Simple Loading Spinners Animated with CSS3

Before CSS3 transition, we see loading spinners in flash website, and then AJAX component with animated GIF. Besides, animated GIF, we have seen VML & Canvas spinners too. Now, we have pure CSS animated loaders/spinners created with just HTML markup and CSS3.   Spinkit has a collection of good looking CSS spinners:   SpinKit uses… Continue reading Simple Loading Spinners Animated with CSS3

Summernote – A Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Twitter Bootstrap

Twitter Bootstrap has been a great front-end tools for most web developers. Especially for backend development, it saves us plenty of times and efforts. Backend usually doesn’t need fancy design, hence, Bootstrap will be really handy to make the layout rapidly and reuse UI component easily. Previously, we introduced a WYSIWYG Rich text editor for… Continue reading Summernote – A Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Twitter Bootstrap

Manipulating SVG Icons With Simple CSS

This article is the second in a three-part series showing the new approaches to iconography Iconic will be delivering. If you like what you see in this article, please consider backing Iconic on Kickstarter   Styling Icons With CSS Smart icons have gotten a lot of interest, but styling may be the most useful feature… Continue reading Manipulating SVG Icons With Simple CSS

Webydo: The Code Free Website Creator Platform For Professional Designers

Let’s say you are a designer who is hired by clients to create websites. The traditional process is to design the picture of the website in Photoshop and get it approved by the client. Once he approves it, you will have to hire a developer or a coder who will then convert that design into… Continue reading Webydo: The Code Free Website Creator Platform For Professional Designers

55 Fresh Examples Of Creative Single Page Website Designs

Displaying your work in single page design is a hot trend now days. You possibly cannot imagine what designers can do with single pages as modern age designers love to experiment with things and observe how people interact with their work. The best single pages are those that help you convey your message into few… Continue reading 55 Fresh Examples Of Creative Single Page Website Designs

Icon mouse hover effect using CSS3

This tutorial will show how simple it is to achieve simple animation mouse hover using CSS3. We use transitions and animations css properties to achieve some of the interactive animation. 1. Simple image popup effect using pure CSS3 *{margin:0;padding:0;} body{margin-top:80px;font-size:12px;font-family:arial,sans-serif;color:#9C9C91;background:#fff;} a {color:#333;text-decoration: none;} a:hover {color:#f00;} .wrap {width:720px;background:#f2f2f2;margin:0 auto;} {list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0;} li {float:left;display: inline;margin:0 20px… Continue reading Icon mouse hover effect using CSS3

Bootstrap Happiness: 10 Premium Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Templates For ONE Dollar Each

You know that we love Bootstrap here at Noupe. Released in August of 2011, even Twitter may not have known how big it would get. As of Summer 2013, it is still the most popular GitHub development project with over 52k stars and over 16k forks. Building a responsive website based on Bootstrap takes a… Continue reading Bootstrap Happiness: 10 Premium Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Templates For ONE Dollar Each

Free Content Slider PSD (Ideas for Design)

Many website owners, especially freelancers, need a slideshow to display their skills in the most appealing way possible. The best way to achieve this is with a content slider psdespecially if they want to sell written pieces or pieces that need descriptions. This type of slider is perfectly used by online shops as well for when… Continue reading Free Content Slider PSD (Ideas for Design)

A Simple Look Into Adaptive and Responsive Web Design

The decision for a developer to use an adaptive or responsive web design is dependent on the intended use of the web page. In a short comparison, an adaptive web design is made to deliver content accommodating to the type of browser enabled. While a responsive web design is designated to fit the original web… Continue reading A Simple Look Into Adaptive and Responsive Web Design

Create a Simple jQuery Image Lightbox Gallery

When building your own WordPress theme, there are a number of items to consider. One such page element is a dynamic image gallery, either using a lightbox or some type of sliding panel. Both of these user interfaces mesh nicely into the content of an article. Since they can both work on typical websites it… Continue reading Create a Simple jQuery Image Lightbox Gallery

Collection Of Free Responsive HTML & CSS Website Templates

In digital designing, production should have two crucial potentials, quality and quantity. Your work should be exceptional and so should be your speed. Web development and designing are extensively challenging jobs in both concerns as they require skills and aesthetics to work in perfect coordination which sometimes, can be time consuming and painstaking. There are… Continue reading Collection Of Free Responsive HTML & CSS Website Templates

Super Simple eCommerce With Gumroad

Gumroad is an insanely easy way to create customizable products and start selling electronic and physical goods within minutes. It’s not meant to be a replacement for all shopping systems, but it can definitely handle selling your music, art pieces, t-shirts, PDFs, and much more. Why Gumroad? I literally think your grandmother could use Gumroad… Continue reading Super Simple eCommerce With Gumroad

Design Patterns in WordPress: The Simple Factory Pattern

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Design Patterns in WordPress In this series, we’re taking a look at design patterns and how we can leverage them to our advantage when building products on top of WordPress. The nice thing about design patterns is that they aren’t explicitly limited to themes or… Continue reading Design Patterns in WordPress: The Simple Factory Pattern

40 Beautiful Flat Icon Sets For Web UI Design

This simple design school does not employ any three dimensional effects. This means no embossing, bevels, drop shadows, gradients or such tools that create a sense of depth. It is straight to the point and fresh. But flat design is not completely devoid of any effects. It adds some extras to create a sense of artificial… Continue reading 40 Beautiful Flat Icon Sets For Web UI Design

Top 20 FREE Navigation Menu Bars PSDs for Designers

The navigation menu is the most important element in a website. It structures the content, tells the visitors where to look for information and allows them to navigate on your website easily. It’s very important to have a well-designed navigation menu, and that is why we’ve selcted for you 20 of the best, most beautiful… Continue reading Top 20 FREE Navigation Menu Bars PSDs for Designers

Simple YouTube Menu Effect

Today we’ll show you how to recreate the little menu effect that you can see in the left side-menu on YouTube when watching a video (where it says “Guide”). The menu is made of a little menu icon, a label and a list of menu items that appears when the label or menu icon is… Continue reading Simple YouTube Menu Effect

60 Websites Using Full Screen Photographic Backgrounds

Using a large photograph as a background is becoming more and more popular in website design. The photograph offers more interest and far less work than a design. Many of our collection of websites using full screen photographic backgrounds actually use a slideshow – even more flexibility. We have also included some links to tutorials… Continue reading 60 Websites Using Full Screen Photographic Backgrounds

Designing for Performance

Designers have a tremendous impact on site performance based on how they design for the web, before a single line of code is written. This article will cover how performance can be designed and what it takes to make it happen. Speed is a fundamental part of user experience on the web. Web performance has… Continue reading Designing for Performance

55 Stunning Freebies from Dribbble

Dribbble is awesome source of inspiration, cool stuff and useful elements. But what is the most awesome – there are tons of quality free stuff!I adore freebies from Dribbble! You can find there cool designed UI kits, icons, buttons, forms, patterns, textures, psd files and so on. All kinds of graphic materials are waiting for… Continue reading 55 Stunning Freebies from Dribbble

How to Create a Simple Multi-Item Slider

For today’s tutorial we want to show you how to create a simple item slider with CSS animations and some jQuery. The idea was inspired by the Aplle product slider where several little items fly in with a bouncing animation. We wanted to translate this concept to a modern-looking alternative for a minimal online store… Continue reading How to Create a Simple Multi-Item Slider