11 Free Tools To Make Marketing Magic

If you want to create some outstanding and attractive marketing magic then you should try this collection. In this post, we are presenting top 11 free tools which help you to make marketing magic. In this post all these tools are free and very useful. When you use these tools in your projects it makes… Continue reading 11 Free Tools To Make Marketing Magic

9 Best jQuery Site Tour Plugins

Another amazing jQuery plugins collection is presented here. In this post we are presenting 9 best and fantastic jQuery site tour plugins. With the help of this collection you can easily make your website look superb and attractive and they also help you to generate site or page tours. When you use these jQuery plugins… Continue reading 9 Best jQuery Site Tour Plugins

Android From Scratch: Building Your First Android Application

What You’ll Be Creating After taking a look at the current state of Android development and how to set up your development environment, in this lesson, you are going to learn how to build and launch your first Android application. I won’t focus too much on the details, because those are covered extensively later in… Continue reading Android From Scratch: Building Your First Android Application

Less Is More – Minimalist And Simple Web Design

Image source: Vadim Grin[2] Exposed to lots of senseless content on the internet, we grow more sensitive to mess and distractions. We come across useless texts, we receive a pile of magazine spam, ads or business commercials, and we have serious difficulties in determining what is really worth our attention. Responsiveness Image source: Erikas Mališauskas[3]… Continue reading Less Is More – Minimalist And Simple Web Design

10 Reasons Why Your Design Skills May Seem Lame

The design field is pretty crowded. If this is your “calling,” then you have to accept that you are in competition with a lot of creatives that may know more than you. You have to accept that you will have to take all of that creativity you have and translate it into products that others… Continue reading 10 Reasons Why Your Design Skills May Seem Lame

Professional WordPress Plugin Development for 2016

Course Description Have you ever wanted to know the secrets behind all the cool things that WordPress plugins and themes can do? This course is offered by an instructor who has developed over 250 WordPress plugins for major corporations and can now teach these skills to you. For Those Developers Who Would Like To Know… Continue reading Professional WordPress Plugin Development for 2016

15 Responsive Design Tools for Savvy Designers

Having a responsive website is a necessity for almost any business in 2016. As a designer, you’re always faced with the pressure to deliver quality results as quickly as possible. Today we are reviewing some of the responsive design tools that will provide for a stellar user experience on multiple devices. These are the kind… Continue reading 15 Responsive Design Tools for Savvy Designers

4 Tools to Build an Amazing Website

You pride yourself on your ability to code websites by hand, shaking your cane at these upstart web designers who rely on HTML editors and even the dreaded WYSIWYG tools. However, even the best from-scratch developers benefit from some designing tools. You want to work smarter, not harder, and tools can help you get your… Continue reading 4 Tools to Build an Amazing Website

Frustrating Points for Web Developers

Web developing is one of the most important steps while developing a website. This particular activity is very tough as there are huge numbers of technologies that are used for the same. The web developer needs to find out the exact type of developing tools that will help to develop some of the best compatible… Continue reading Frustrating Points for Web Developers

Free Long Shadow Flat Icons

Looking for long shadow style icons? Good, then you came to the right place! Flat design has been continuing virtually unchallenged for some time now, and it’s started to develop sub-styles. One of the most popular new trends is long shadow design, and you’d have to have been living under a rock not to have… Continue reading Free Long Shadow Flat Icons

The Future of User Interfaces

We are web designers and developers. As obvious as our work is (we build interactive media applications) there’s a deeper meaning to what we do. We analyze design problems and explore different concepts to solve them. This also means that we think of the communication between a device and the user. We develop that communication.… Continue reading The Future of User Interfaces

Tips To Avoid Great Responsive Web Design Problems

Responsive web designs have been around since the last two years. However, designers have been facing numerous challenges especially when it comes to developing framework for the code, script and developing a process of managing the responsive web designs. Avoiding the responsive web designs problems is possible and a range of solutions are available for… Continue reading Tips To Avoid Great Responsive Web Design Problems