What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial I will be taking you through the steps of how to animate a character walking in place. Basically you will be creating a walk that loops infinitely, so if you were to incorporate a walk like this into a movie, perhaps the background would be scrolling from right… Continue reading Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Walking
Tag: behind
5 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Freelance Web Professional
* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;} If you’re working as a web professional for an employer, chances are you occasionally daydream about going it alone. Maybe you do some freelance work in your spare time and would love to extend that to full time, or maybe you just want the freedom of being… Continue reading 5 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Freelance Web Professional
The Science Behind Color and Emotion
Color resonates with people in different ways. We all have a favorite color or color that we use more during specific periods of life. But the color you use in a design project can say a lot about the work itself. That’s a scientific fact. The science behind our emotional connections to color is a… Continue reading The Science Behind Color and Emotion
Artistic Photo Manipulation with Cracked Face Effect in Photoshop
In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you the process of creating this Artistic Photo Manipulation with Cracked Face Effect in Photoshop. We will practice a number of layer masking techniques and image adjustment tricks along the way, as well as applying some interesting filter effect to our image. This is an intermediate level tutorial so… Continue reading Artistic Photo Manipulation with Cracked Face Effect in Photoshop
Design Inspiration: A Look Into iOS7 Icon Designs
Love it or hate it, the initial iOS7 release is out and causing quite the stir. Regardless of opinions relating to the design, functionality and direction of iOS7 there is some rather eye catching iOS7 icon design work going on behind the scenes. In this little inspiration roundup I wanted to showcase some of the… Continue reading Design Inspiration: A Look Into iOS7 Icon Designs
CSS 3D Image Flip Gallery With Dynamic Shadows
My recent book Pro CSS3 Animation walked the reader through a simple version of a 3D flip image gallery. After publication, I wanted to take it further: thus, this article. The UI challenge addressed here is the same focused on in many of my other CSS 3Dworks, such as the Origami UI: we live in a world of increasingly diversified… Continue reading CSS 3D Image Flip Gallery With Dynamic Shadows
5 Overused Logo Trends To Avoid
If you are an aspiring designer looking to delve into logo design, you’ll want to develop your own style instead of simply emulating examples around you. Effective logos are more than just pretty; a well-designed logo is purposeful and unique, which makes following commonplace trends a losing strategy. Avid readers of DesignFestival are probably aware… Continue reading 5 Overused Logo Trends To Avoid
Create a Mysterious Scene with Planets
Preview of Final Results Tutorial Resources Stars – greenaleydis-stock Cosmos Package – resurgere-stock Field – f3rd4-stock People Brush – fiftyfivepixels Trees Silhouettes – kuschelirmel-stock Trees Silhouettes 2 – winerla-stock Bushes – redheadstock Step 1: Creating a new Photoshop file Let’s start off by creating a new Photoshop file. Create a new file with the following… Continue reading Create a Mysterious Scene with Planets
Weekly Dose Of Inspirations: Typography Art
Hi guys, This is another episode of our weekly inspiration series. In this series we’ll try to bring out the most popular, very unique and highly inspirational works of highly talented artists of our art and design community. The aim behind initiating these roundups is bringing out and showcasing the amazing art created today and… Continue reading Weekly Dose Of Inspirations: Typography Art
The Science behind a Business Card
Whenever a new technology gains mainstream use, methods once prevalent are usually rendered obsolete. However, even with the greater integration of the Internet and mobile devices in the business world through high-speed connections and wide-reaching networks, business cards still exist. Companies keep handing them out to potential customers, clients and partners to let them know… Continue reading The Science behind a Business Card