How To Create Impressive Websites

Image source:[2] As we already mentioned, ‘wow’ is the word we want our users to say when they open our website. It shows that they are amazed by what we’ve done and that our work was successful. You could appreciate them liking the site or addressing it as nice, but it is much better… Continue reading How To Create Impressive Websites

Some Of The Best Photo Manipulation Tutorials

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a fantasy fiery portrait of a woman. You’ll learn how to use textures, add fire and create lighting effect. Advanced compositing techniques This photomontage by Serbian illustrator Becha was created for an haute couture fashion editorial called Silent Spring that appeared in her home country’s Faar… Continue reading Some Of The Best Photo Manipulation Tutorials

Making Accessibility Simpler, With Ally.js

I’ve been a web developer for 15 years, but I’d never looked into accessibility. I didn’t know enough people with (serious) disabilities to properly understand the need for accessible applications and no customer has ever required me to know what ARIA is. But I got involved with accessibility anyway – and that’s the story I’d… Continue reading Making Accessibility Simpler, With Ally.js

How to Color in a Traditionally Inked Comic in Adobe Illustrator

Learn how to turn a traditionally inked comic page into a warmly lit night scene in vector. With live paint, global process colors, gradients and different layer transparency settings in Adobe Illustrator, we will turn our black and white artwork into a comic page brimming with color. 1. Prepare the Line Art Step 1 I have… Continue reading How to Color in a Traditionally Inked Comic in Adobe Illustrator

Making MEAN Apps with Google Maps (Part II)

Introduction Welcome back! Last time, we created an application that integrated Google Maps directly into the MEAN stack. The app provided us a panel to create users, tag their location based on latitude and longitude, and validate their whereabouts using HTML5 geolocation. As of this writing, over 150 users have added themselves to our demo… Continue reading Making MEAN Apps with Google Maps (Part II)

Making SVG Accessible

1: Treat linked SVG images as you would bitmaps When linking to an SVG document as an image, the alt attribute is still required: <img src=”coca-cola-logo.svg” alt=”Coca-Cola”> … just like a regular bitmap. 2: If you’re using inline SVG, provide a title The <title> of an SVG element serves a similar purpose to the <title>… Continue reading Making SVG Accessible

What To Keep In Mind When You Use Typography in Your Design

One of the most common elements of your website is typography. After all, it is for reading the content that visitors typically look to visit your web-pages. Undoubtedly, graphics and layouts are also key components of a webpage but you simply cannot ignore line heights, type size, and column width in their favor. When it… Continue reading What To Keep In Mind When You Use Typography in Your Design

13 Ways to Stop Clients making Too Many Revisions

It can be a designer’s dilemma when clients won’t stop asking for repeated revisions. When we design for our clients we want them to be happy with the result, but sometimes they can go too far and can make our lives a living hell. When we start out as designers, we rarely take into the… Continue reading 13 Ways to Stop Clients making Too Many Revisions

Are You Making These 14 Common HTML5 Mistakes

HTML5, the latest standard for HTML and a candidate recommendation of the W3C, was definitely a blessing for web developers. It has not only allowed them to make their markup more search engine friendly, but also helped them get cut off on HTTP requests and create a better user experience. Despite all HTML5 has to… Continue reading Are You Making These 14 Common HTML5 Mistakes

Making a Nice Ubuntu Desktop Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS6

In this tutorial, it will show you how to create a nice desktop wallpaper using Adobe Photoshop CS6. You will find it very useful to create another wallpapers. Layered PSD file included. Let’s get started! Final Image Preview Start working by creating a new document (Ctrl+N) in Adobe Photoshop CS6 with the size 1920px by 1200px… Continue reading Making a Nice Ubuntu Desktop Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS6

Illustrator Tutorials: 24 Amazing Tutorials to Making of Vector Graphics

High quality illustrator tutorials shows how to drawing and making of vector graphics. By using these new Adobe Illustrator Tutorials you can easily create vector art, vector portraits and other useful realistic vector designs. In this collection we’re gathered latest Illustrator CS6 and Illustrator CC tutorials which can help to create Vector Graphics in Adobe Illustrator. I hope! these illustrator… Continue reading Illustrator Tutorials: 24 Amazing Tutorials to Making of Vector Graphics

4 Common Mistakes You are Making on Your Website and How to Fix Them

Your website is your most vital online tool. When visitors click on your homepage, it’s often their first opportunity to interact with your brand. If you’re not getting results, you’ve probably made some major—and pretty common—mistakes on your site. Fortunately, it’s often easy to correct such problems. By employing a few simple measures, you can… Continue reading 4 Common Mistakes You are Making on Your Website and How to Fix Them

25 CSS3 Code Snippets for Making 3D Animated Effects

Web developers have been immersing themselves into CSS3-based designs. Transition animations along with CSS keyframes have opened the door to many possibilities. 3D animation was never optimal outside of Flash-based websites. However the further advancements in JavaScript along with CSS3 have created a new code toolbox for web designers. I’ve put together a number of… Continue reading 25 CSS3 Code Snippets for Making 3D Animated Effects

20 Photoshop Poster Tutorials

These 20 inspiring Photoshop poster tutorials in this post will teach you the basics of Photoshop, and also some advanced manipulations techniques for creating amazing designs. These tutorial are ideal for print designers or any other designers who want to improve their Photoshop skills. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments… Continue reading 20 Photoshop Poster Tutorials

20 Useful and High Quality Web Design Tutorials and Resources

Web designers and developers must know various important components to develop a beautiful website. All tricks and tools can not able to learn within few days. It requires long practice and hard work. To help those guys I today going to present 20 Useful and High Quality Web Design Tutorials and Resources.   How to… Continue reading 20 Useful and High Quality Web Design Tutorials and Resources

Build a Dynamic Dashboard with ChartJS

Final Product What You’ll Be Creating DownloadSOURCE FILES DemoVIEW IT ONLINE Today we will be creating a dynamic dashboard with live charts, through the power of ChartJS. ChartJS is a powerful, dependency free JavaScript library which builds graphs via the canvas element. Best of all, it’s easy for designers to get up and running. We’ll be focusing… Continue reading Build a Dynamic Dashboard with ChartJS

Making a Super Simple Registration System With PHP and MySQL

Writing a registration system is a lot of work. You have to write code that validates email addresses, sends confirmation emails, provides forgotten password functionality, stores passwords securely, validates input forms and a lot more. Even when you do all of this, users will still be reluctant to register as it involves a lot of… Continue reading Making a Super Simple Registration System With PHP and MySQL

Making Complex Selections (Part 1)

Have you ever had to make a very complex selection and didn’t know where to begin? In this tutorial, we will show you to to combine vector and pixel masks to help you make a complex selection of a furry animal. Let’s get started! Tutorial Assets The following assets were used during the production of… Continue reading Making Complex Selections (Part 1)

40+ Awesome Photoshop Poster Tutorials For Your Inspiration

Creating your own creative poster in Photoshop is fun and challenging. If you are not yet an expert, then don’t worry! You can find tons of easy to follow poster design tutorials for Photoshop. Most of them will guide you “step by step” to make sure you learn every step involved in the process. A… Continue reading 40+ Awesome Photoshop Poster Tutorials For Your Inspiration

70+ Must Have jQuery Tutorials

Welcome to day 7, the last installment of tutorial week on Designrfix. Today we have assembled an awesome collection of some wicked jQuery tutorials from around the Web. I am confident that these web design and development tutorials will arm you with all the necessary techniques in-order to achieve those latest web design trends. Lastly,… Continue reading 70+ Must Have jQuery Tutorials

10 Great WordPress Plugins for Making Development Easier

When developing for WordPress, it’s great to know the in’s and out’s of the CMS completely, and in return output a fantastic end project.WordPress development oftentimes comes with the fact, though, that you’ll be using many of the same features repeatedly in different projects, or perhaps many times within one project. Even if you know… Continue reading 10 Great WordPress Plugins for Making Development Easier

Making the Most of Photoshop Layers

The way web designers are using Photoshop is changing; pixel perfect comps are less relevant than they were a year or two ago. However, Photoshop is still an invaluable design tool and using its features properly is as important as ever. The following tips will help you master working with layers. A Quick Word About… Continue reading Making the Most of Photoshop Layers

Your First 30 Days of Learning Web Design: How to Get Started and Not Give Up

Congratulations! Web design can be one of the most useful skills to acquire in your professional career. Your first 30 days of learning are crucial because many people simply give up after a week or two. In this article, we’ll go through some useful tips and tricks to help you get started with web design… Continue reading Your First 30 Days of Learning Web Design: How to Get Started and Not Give Up

Making a jQuery Countdown Timer

When building a coming soon or event page, you find yourself in search for a good way to display the remaining time. A countdown gives the feel of urgency, and combined with an email field will yield more signups for your newsletter. Today we are going to build a neat jQuery plugin for displaying a countdown timer.… Continue reading Making a jQuery Countdown Timer