20+ Brilliant Examples of Impressive Color Schemes in web designs

What’s the most exciting feature of a website? The answer would be simple- its colors and how they are used. The way a website is presented forms a huge part of our user experience and the way a website is presented. Websites can be of various topics and depending on that factor there can be… Continue reading 20+ Brilliant Examples of Impressive Color Schemes in web designs

CSS3 In-Depth

Learn how deep the CSS3 rabbit hole goes in this jam-packed course with CSS luminary Estelle Weyl. Estelle dives deep into the various components of CSS3 including: selectors, specificity, generated content, media queries, debugging, colors, fonts, shadows, text-effects, borders, backgrounds, gradients, transforms, transitions, animations…and more! https://youtu.be/3NMgiwncymk https://youtu.be/Z1WkMXEMmfk https://youtu.be/ZbGSAUBGpn0 https://youtu.be/-uKy34hdaVE https://youtu.be/aPMPEtRj5aw

Object-Oriented Design in PHP

Object-oriented design can offer a developer a structured way to break apart an application into logical, maintainable chunks. In this course Matthew Machuga will take you through various different OOD techniques, patterns, and concepts to help improve the sustainability and testability of your code base. https://youtu.be/bxS4i_2TQP4 https://youtu.be/3Q0cWbWTK84 https://youtu.be/D-IghHAQ7YY https://youtu.be/u1Gqb8Zr68Y https://youtu.be/x1HXzt2RvMI https://youtu.be/ma7OdWSPCns

How to Create a Surreal Space Scene in Photoshop

How to Create a Surreal Space Scene in Photoshop 3.33/5 (66.67%) 3 votes This is a simple tutorial about how to make an awesome space image with a couple of simple pictures. Made in Photoshop Cs5 on a Macbook pro. What you’ll be creating Jupiter Fall is a piece I did out of a dream I… Continue reading How to Create a Surreal Space Scene in Photoshop

The Importance Of Usability When Designing A Site

Web usability is an approach to make web sites easy to use for an end-user, without the requirement that any specialized training be undertaken. The user should be able to intuitively relate the actions she needs to perform on the web page with other interactions she sees similar contexts, e.g., press a button to perform… Continue reading The Importance Of Usability When Designing A Site

Developing a Static Site Generator Workflow

Nobody likes finding bugs. Even worse, no one enjoys finding bugs while shopping for digital products. That is why, as a company providing a web-based bug tracking tool to tens of thousands of users, we have to ensure a bug-free environment. With our increasing number of web pages – and therefore increasing lines of code… Continue reading Developing a Static Site Generator Workflow

Top Free Photoshop Watercolor Brushes for Designers

Design styles can be created with free resources like icons, vectors, custom illustrations, and notably brushes. Free brush packs are available all over the web dating back to Photoshop 7. There are now thousands of brush packs online made specifically for digital designers. This collection of free Photoshop watercolor brushes can be perfect for anyone… Continue reading Top Free Photoshop Watercolor Brushes for Designers

Design Mock-Ups Need Dynamic Content: Tools and Plugins

Nothing is perfect on the web. We can’t make sure that our websites always work as intended, but we can try our best to design resilient and flexible websites that aren’t that easy to break — both in terms of interface design and security. Yet still neither resilience nor flexibility are usually reflected in deliverables… Continue reading Design Mock-Ups Need Dynamic Content: Tools and Plugins

How to Create Mooncake and Dim Sum Icons for Chinese New Year

What You’ll Be Creating Celebrate Chinese New Year with mooncakes, steamed buns, and dumplings! In this tutorial we’ll illustrate dim sum food icons, perfect for use in a mobile game or other vector graphic needs. Start with circles and ellipses, and end with delicious food drawings.  You can also supplement your icon designs with vectors… Continue reading How to Create Mooncake and Dim Sum Icons for Chinese New Year