How Good Is JavaScript for Building a Large Scale Web Application?

According to the most statistics that are recent on, significantly more than 89percent of sites presently utilize JavaScript as a client-side program writing language. As a cross-platform and programming that is lightweight, JavaScript makes it easier for programmers to build responsive websites and web applications that work with seamlessly with popular web browsers, operating… Continue reading How Good Is JavaScript for Building a Large Scale Web Application?

Project: Build a Complete Website With Middleman

In part three of this series we’re going to get our hands dirty and start building a site for a fictitious podcast site: “Matcha Nerdz”. We’ll be using Middleman, Bourbon, Neat and Bitters. Let’s go! In This Post Roadmap Basic Blog Setup LiveReload Organizing Posts GitHub Pages Deployment Smarter Assets Bourbon Setup Normalize and jQuery… Continue reading Project: Build a Complete Website With Middleman

11 CSS3 Animation Tools For Developers

This post showcases 11 best and most amazing CSS3 animation tools that will be extremely helpful for the developers. CSS3 has got excellent reputation among designers and developers. It is here to help them create amazing results. With these animation tools, you can create breath taking animations in a hassle free manner. These resources will… Continue reading 11 CSS3 Animation Tools For Developers

Weekly News iDevie (week 5)

This is our popular weekly design news post where we share our favorite design related articles, resources and freebies from the past week. You can sign-up to our awesome weekly newsletter for some more amazing design articles, resources and freebies. New Resources & Tools voxel.css – A new, lightweight 3D CSS voxel library. Performance Budget… Continue reading Weekly News iDevie (week 5)

NodeJS Framework – An Easy Way To Develop High Performance Apps

We are well conscious of the fact that applications development has been successful in creating a buzz all over the world. Therefore, with this advancement, different frameworks are deployed in order to develop highly scalable and real time applications and that too, in a simpler way. The augmenting popularity of Javascript has led to the… Continue reading NodeJS Framework – An Easy Way To Develop High Performance Apps

More About MEAN Stack You Want to Know!

A latest technology to the old-fashioned LAMP/WAMP stack for building professional websites and real-time applications is MEAN (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js) stack, which is an open-source software. MEAN is nothing but a rearrangement of code and technology upgrades switching the base platform from Linux OS to a JavaScript run-time which brings Node.js. Node.js allows to… Continue reading More About MEAN Stack You Want to Know!

Manipulating SVG Icons With Simple CSS

This article is the second in a three-part series showing the new approaches to iconography Iconic will be delivering. If you like what you see in this article, please consider backing Iconic on Kickstarter   Styling Icons With CSS Smart icons have gotten a lot of interest, but styling may be the most useful feature… Continue reading Manipulating SVG Icons With Simple CSS

A jQuery Plugin for Creating Calendars

There are wonderful and feature-rich calendar modules out there and they all suffer the same problem: they give you markup (and often a good heap of JS) that you have to work with and style. This leads to a lot of hacking, pushing, pulling, and annoying why-can’t-it-do-what-I-want scenarios. CLNDR is a jQuery calendar plugin. Unlike… Continue reading A jQuery Plugin for Creating Calendars

10 jquery plugins for typography problems

Typography has been one of the biggest nightmares of the web designers and developers. As the websites are getting more and more interactive, static typographic features are becoming a thing of the past. Website owners now want text that not only coveys the message, but also attract the visitors. Now even though we now have… Continue reading 10 jquery plugins for typography problems

20 Useful and High Quality Web Design Tutorials and Resources

Web designers and developers must know various important components to develop a beautiful website. All tricks and tools can not able to learn within few days. It requires long practice and hard work. To help those guys I today going to present 20 Useful and High Quality Web Design Tutorials and Resources.   How to… Continue reading 20 Useful and High Quality Web Design Tutorials and Resources

Creating the New Google Play’s Multi-Level Navigation from Scratch

Google have recently released a new Google Play website complete with a new redesign and what caught my attention was the way they implemented their navigation bar. With the smooth animation and how they let users peek at the root-level menu by simply hovering a back button, I decided to build a similar navigation menu from scratch… Continue reading Creating the New Google Play’s Multi-Level Navigation from Scratch

Add Depth to Flat UI with Flat Shadow.js

A while ago, I stumbled upon a post called Flat design casts a long shadow by the fine folks at Web Designer Depot and I was amazed by how adding a simple shadow could create such a beautiful depth of design to the flat UI elements. What if we bring this effect to the web? Today, let… Continue reading Add Depth to Flat UI with Flat Shadow.js

Creating an iOS-like Home Screen with CoffeeScript

Today we are going to create an iOS-like home screen using CoffeeScript – a new JavaScript based language, and the jQuery library. CoffeScript has a clean syntax that lies somewhere in between Ruby and Python. If you haven’t used any of them, don’t worry – it is not required. However you will need to be… Continue reading Creating an iOS-like Home Screen with CoffeeScript