Large Scale Web Application?

How to Make Floating Input Labels With HTML5 Validation

TL;DR Replace your JavaScript validation with HTML5 validation. It’s easier than you think, and gives you a ton of markup and styling control. Try this demo: What We’re Doing Here So you need to validate a form. You do the right thing and start with server-side validation. Then, if you’re a good web-designer, you add… Continue reading How to Make Floating Input Labels With HTML5 Validation

The 15 Best Material Design Frameworks and Libraries

Material design was developed by Google, with the basic idea to create a unified style for all of the company’s web and mobile apps. It is based on many principles including things like proper animations, responsiveness, and smart usage of colors and shadows. You can read about the guidelines in full detail here. Although Google’s design language is… Continue reading The 15 Best Material Design Frameworks and Libraries

10 Best AnglularJS Frameworks For Developers

If you are worried about how to create a wonderful and innovative web application without any difficulty or trouble then do not worry any more just simply check out this awesome collection. In this collection you will find 10 best and superb AngularJS frameworks. With the help of this AngularJS framework web developers can easily… Continue reading 10 Best AnglularJS Frameworks For Developers

Styleguide Toolbox – Templates, UI Kits, Tools & Generators

Styleguides are an essential tool for ensuring that everyone in an organization is on the same page. After all, maintaining a consistent style is vital to brand recognition, readability and it just looks more professional. The great thing about these Styleguide resources is that there is undoubtedly one that will let you work the way… Continue reading Styleguide Toolbox – Templates, UI Kits, Tools & Generators

8 Essential Bootstrap Tools For Web Designers

There are so many trendy and time saving things available in internet world. Bootstrap tools are one of them. Bootstraps tools have many wonderful and outstanding features like Add-ons, pre-styled modules of library and so many. This is the reason that every talented web designer and web developer always keep an eye on bootstraps tools.… Continue reading 8 Essential Bootstrap Tools For Web Designers

Editing Images in CSS: Combining Techniques

In last two tutorials of this series, we have discussed how filters and blend modes can completely change the appearance of images. In this tutorial, I will cover the basics of editing images by using both these properties together. The Basics of Layering Image Effects With CSS Any non-primitive image editing usually requires more than… Continue reading Editing Images in CSS: Combining Techniques

How to Conduct an Interface Inventory With InVision

By definition: an inventory is a gathering of items tracked in a list. This term isn’t anything new, but the idea of using this concept towards interfaces is. Brad Frost, who coined the term “Atomic Design”, states that creating agnostic patterns helps to build far more versatile components that can be used widely across a… Continue reading How to Conduct an Interface Inventory With InVision

Weekly News for Designers Week 8

New Resources & Tools Bricks.js – A blazing fast masonry layout generator for fixed width elements. Imperfect Buttons – “Hand-Drawn” border effect on buttons with CSS border-radius. 30 Projects in 30 Days to Learn Swift – A self taught project to learn Swift from Allen Wang. Editor Color Schemes – A collection of color schemes… Continue reading Weekly News for Designers Week 8

Brick.js – A Blazing Fast Masonry Layout Generator

Brick.js is a blazing fast masonry layout generator for fixed width elements. Bricks capitalizes on batched reading of layout properties for blazing fast packing time, no matter how many items. Besides performance, it features: No required HTML markup or CSS stylesheet, Minimal, powerful, and readable configuration, Optional resize handling, Optimized handling of dynamically added items.… Continue reading Brick.js – A Blazing Fast Masonry Layout Generator

What’s new for designers, February 2016

In this month’s edition of what’s new for designers and developers, we’ve included frameworks, code resources, UX and UI design tools, JavaScript resources, design and dev tools, apps, stock photo sources, and much more. And as always, we’ve also included some awesome new free fonts! Almost everything on the list this month is free, with… Continue reading What’s new for designers, February 2016

Project: Build a Complete Website With Middleman

In part three of this series we’re going to get our hands dirty and start building a site for a fictitious podcast site: “Matcha Nerdz”. We’ll be using Middleman, Bourbon, Neat and Bitters. Let’s go! In This Post Roadmap Basic Blog Setup LiveReload Organizing Posts GitHub Pages Deployment Smarter Assets Bourbon Setup Normalize and jQuery… Continue reading Project: Build a Complete Website With Middleman

9 Best JavaScript Minifying Tools

Minifying is a technique of removing unnecessary characters from the source code to make it look simple and neat. This technique is also known as code compression and minimization. Here, we have gathered for you 10 best JavaScript minifying tools that will help you remove unwanted white space characters, new line characters, comments, etc. in… Continue reading 9 Best JavaScript Minifying Tools

Weekly News for Designers (320) – Material Design CSS, Flexbox Editor, Wordexpress

New Resources & Tools MJML – The only framework that makes responsive-email easy Materialize – A CSS Framework based on Material Design. CSSGram – A tiny library for recreating Instagram filters with CSS filters & blend modes. Plain Email – An app concept for efficient one-touch email processing. Wordexpress – A WordPress project that uses… Continue reading Weekly News for Designers (320) – Material Design CSS, Flexbox Editor, Wordexpress

Developing a Static Site Generator Workflow

Nobody likes finding bugs. Even worse, no one enjoys finding bugs while shopping for digital products. That is why, as a company providing a web-based bug tracking tool to tens of thousands of users, we have to ensure a bug-free environment. With our increasing number of web pages – and therefore increasing lines of code… Continue reading Developing a Static Site Generator Workflow

Coffee Break – Multipurpose Fullscreen Template – 14038347

Coffee Break is a minimal, responsive coming soon / portfolio / landing page HTML5 template based on Bootstrap 3. This multipurpose, customizable template includes unique style, 500+ Font Awesome icons, custom animations, distinct background styles and much more! Features Responsive design Bootstrap 3 framework 500+ Font Awesome vector icons YouTube background Low-poly animation background Slideshow… Continue reading Coffee Break – Multipurpose Fullscreen Template – 14038347