Why The Design Aspect Of Web Design Is Stuck In A Rut

March 27, 2017 by Spyre Studios Are you bored with your website? Are you bored with everyone else’s website? If you’ve started to notice that almost every website looks the same, you’re not alone. Tons of people these days are surfing the web, feeling that odd sense of déjà vu wherever they go. And we… Continue reading Why The Design Aspect Of Web Design Is Stuck In A Rut

10 Places to Find Free Graphic Design Mockups

Looking for free graphic design mockups? This collection of template resource websites has everything you need to create the perfect mockup for your design project. A design file resource website that’s focused entirely on delivering free graphic design mockups. Mockup World has everything you can hope for from a mockup freebies website. The site has various… Continue reading 10 Places to Find Free Graphic Design Mockups

Docsify: A magical documentation generator

I was just looking for a clean documentation templates focused on usability when it magically appeared right in my face! That’s docsify, not a template but a documentation generator which doesn’t generate static HTML files, but loads and parses your markdown files and displays them as website. It is lightweight and comes with a bunch of themes. Also, it comes with a powerful live search… Continue reading Docsify: A magical documentation generator

Docsify: A magical documentation generator

I was just looking for a clean documentation templates focused on usability when it magically appeared right in my face! That’s docsify, not a template but a documentation generator which doesn’t generate static HTML files, but loads and parses your markdown files and displays them as website. It is lightweight and comes with a bunch of themes. Also, it comes with a powerful live search… Continue reading Docsify: A magical documentation generator

Snow: Free PSD + HTML portfolio template

Snow is a free website template designed and released by Svetlana S. that you can use for creating minimal and clean portfolios. It comes in both PSD and HTML and includes a front page, two portfolio pages and two blog pages. Additionally, a WordPress version is available for sale on ThemeForest. View demo   Download template

Bodo: A free HTML Personal / Portfolio template

Bodo is a free one page HTML template that you can use for getting started with a personal / portfolio website.  It is basically made of sections, includes a few useful components (carousel slider, skills bars, forms, etc.) and is featured by subtle but elegant animations. The package – released exclusively for Freebiesbug – has been designed and… Continue reading Bodo: A free HTML Personal / Portfolio template

Makes HTML Presentations Easy with WebSlides

Posted · Category: Gallery, MIT License WebSlides makes HTML presentations easy. Just the essentials and using lovely CSS. Each parent <section> in the #webslides element is an individual slide. Code is clean and scalable. It uses intuitive markup with popular naming conventions. There’s no need to overuse classes or nesting. Making an HTML presentation has never… Continue reading Makes HTML Presentations Easy with WebSlides

Karmo: A free HTML templates for agencies and creatives

Karmo is a modern, flexible, well crafted and free HTML template designed and coded by the young UI/UX designer Tansilav Robert. The template is based on Bootstrap and consists of 4 pages, well documented code and a bunch of components. Its clean and professional design makes it ideal for digital agencies and creatives of any kind. View demo Download freebie

bttn.css – A set of ready-coded CSS buttons

bttn.css is a small CSS library built by Ganapati Bhat to be included into your main stylesheet and easily add beautiful buttons to your own web project. Once you do that, you just need to add some classes to HTML buttons and you are done. Super easy! Buttons come in 6 colours and 9 different styles, but they’re customisable at your own pleasure with… Continue reading bttn.css – A set of ready-coded CSS buttons

The Big Interview: Kevin Ball and Rafi Benkual talk all things ZURB

This month we got the opportunity to interview Kevin Ball and Rafi Benkual from ZURB. We got to talk about the future of the web, the state of web design today, and of course, about Foundation. WebdesignerDepot: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Ezequiel Bruni for Web Designer Depot, and today we are talking to… Continue reading The Big Interview: Kevin Ball and Rafi Benkual talk all things ZURB

Top 10 resources for designing email newsletters

The world of email marketing is constantly changing. There are dozens of tools out there tailor made to help marketers write emails, designers craft emails, and developers code emails. But with so many tools available, it can be frustrating to find the best ones. That’s why, in this post, I’ve curated the top ten best… Continue reading Top 10 resources for designing email newsletters

Applying artistic facial effects to images on the fly

Ever wished you could add snapchat like effects on your images? Good news is, you actually don’t need extensive training or specific face detection skills to get started. All you need is Cloudinary. Cloudinary is a cloud-based image management solution that gives you the power to upload, store, manipulate, optimize and deliver images. It also… Continue reading Applying artistic facial effects to images on the fly

Angular 2 Transclusion using ng-content

Free Course Getting Started with Angular 2 Angular 2 is the shiny new framework that comes with a lot of new concepts. Learn all the great new features. Get Started Wait a minute… What is transclusion? Understanding Transclusion Don’t get confused by the term Transclusion. It’s best explained using an example. Let’s say we have… Continue reading Angular 2 Transclusion using ng-content

Automatic responsive images with client hints

Over time, developers have wrestled with forcing images into responsive layouts. Media queries and fluid grids are constantly employed to achieve visually flexible images. Achieving such flexible images as pointed out by Ethan Marcotte in the seminal first edition of his book  is as easy as: img { max-width: 100%; } The image resources being… Continue reading Automatic responsive images with client hints

Poll: should coders learn to design?

Okay developers, it’s your turn. People have ranted on and on for years about whether or not designers should learn to code. Heck, I’ve ranted about it. I still contend that… no. No no… This is about you devs, now. Should people who primarily code the back end of web products learn to design the… Continue reading Poll: should coders learn to design?

Social Media Sharing Buttons without JavaScript

Posted · Category: MIT License, Social Love or loathe them, sharing buttons will not go away for a while. The default social media sharing scripts provided by the networks themselves are big, often download multiple files and track users across the web. Social Media Sharing Buttons generator outputs social media sharing buttons that do not… Continue reading Social Media Sharing Buttons without JavaScript

Algolia Places – Fast and Beautiful Address AutoCompletion

Posted · Category: Maps, MIT License Algolia Places is a fast, beautiful and easy-to-use address autocompletion. It turns any <input> into an address autocomplete. Algolia Places provides a fast, distributed and easy way to use an address search autocomplete JavaScript library on your website. It has been designed to improve the user experience of your… Continue reading Algolia Places – Fast and Beautiful Address AutoCompletion

How to Build a News Website Layout with Flexbox

What You’ll Be Creating It’s not necessary to understand every aspect of Flexbox before you can jump in and get started. In this tutorial, we’re going to introduce a few features of Flexbox whilst designing a “news layout” like the one you can find on The Guardian. The reason we’re using Flexbox is that it… Continue reading How to Build a News Website Layout with Flexbox

15 Free Admin Dashboard Templates (PSD & Sketch)

In recent years, much has changed in the way web users interact with dashboard data and complete simple backend tasks. Layouts are more spacious and mobile-friendly, colors are simpler, typography is highly-readable, interactive charts make data much easier to digest, and advancements in technology have made completing tasks much quicker. The admin panels of 2016… Continue reading 15 Free Admin Dashboard Templates (PSD & Sketch)

How to Create an AJAX Driven Theme for ProcessWire

In this tutorial we will look at setting up a simple theme in ProcessWire, we’ll investigate delayed output (now the default theme strategy within ProcessWire), and setup our site to request new content using AJAX. To accompany this tutorial I have created a new theme for ProcessWire, making use of both AJAX and delayed output,… Continue reading How to Create an AJAX Driven Theme for ProcessWire

Ruby Templating With Slim: Part 2

In the second and last part of this mini series, we’ll finish this introduction with sections about outputting Ruby code, interpolation, plain text and how to customize Slim to your needs. After that article you should be ready for some Slim action.  Outputting Code You have already seen a bit about how to use Ruby in… Continue reading Ruby Templating With Slim: Part 2