A Look Into CSS Units: Pixels, EM, and Percentage

Unit takes an important role for measuring and building things like a house, a bridge or a tower, and building a website is not an exception. There are a number of methods of measurements used on the Web, specifically in CSS, namely Pixel, EM and Percentage. In this post, we are going to run through… Continue reading A Look Into CSS Units: Pixels, EM, and Percentage

Build a Dynamic Dashboard with ChartJS

Final Product What You’ll Be Creating DownloadSOURCE FILES DemoVIEW IT ONLINE Today we will be creating a dynamic dashboard with live charts, through the power of ChartJS. ChartJS is a powerful, dependency free JavaScript library which builds graphs via the canvas element. Best of all, it’s easy for designers to get up and running. We’ll be focusing… Continue reading Build a Dynamic Dashboard with ChartJS

CSS: Responsive Navigation Menu

Previously I wrote a tutorial on how to make a mobile navigation for responsive design, now I’ve discovered a new technique to produce a responsive menu without having to use Javascript. It uses clean and semantic HTML5 markup. The menu can be aligned left, center or right. Unlike the previous tutorial where it is clicked… Continue reading CSS: Responsive Navigation Menu