Get Inspired by Hundreds of Thousands of Emails

Posted · Category: License Free, Webmail Really Good Emails said “Some people have explained to them that is like a modern-day museum, full of the emails that they probably deleted. Then our parents ask why we would keep stuff that people actively delete… which is followed with a different analogy they don’t really understand. It… Continue reading Get Inspired by Hundreds of Thousands of Emails

Mixmax Sequences – Powerful Drip Campaigns for Gmail

Posted · Category: License Free, Webmail Mixmax Sequences is easy, powerful drip campaigns for Gmail, Google Inbox, and Salesforce. You can easily add contacts, prospects or recruits to your outbound campaigns. Customize messages with variables to keep a human touch. If you’re in Salesforce – add any contact or lead to a Sequence directly. You… Continue reading Mixmax Sequences – Powerful Drip Campaigns for Gmail

OS.js – Open Source Desktop Implementation for Your Browser

OS.js is an open-source desktop implementation for a fully-fledged window manager to your browser, Application APIs, GUI toolkits and filesystem abstraction. It works in any modern browser and is implemented on any platform using Node or PHP. OS.js is completely free and open-source which means that you are able to contribute to the development or… Continue reading OS.js – Open Source Desktop Implementation for Your Browser