Getting Started with Chrome Developer Tools: Advanced DevTools

The most common tool in Chrome Developer Tools is Inspect Element. As we’ve covered, this tool allows you to view the CSS and HTML associated with specific on-screen elements. But there’s more power than that within DevTools. You can also access additional tools to do far more. You can debug JavaScript, monitor network performance, preview… Continue reading Getting Started with Chrome Developer Tools: Advanced DevTools

Build A Movie Player ― Scotch

Last week, we solved the code challenge #4: Build An Eye Tracking App with JavaScript. This week we will be looking at consuming API’s and utilizing APIs to fetch reusable data. The Challenge The challenge is basically to build a movie trailer player with image thumbnails for a playlist and a section to display selected… Continue reading Build A Movie Player ― Scotch

The Powerful JavaScript Debugger You Never Knew You Had

February 26, 2018 by Alex Fox When you were first starting to write JavaScript, you learned about console.log. You learned about outputting messages to the console and using it to troubleshoot your JavaScript. And unless you’re a fairly serious JavaScript developer, you might not have bothered with much more. When JavaScript apps don’t work correctly,… Continue reading The Powerful JavaScript Debugger You Never Knew You Had

Build An Eye-Tracking Alien with JavaScript ― Scotch

Hi and welcome to our Code Challenge #4. This week on the challenge we shall be delving into mouse tracking with JavaScript and simple animations with CSS. The Challenge The challenge is basically to build this Alien from Mars. We were browsing CodePen and saw this awesome CSS alien built by Eduardo Sada. View the… Continue reading Build An Eye-Tracking Alien with JavaScript ― Scotch

CSS Lightsaber Checkbox ― Scotch

Welcome to our Code Challenge #3. Way back when about five years ago when we started, one of our very first articles was to create lightsabers using plain CSS. Let’s bring that back and see how we can build out the same thing in this week’s code challenge. The Challenge The challenge is to… Continue reading CSS Lightsaber Checkbox ― Scotch

Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript ― Scotch

Object-Oriented Programming is a popular style of programming that has taken root in JavaScript since the beginning. It’s so deeply rooted in JavaScript that many of JavaScript’s native functions and methods are written in the Object Oriented style; you’ll also find many popular libraries written in the Object Oriented style as well. If you already… Continue reading Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript ― Scotch

The Best Ways To Securely Handle Your Passwords In JavaScript

February 14, 2018 by Spyrestudios Staying safe online is even more important than ever. We see news of companies being hacked, social media apologies galore for the same reason, and news stories almost every day about cyber crime. Which of course means we need to stay vigilant and safe. Which is a lot easier than… Continue reading The Best Ways To Securely Handle Your Passwords In JavaScript

Why You Should Choose JQuery for Your Next Project?

JQuery is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks that are commonly used in interactive, dynamic and responsive web development. A JQuery programmer uses this platform to call numerous JavaScript library functions to implement into the web development very easily and effectively. A large number of giant IT Corporations like Google, IBM, Netflix, Microsoft and… Continue reading Why You Should Choose JQuery for Your Next Project?

Micron.js – Create CSS Animations Controlled by JavaScript Power

Micron.JS is a micro interaction library which can be used to add Interactions to different DOM Elements. Micron.JS animates an element using CSS power and the interactive behaviours are controlled by JavaScript. Micron.JS is easy to adapt and can bring interactions to life using html5 data attributes or a chain of JavaScript methods. You can… Continue reading Micron.js – Create CSS Animations Controlled by JavaScript Power

Micron.js: A JS library for creating CSS animations

Micron.js is a micro interaction library which can be used to add interactions to different DOM Elements. Micron.js animates an element using CSS power and the interactive behaviours are controlled by JavaScript. Micron.js is easy to adapt and can bring interactions to life using HTML5 data attributes or a chain of JavaScript methods. View project… Continue reading Micron.js: A JS library for creating CSS animations

Getting Started With Redux: Why Redux?

When you’re learning React, you will almost always hear people say how great Redux is and that you should give it a try. The React ecosystem is growing at a swift pace, and there are so many libraries that you can hook up with React, such as flow, redux, middlewares, mobx, etc.  Learning React is easy,… Continue reading Getting Started With Redux: Why Redux?

Understanding JavaScript Closures: A Practical Approach

Learning a new language involves a series of steps, whereas its mastery is a product of patience, practice, mistakes, and experience. Some developers will have enough knowledge to deliver on features as per a client’s demand, but it takes more than just that to be a good developer. A good developer is one who takes… Continue reading Understanding JavaScript Closures: A Practical Approach

There’s no such thing as “minor design changes”

Sharing a quick story I found on Intercom’s blog about how there’s no such thing as a small change in a product. At some point Intercom’s team decided to limit the number of characters of their reviews to 140. “We want to limit the length of a review in the product to 140 characters, because… Continue reading There’s no such thing as “minor design changes”

How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python

The CSV format is the most commonly used import and export format for databases and spreadsheets. This tutorial will give a introduction of the csv module in Python. We will learn about all the functions and classes that it makes available for you to read and write data to CSV files. We have also included… Continue reading How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python

Fetch Those Early-Bird Tickets! ???????? ???????? ???????? – Smashing Magazine

Great conferences are all about learning new skills and making new connections. That’s why we’ve set up a couple of new adventures for SmashingConf 2018 — just practical sessions, new formats, new lightning talks, evening sessions and genuine, interesting conversations — with a dash of friendly networking! Taking place in London, San Francisco, Toronto. Tickets? Glad you asked!1… Continue reading Fetch Those Early-Bird Tickets! ???????? ???????? ???????? – Smashing Magazine

Sticky Sidebar – A Pure JavaScript Plugin For Smart Sticky Sidebars

Sticky Sidebar is a pure JavaScript plugin for making smart and high performance sticky sidebar, works with sidebar if it’s taller or shorter than the viewport, integrated with resize sensor to re-calculate the dimensions automatically when the size of sidebar or its container is changed, supports jQuery/Zepto and compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE9+.… Continue reading Sticky Sidebar – A Pure JavaScript Plugin For Smart Sticky Sidebars

Creating GraphQL Subscriptions in Express ― Scotch

Introduction This section focuses on creating realtime applications using GraphQL, and the best way to achieve that is through subscriptions. The code in this section is a continuation of Part 1 of this series, and I would advise going through it before moving forward. This is a critical and essential part to future implementation of… Continue reading Creating GraphQL Subscriptions in Express ― Scotch

10+ Wonderful Resources (Fully Packed With Hidden Gems ) For Developers

Web developers are always ready to pack with fresh, trendy and latest tools and resources which help them in their work and save time. For the web developers another latest and fresh resources have come out. All these fresh and wonderful resources are fully packed with superb and useful tools like JavaScript libraries, frameworks, plugins,… Continue reading 10+ Wonderful Resources (Fully Packed With Hidden Gems ) For Developers

Bulk Import a CSV File Into MongoDB Using Mongoose With Node.js

This topic is a really enjoyable one for me. It’s quite common in many web applications to accept user input and save a single record to your database. But what about when your users (or you) want to perform multiple inserts in a single command? In this article, we will demonstrate how to create a… Continue reading Bulk Import a CSV File Into MongoDB Using Mongoose With Node.js

Learn to Code With JavaScript: Part 1, The Basics

Installation and Setup First, we will set up our development environment so that we can run our code on our own computer. Alternatively, you can test code examples in an online editor like OneCompiler. The easiest way to do so would be to use your web browser. This is especially true if you have no… Continue reading Learn to Code With JavaScript: Part 1, The Basics

12 Helpful jQuery JSON Plugins

For this round up, we have collected 12 best jQuery JSON plugins for you. JSON or JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight data-interchange format. JSON plugins are designed to help developers to use JSON data mapping and convert to JSON from jQuery and back to jQuery again with ease. There are many plugins available on… Continue reading 12 Helpful jQuery JSON Plugins

Learn Web Development With These Web Developer Courses

If you’re a newbie hoping to learn web development, these web developer courses below will be powerful tools in your journey to greater knowledge. As you embark on this journey, remember that Google and websites like StackOverflow are your best friends. You will encounter many frustrating problems along the way, but they are all problems… Continue reading Learn Web Development With These Web Developer Courses

7 (More) Coding Playgrounds For Web Developers

Testing tools are essential for the developers as they constantly require to test their codes. Testing tools and codes play a vital role in the web development process in order to check the functionality and validate the codes. They are designed to help developers check and validate their codes and hence, save their time as… Continue reading 7 (More) Coding Playgrounds For Web Developers