HTML Element: section

Example Here’s a document, which itself has a heading, along with two section elements and their own content: Syntax 1 <h1>Learning Spanish</h1> 2 <section> 3 <h2>First Chapter</h2> 4 <p>Eiusmod esse amet reprehenderit ea consequat et tempor ad enim.</p> 5 </section> 6 <section> 7 <h2>Second Chapter</h2> 8 <p>Laborum laborum elit aute reprehenderit ea exercitation cupidatat qui… Continue reading HTML Element: section

Categorized as Tutorials

How to Set Up WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping for Free

Consumers buy online because of the large number of available choices and the convenience of getting products delivered to their doorstep. While product prices usually stay the same for everyone, the shipping costs can vary depending on a lot of factors. This includes the total weight, quantity, shipping speed, shipping distance, etc. You can solve… Continue reading How to Set Up WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping for Free

35 Best Car Wash & Detailing Flyer Templates

This subscription-based marketplace offers tons of graphic templates, fonts, logos, add-ons, and more, all for one low monthly fee. Best Car Wash & Detailing Flyer Templates 1. Car Wash Flyer (AI, EPS, PSD) The Car Wash Flyer template will help you create a terrific flyer with all the essential information in no time at all.… Continue reading 35 Best Car Wash & Detailing Flyer Templates

How to Outline Text in Affinity Designer

In the following tutorial, you will learn three methods that can be used to outline text in Affinity Designer. Once you’ve learned how to outline text in Affinity Designer, you can head over to Envato Elements where you can get unlimited downloads of stock videos, music, graphics, photos, fonts, and more. What You’ll Learn in… Continue reading How to Outline Text in Affinity Designer

JavaScript for Web Designers (Free Course)

We’ll start off simple by discussing variables, data types, and loops. Then, we’ll move on to more complicated concepts like functions, selectors, and events. You’ll even get a chance to apply the skills you’ve learned by putting together some examples – perfect for any web designer! What You’ll Learn What JavaScript is and how it… Continue reading JavaScript for Web Designers (Free Course)

How to Create a Terrazzo Pattern in Photoshop

Do you love terrazzo patterns and textures? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a terrazzo pattern in Photoshop for all your design projects. I’ll explain everything in so much detail that everyone can create the terrazzo pattern, even those who have just opened Photoshop for the first time. What You’ll Learn in This… Continue reading How to Create a Terrazzo Pattern in Photoshop

How to Create a Fox Head Logo

What You’ll Be Creating In the following tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a fox logo design from scratch using Adobe Illustrator. If you don’t have the time to make your own vector fox logo, then Envato Elements is the solution. This subscription-based marketplace has over 2,000 Illustrator add-ons you can download without restrictions! Check… Continue reading How to Create a Fox Head Logo

How To Change Your Username in WordPress

Now that the plugin is installed, we can change the username. Click on your profile in the top-right corner of the screen, then select Edit My Profile from the dropdown menu. Click the Edit Profile menu option in the top right corner. Scroll down to the Username field, click on the Change Username link, and… Continue reading How To Change Your Username in WordPress

How to Change the WordPress Favicon Settings

If you want to replace or change your favicon in the future, simply follow the same steps. Best Practices for Creating a Favicon Creating a favicon that is optimized for different devices and browsers is crucial for website design and development. Here are some best practices for creating a favicon: Size: Favicons should be either… Continue reading How to Change the WordPress Favicon Settings

HTML Element: select

Examples Syntax 1 <select name=”name” required> 2 <option value=”1″>John</option> 3 <option value=”2″>Jane</option> 4 <option value=”3″>Donald</option> 5 <option value=”4″>Chuck</option> 6 <option value=”5″>Leslie</option> 7 </select> A select element with the multiple attribute enabled (true) allows for multiple options to submit with a form submission. 1 <select multiple name=”name” required> 2 <option value=”1″>John</option> 3 <option value=”2″>Jane</option> 4 <option… Continue reading HTML Element: select

Categorized as Tutorials

14 Best Themes for Shopify Art Stores, Artisanal, Craft, and Handmade Product Shops

Shopify is the perfect platform if you want to sell art, crafts, artisanal, or handmade products. There are plenty of Shopify art store exaples made specifically for these niches—let’s take a look! Shopify Art Stores (Best Themes for 2024) If you’re looking to metaphorically climb the Shopify Mountain when it comes to setting up shop,… Continue reading 14 Best Themes for Shopify Art Stores, Artisanal, Craft, and Handmade Product Shops

The Best Artisanal, Art, Crafts, and Handmade Product Store Themes for Shopify

Shopify is the perfect platform if you want to sell art, crafts, artisanal, or handmade products. There are plenty of Shopify themes made specifically for these niches—let’s take a look! Clayttery is an example of Shopify Art and Craft store theme on ThemeForest. If you’ve never used Shopify before these tutorials will help you get… Continue reading The Best Artisanal, Art, Crafts, and Handmade Product Store Themes for Shopify

How to Create a MySQL-Powered Forum From Scratch in Laravel

In this tutorial, we’re going to build a PHP/MySQL-powered forum from scratch in Laravel. What Is Laravel? From the official documentation: Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation—freeing you to create without sweating the small things. It’s an open-source PHP web application framework designed for… Continue reading How to Create a MySQL-Powered Forum From Scratch in Laravel

Can You Use ChatGPT in Web Design? More Importantly, Should You?

The launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 got everyone talking about AI. At first there were rumblings about how it would make copywriting and web design much easier. Then came talk of how AI content generators would render writers and designers obsolete. In this post, I want to examine how accurate these claims and concerns… Continue reading Can You Use ChatGPT in Web Design? More Importantly, Should You?

How to Make a Custom Mouse Cursor with CSS or JavaScript

Back in the early stages of web development, websites ran rampant with all sorts of wacky features: galaxy-themed backgrounds, colorful fonts to the point of illegibility, and marquees galore. Source: Now we’ve more or less calmed down when it comes to web design but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun features on our… Continue reading How to Make a Custom Mouse Cursor with CSS or JavaScript

How To Replace URLs in WordPress in 5 Minutes

In this article, I’m going to show you how to instantly replace all URLs in your WordPress website and database using a single plugin. Before proceeding, ensure that you have access to your WordPress admin dashboard. Let’s say you host all of your website’s images on an external site like Dropbox. But one day you… Continue reading How To Replace URLs in WordPress in 5 Minutes

HTML Element: form

Example Syntax 1 <form action=”” method=”get”> 2 <input type=”search” name=”q” placeholder=”Search…”> 3 <input type=”submit” value=”Search Google…”> 4 </form> Result Browser Support The HTML <form> tag is supported in all modern browsers. Read more on  Attributes The <form> tag supports Global Attributes in HTML. Global Attributes are common to all HTML elements and can be… Continue reading HTML Element: form

How to build a JavaScript page loading animation

To better understand what we’re going to build, check out the demo page. Be sure to click on the menu links to repeat the page loading JavaScript animation. As both JS animations have similarities, I’ll borrow some content sections from the previous tutorial. This will help keep each tutorial detailed and independent.  Web page loading… Continue reading How to build a JavaScript page loading animation

14 Best Plugins for Embedding YouTube and Vimeo in WordPress

Are you looking to stream YouTube or Vimeo videos directly from your website so visitors don’t have to leave your page? Video is an extremely powerful marketing tool that vastly improves traffic to your website, promotes your products, increases engagement, drives leads, and boosts revenue.  But video uses a lot of bandwidth and can slow… Continue reading 14 Best Plugins for Embedding YouTube and Vimeo in WordPress