Creating Your First Desktop App With HTML, JS and Electron

Web applications become more and more powerful every year, but there is still room for desktop apps with full access to the hardware of your computer. Today you can create desktop apps using the already familiar HTML, JS and Node.js, then package it into an executable file and distribute it accordingly across Windows, OS X and… Continue reading Creating Your First Desktop App With HTML, JS and Electron

20 Best Free Business WordPress Themes

Once you choose to grow your personal or company website, you should use one of many content management systems or CMS. Though I guess you’ll end up using WordPress sooner or later. WordPress if you’re looking for easiest and most powerful choice has a community that is fantastic’s always ready to help you out and… Continue reading 20 Best Free Business WordPress Themes

Gogs – An Open Source Self-Hosted Git Service

Gogs (Go Git Service) is a painless self-hosted Git service. The objective of this mission is to make the simplest, quickest, and most painless approach of establishing a self-hosted Git service. With Go, this may be achieved with an independent binary distribution across ALL platforms that Go supports, including Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and… Continue reading Gogs – An Open Source Self-Hosted Git Service

Create a MEAN Stack Google Map App (Part I)

Introduction “MEAN Apps with Google Maps” (A tongue twister to be true). And yet, whether you’re building an application to visualize bike lanes in your city, designing a tool to chart oil wells across the globe, or are simply creating an app to help choose your next date — having access to interactive, data-rich maps… Continue reading Create a MEAN Stack Google Map App (Part I)

New Trends WordPress Themes for 2016

New trendy design elegant & creative Business WordPress Themes which have many powerful features to allow you build websites very easy and unlimited your creative to make impressed websites. All themes are build with builder and most important all the designs are responsive. This means that it is compatible and looks comfortable on both a pc and… Continue reading New Trends WordPress Themes for 2016

15 Awesome Free Blogging Tools You Will Want To Use

Fifteen or even ten years ago, you could’ve just hit that publish button and people would read you. Today getting discovered is a little more complicated than that. With the number of blogging platforms themselves quadrupling since then, there’s such a small barrier of entry for new bloggers. There’s so much good content published every… Continue reading 15 Awesome Free Blogging Tools You Will Want To Use

Making MEAN Apps with Google Maps (Part II)

Introduction Welcome back! Last time, we created an application that integrated Google Maps directly into the MEAN stack. The app provided us a panel to create users, tag their location based on latitude and longitude, and validate their whereabouts using HTML5 geolocation. As of this writing, over 150 users have added themselves to our demo… Continue reading Making MEAN Apps with Google Maps (Part II)

Free Hand-Picked Resources for Designers and Developers – December edition

In this round up of free resources from december, you’ll find nice flat device mockups, unique UI screen compositions, color tools and inspiration, vector kits, professional printing templates, online communities, stunning icon collections, a curated list of CSS frameworks, a useful animation engine, cool fonts, and web templates in PSD format. All of it is… Continue reading Free Hand-Picked Resources for Designers and Developers – December edition

Front-end Tools: Some of My Favorite Finds of 2015

We’re just about at the end of 2015 and I’m sure you’d all agree it’s been another year jam-packed with new tools for web design and development. While doing my newsletter I’ve come across lots of interesting things, so I thought it would be cool to summarize some of my favorite finds in a year-end… Continue reading Front-end Tools: Some of My Favorite Finds of 2015

A Simple Responsive JavaScript Image Gallery

I’ve covered basic image galleries with CSS and PHP in previous articles, making it time to do the same thing with JavaScript. Image Options As with the other image gallery examples, we need a two versions of each image: a thumbnail image and a full-size image. In this case, you have two options for the… Continue reading A Simple Responsive JavaScript Image Gallery

Common Misconceptions About Web Design & Development

Businesses are more and more becoming more dependent on an online presence, so the pressure to have a successful website is very high. However, some entrepreneurs have misguided notions about how web design and development should work. This post explores some common beliefs among non-tech-savvy businesspeople about web design. It’ll address aspects like micro-managing instead… Continue reading Common Misconceptions About Web Design & Development

Animated Map Path for Interactive Storytelling

Today we’d like to share an experimental demo with you. This demo is an interactive map that will animate a map path while scrolling the page. The main idea is to connect the story being told with the path itself. The journey can also contain images that will indicate where they have been taken with… Continue reading Animated Map Path for Interactive Storytelling

Angular 2 Beta is Now Available

AngularJS has been rising in popularity and is under steady development. Earlier today, Angular 2 Beta was announced, and is available for developers to download and get started with. Angular 2 comes with several new enhancements and features, and is expected to be a major upgrade from Angular 1. The Beta release, obviously, is not… Continue reading Angular 2 Beta is Now Available

15 Cheat Sheets To Get An Edge On Other Designers

Cheat sheets. A simple way to remember something or help you learn. There’s always a useful shortcut you forget, a command you fail to remember, a newly introduced function that slips your mind or element you cease to think of. This collection of 15 cheat sheets for web designers has got you covered. If you’re… Continue reading 15 Cheat Sheets To Get An Edge On Other Designers

Multi-Level Menu : A simple menu with multiple levels

This is a simple multi-level menu with delayed item animations and an optional breadcrumb navigation and back button. The idea is to animate each menu item once a level is changed. The animation starts with the item clicked and the delays are propagated through the neighbors. The animation delays follow the same logic for the… Continue reading Multi-Level Menu : A simple menu with multiple levels

Stretchy Navigation in CSS and jQuery

Would you like a Stretchy Navigation in CSS and jQuery? It’s a rounded navigation trigger that stretches on click/tap to reveal the navigation items. There are 3 different user cases where this snippet would be useful: 1) fixed navigation, 2) add content button and 3) edit content button. The HTML structure is pretty basic: a… Continue reading Stretchy Navigation in CSS and jQuery

How To Be A Badass Front-end Developer

In the world of front-end web development where things change very fast, it’s difficult to stay up-to-date with almost everything around. Just imagine the number of CSS, JS frameworks and tools that are popping around every day, and just thinking about knowing them all is freaky enough, right? So, how to stay up-to-date? How to… Continue reading How To Be A Badass Front-end Developer

7 Slack Integrations Developers Should Use

How to customize Slack to enhance your development workflow using integrations and bots It certainly feels like Slack is gradually becoming the standard for modern office communication. While you may argue that technically Slack is no different than, say, IRC – the polished experience is what makes it stand out in the crowd of messaging… Continue reading 7 Slack Integrations Developers Should Use

10 JavaScript SVG Animation Libraries

SVG animations can get a little complicated, but these libraries make it extremely simple for anyone to add animation to their site. In this post i’ve collected 10 Javascript SVG animation libraries that allow you to create some really impressive animations that can literally take your animations and UIs to the next level. jQuery DrawSVG… Continue reading 10 JavaScript SVG Animation Libraries

15 Handy Tools for Smooth Web Development

We’re not ones to adhere to stereotypes, but it’s probably been a while since a (stereo) typical web developer shaved his damn beard, or changed his clothes, or took a bath, or shaved that damn beard… You really can’t blame them. It’s been a while since all developers took a breather. 2015 has been a… Continue reading 15 Handy Tools for Smooth Web Development

Simple to Use jQuery Plugin to Animate SVG Paths

jQuery DrawSVG uses the jQuery built-in animation engine to transition the stroke on every inside the selected <svg> element, using stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset properties. It weights less than 2KB minified and 800 bytes gzipped. It’s easy to use with easing and stagger support. Best of all, it’s completely Free! Requirements: jQuery Framework Demo: License:… Continue reading Simple to Use jQuery Plugin to Animate SVG Paths

5 Things You Might Not Know About the CSS Positioning Types

These days front-end developers can build complex page layouts by taking advantage of different CSS layout techniques. Some of those techniques have a long history (e.g. floats), while others (e.g. flexbox) have gained popularity over the last few years. In this article, we’ll have a closer look at a few little-known things related to the… Continue reading 5 Things You Might Not Know About the CSS Positioning Types