After searching through countless blog posts I have been looking for a really great image gallery slideshow. Something that could be added into WordPress and made as an easy publishing solution. This lead me onto Galleria which is a beautiful open source responsive image slideshow using jQuery. In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how… Continue reading Build a Mini Image Gallery Slideshow using Galleria
Tag: Building
Useful Tips for Building a Brand Identity with a Business Card
Brand design is never easy; in fact, it’s such a delicate task that you never know when you got the right thing and your career depends on it. Business cards are a means of presentation taken for granted these days. If having no social media makes you non-existent, how can you exist in the real… Continue reading Useful Tips for Building a Brand Identity with a Business Card
Create Your Own Landing Page: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners
If you already know what is a Landing Page and what it is for, I will call you a “Smarty Pants”, but please give me just 58 seconds to explain it to those who don’t really know what it is. So a Lead Capture Page, Lander or as most of us know it, a Landing… Continue reading Create Your Own Landing Page: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners
Building a Web App From Scratch in AngularJS
Building a WordPress-Friendly API Wrapper: Foundations
3 Top Responsive Web Design Traps You Should Avoid
No designer can ignore the call of the mobile. Mobile is the wave of the future and there is a tremendous surge in website designs that cater exclusively to the mobile. But separate mobile websites cannot stand firm against the onslaught of dozens of new mobile devices. Designers need to create designs that display attractively… Continue reading 3 Top Responsive Web Design Traps You Should Avoid
Building a Better User Experience by Designing in the Browser
As a web designer at Four Kitchens, part of my job is leading the production team’s visual design objectives. A key part of this process is ensuring the client’s satisfaction with the overall look and feel of the site. Since most of my projects utilize an agile development process, I am no stranger to shifting… Continue reading Building a Better User Experience by Designing in the Browser
32 Free Icon Sets for Building Unique Web Interfaces
Recently I was searching the web for some newer icon sets to build into a layout. There are so many freebies released every month that it can be tough to keep track of it all. But I know that icons are some of the most useful resources for structuring menus, links, buttons, and similar… Continue reading 32 Free Icon Sets for Building Unique Web Interfaces
Important Considerations When Building Single Page Web Apps
Single page web applications – or SPAs, as they are commonly referred to – are quickly becoming the de facto standard for web app development. The fact that a major part of the app runs inside a single web page makes it very interesting and appealing, and the accelerated growth of browser capabilities pushes us… Continue reading Important Considerations When Building Single Page Web Apps
A Comparison of Methods for Building Mobile-Optimized Websites
There’s a debate over which technique of creating mobile-ready websites is the best. Google advocates creating responsive web designs, while Jakob Nielsen, a renowned usability consultant, endorses the creation of dedicated mobile sites (but he was subsequently slammed by some web designers). A third option is also gaining in popularity, where the web server renders… Continue reading A Comparison of Methods for Building Mobile-Optimized Websites
Building Ribbit in Rails
Building Icons With a Single HTML Element
With the arrival of ultra high definition screens (think Retina) new design challenges have arisen; we need to find ways to accomodate all devices. Take displaying icons for example. We could lean on serving images at 200%,or using SVG,but it’s also possible to build a surprising amount of graphics with CSS alone. Let’s build an… Continue reading Building Icons With a Single HTML Element