25 CSS3 Code Snippets for Making 3D Animated Effects

Web developers have been immersing themselves into CSS3-based designs. Transition animations along with CSS keyframes have opened the door to many possibilities. 3D animation was never optimal outside of Flash-based websites. However the further advancements in JavaScript along with CSS3 have created a new code toolbox for web designers.

I’ve put together a number of fantastic open source code samples using 3D animation effects. Many rely solely on CSS3 while others are a mix of CSS and JavaScript. Keep in mind that people using older web browsers may not be able to fully appreciate your 3D animations. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore the practice! As more people upgrade to newer browsers there will be greater support in the years to come.

Navigation Bar

3d perspective navigation bar design icons

Foldable Tab Bar

3d effect foldable navigation tabs links

Digital Book Preview

rotating 3d book display preview website css3

Windows 8 Metro Animations

custom css3 animated windows win8 metro flat ui

CSS 3D Solar System

rotating planets codepen io graphics 3d effects

Direction-Aware 3D Hover

3d hover effect direction aware sensory open source

180 Transformation

180 degrees rotation transform css3 howto

Ranged Price Slider

html5 input slider range 3d effect budget price

CSS-Only MacBook Air

simple css 3d design macbook air laptop

Animated 404

404 3d orb rotating animation effect

CSS 3D Animated Chart

animated chart effects 3d css3 codepen open source

Text Perspective

fun css text perspective typography example

3D Gallery Display

css3 3d galery images auto rotation script

Flat Origami

flat origami article display 3d css3 effect

Pure CSS Peel

css3 pure animated sticker peel effect

3D Content Boxes

rotating 3d animated box shadow effects

Little Menu Bar

small simple white css3 box shadows icons nav

Card Flip

3d css3 card flip effect ios style open source

3D Profile Flip Effect

3d css3 profile vcard badges effect animated ui open source

Swinging Panel Menu

css3 swinging panel menu on hover design

Text Cutout Effect

open text animated shadow popout paper effect

Animated 3D Bar Chart

animated 3d bar chart effect codrops tutorial

Responsive CSS Timeline

responsive css timeline effect tutorial codrops

3D Cube Flip Plugin

jquery 3d cubes animated flip effects

3D Restaurant Menu

animated 3d food restaurant menu open source