NodeJS Framework – An Easy Way To Develop High Performance Apps

We are well conscious of the fact that applications development has been successful in creating a buzz all over the world. Therefore, with this advancement, different frameworks are deployed in order to develop highly scalable and real time applications and that too, in a simpler way. The augmenting popularity of Javascript has led to the… Continue reading NodeJS Framework – An Easy Way To Develop High Performance Apps

Making MEAN Apps with Google Maps (Part II)

Introduction Welcome back! Last time, we created an application that integrated Google Maps directly into the MEAN stack. The app provided us a panel to create users, tag their location based on latitude and longitude, and validate their whereabouts using HTML5 geolocation. As of this writing, over 150 users have added themselves to our demo… Continue reading Making MEAN Apps with Google Maps (Part II)

Creating Your First Node.js Command-line Application

Command-line utilities are a must for every seasoned web developer. Node.js makes developing such tools extremely easy thanks to a wealth of open source modules and a great package manager. In this tutorial, we will convert our Cute File Browser, which we published last week, from PHP to Node. Our goal is to create a… Continue reading Creating Your First Node.js Command-line Application

Real-time Visitor Globe with Node.js and WebGL

In this post we would like to share with you a cool project we created by using Node.js and WebGL. It’s a mapped globe of the Earth that you can use to keep track of the people who use your web apps in real-time. After a quick setup, you’ll be able to see the location… Continue reading Real-time Visitor Globe with Node.js and WebGL

An Introduction to Using Bower With WordPress

The majority of web projects today start with or include third party libraries. If you are working on a WordPress theme, there’s probably a good chance that you are using the HTML5 Boilerplate, Bootstrap, or Foundation. Most of these projects are available on GitHub and accessible via Bower. In this series I’m going to introduce you… Continue reading An Introduction to Using Bower With WordPress

A Detailed Introduction To Node.js And MongoDB

Node.js is a rapidly growing technology that has been overtaking the world of server-side programming with surprising speed. MongoDB is a technology that’s revolutionizing database usage. Together, the two tools are a potent combination, thanks to the fact that they both employ JavaScript and JSON. At first glance, coming to grips with Node.js and MongoDB… Continue reading A Detailed Introduction To Node.js And MongoDB

Best Node.js Tutorials and Resources for Beginners

Node.js is increasingly gaining popularity among web developers. Due to all hosting companies Node.js remains the prerogative of dedicated servers and VPS. Actually VPS is a solution that even a small startup can afford. For more details refer to the documentation on As you know, Node.js supports modules. You can find the folder for… Continue reading Best Node.js Tutorials and Resources for Beginners

Building Beautiful Books and Exercises with GitBook

GitBook is a command line tool (and Node.js library) for building beautiful programming books and exercises using GitHub/Git and Markdown. A book can contain interactive exercises. An exercise is a code challenge provided to the reader, which is given a code editor to write a solution which is checked against the book author’s validation code.… Continue reading Building Beautiful Books and Exercises with GitBook

Creating a Node Web App With Hapi and Twilio Integration

As a developer evangelist for Twilio, I spend a lot of time going to events.  When I’m chatting with event organizers and they realize I work for Twilio, one of the most common requests they have is for me is a simple application they can use to power voting at their events. Generally they are… Continue reading Creating a Node Web App With Hapi and Twilio Integration

Time Saving Synchronised Browser Testing

When you’re making responsive websites, there’s a lot of tweaking and testing to do. BrowserSync makes your workflow faster by synchronising URLs, interactions and code changes across multiple devices. It’s wicked-fast and totally free. Your scroll, click, refresh and form actions are mirrored to browsers while you test. Browsers are automatically updated as you change… Continue reading Time Saving Synchronised Browser Testing