One of the most important things to do when looking to start a new website (or modify an existing one) is to land on the right theme for you. While having good content is incredibly important, that content won’t have the same impact if you’re using a theme that isn’t suited for what you’re trying… Continue reading The Best SEO Friendly Themes For Your Drupal Website
Tag: break
10 Totally Free WordPress Backup Solutions
Backing up your precious data is a common best practice these days. But, what about your WordPress powered website? Yes, most web hosting companies do perform regular system backups. But beware – not every host is reliable when it comes to backups. And you certainly don’t want to wait until disaster strikes to find out… Continue reading 10 Totally Free WordPress Backup Solutions
The Big Interview: Kevin Ball and Rafi Benkual talk all things ZURB
This month we got the opportunity to interview Kevin Ball and Rafi Benkual from ZURB. We got to talk about the future of the web, the state of web design today, and of course, about Foundation. WebdesignerDepot: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Ezequiel Bruni for Web Designer Depot, and today we are talking to… Continue reading The Big Interview: Kevin Ball and Rafi Benkual talk all things ZURB
Making logos work for the web
When you design for the web, no matter the industry, there are expectations that must be met, and realities that must be accounted for. Although this is true for all forms of web design, it is especially true for logo design. This is something we’ve encountered numerous times. Think about the many different conventions of logo… Continue reading Making logos work for the web
Comics of the week #365
Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world… Continue reading Comics of the week #365
Comics of the week #361
Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world… Continue reading Comics of the week #361
Portfolio Sites That You Should Take As Example
Advertisement Every designer or artist wants to have the best possible online portfolio to showcase his or hers work in a manner that will make the visitors become clients. That’s the desired result, but how does a portfolio have to be to deliver those results? The answer is that it’s all relative. Even if we… Continue reading Portfolio Sites That You Should Take As Example
SpriteKit From Scratch: Constraints and Actions
Introduction In this tutorial, the second installment of the SpriteKit From Scratch series, you learn about constraints and actions. These features are used to easily add movement and animations to your SpriteKit game while limiting the position and orientation of nodes in the game. To follow along with me, you can either use the project… Continue reading SpriteKit From Scratch: Constraints and Actions
Deploying from GitHub to a Server
GitHub, and the Git version control system it’s based on, are fantastic tools for managing and collaborating on projects – code-based or otherwise. In this article, we’ll look at options for making Git and GitHub projects fit better into developer workflows, allowing for a smooth and hands-off deployment process. I’ll break these options into the… Continue reading Deploying from GitHub to a Server
100 Free PSD Website Templates
Regarding website design, 2016 has passed under the auspices of flat style. However there were also other factors that shaped the Web the previous year, such as asymmetrical arrangement, which helped projects to break away from traditional boxy structures, a ton of multimedia, which was huge, lavish and overwhelming, nifty and intriguing two-column homepages, enthralling… Continue reading 100 Free PSD Website Templates
Design Mock-Ups Need Dynamic Content: Tools and Plugins
Nothing is perfect on the web. We can’t make sure that our websites always work as intended, but we can try our best to design resilient and flexible websites that aren’t that easy to break — both in terms of interface design and security. Yet still neither resilience nor flexibility are usually reflected in deliverables… Continue reading Design Mock-Ups Need Dynamic Content: Tools and Plugins
Working with Data, Assets, and Templates in Middleman
This second tutorial about building static websites with Middleman dives a little deeper into the framework. By the end, you should know enough to build your own project from scratch. We’ll cover topics such as Data Files, Pretty URLs, Project Templates and the Asset Pipeline, so let’s get stuck in! Data Files So, having already… Continue reading Working with Data, Assets, and Templates in Middleman
Quick Tip: Don’t Forget the “noscript” Element
JavaScript is a powerful language which brings websites to life with interactivity, until that dreaded moment when JavaScript is disabled in the browser, out of the blue. In this quick tip we’ll look at providing fallbacks with the <noscript> element. No JavaScript Users might disable JavaScript for a number of reasons. They might be doing so to… Continue reading Quick Tip: Don’t Forget the “noscript” Element
5 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Freelance Web Professional
* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;} If you’re working as a web professional for an employer, chances are you occasionally daydream about going it alone. Maybe you do some freelance work in your spare time and would love to extend that to full time, or maybe you just want the freedom of being… Continue reading 5 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Freelance Web Professional
A Beginner’s Guide to HTTP and REST
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the life of the web. It’s used every time you transfer a document, or make an AJAX request. But HTTP is surprisingly a relative unknown among some web developers. This introduction will demonstrate how the set of design principles, known as REST, underpin HTTP, and allow you to embrace its… Continue reading A Beginner’s Guide to HTTP and REST