The Role of Color in Graphic Design

Color is a powerful thing. It can influence emotions, control moods, and motivate actions in a way that we still don’t entirely understand. It is a factor that has been recognized, if not fully understood, for many generations of businesses, and it remains a powerful factor in graphic design today. You can now assemble your… Continue reading The Role of Color in Graphic Design

Is WordPress Ready for the New EU Privacy Rules?

Data is invaluable in the digital age, and if you have online presence, particularly if you run a website, then you are automatically part of the data game. With the new EU rules on data protection set to come into force in less than a year from now, how will WordPress – everyone’s favorite platform… Continue reading Is WordPress Ready for the New EU Privacy Rules?

31 Creative Business Logo Designs for Inspiration – 45

This is the inspiration #45 of logo design series. A superb and professionally designed collection of Business Logos, inspiring and fresh concept. Corporate identity or Branding is all about creating a logo and in building up the brand value is essentially best done by a graphic designer who is adept in creating images keeping the color schemes, and the… Continue reading 31 Creative Business Logo Designs for Inspiration – 45

Best Places to Find Transparent PNG Images

February 23, 2017 by Veronika As browser-based graphic design tools gain popularity among amateurs and professional designers there is an increased demand for ready-to-use transparent PNG images. Sure, raster design software, like Photoshop and its free alternatives (GIMP and Pixlr) can help you easily trace and cut out the unnecessary segments of a photo and… Continue reading Best Places to Find Transparent PNG Images

20+ HTML Forms Best Practices for Beginners

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} Working with HTML forms can be somewhat daunting. They not only use some niche HTML elements, but also blur the line between static content and user interaction. Let’s review some things to remember when creating your next form. Good HTML forms require attention on at least four… Continue reading 20+ HTML Forms Best Practices for Beginners

30+ PHP Best Practices for Beginners

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} PHP is the most widely used language for server-side programming on the web. Here are 30+ best practices for beginners wanting to gain a firmer grasp of the fundamentals. We have also written posts like these for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML & CSS 30 HTML Best… Continue reading 30+ PHP Best Practices for Beginners