Keyboard Accessibility Tips Using HTML and CSS

Making your website accessible for keyboard-only users is an important part of the bigger accessibility picture. Here are some keyboard accessibility tips you can quickly implement using basic HTML and CSS. A11y From the Beginning These tips are part of Web Accessibility: the Complete Learning Guide, where we’ve collected a range of tutorials, articles, courses, and… Continue reading Keyboard Accessibility Tips Using HTML and CSS

How to Draw Angel Wings

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial I will show you how to draw wings on the back of a human, creating an angel. Angels, though seen as spiritual rather than material, are pictured as winged humans. But wings are not simply an appendix growing out of the shoulder blades—they’re specialized arms. So a typical… Continue reading How to Draw Angel Wings

Start From User Expectations to Deliver a Good Mobile UX

Nowadays mobile devices come in all shapes and sizes, each with its own way of interpreting the data received and the user interface solution. This greatly determines the success of any given app design, so user experience is one of the top priorities you need to consider. When working on a site design, these various… Continue reading Start From User Expectations to Deliver a Good Mobile UX

It’s not you, it’s your form

#4 Give certainty When designing a form, we should present users with all the information they need so they can navigate the form easily. Don’t keep them guessing or be ambiguous. The achievement of the goal should be clear and leave the user with the feeling that the task is (really) done. When examining the previous… Continue reading It’s not you, it’s your form

Weekly Inspiration: Full-on Full Screen Home Pages

The full screen splash is one of the most familiar patterns on the web at the moment. Some love it, some loath it, but whatever your feelings let’s take a look at some noteworthy examples and talk about best practices while we’re at it. A Note on Design Convergence The term “design convergence” refers to… Continue reading Weekly Inspiration: Full-on Full Screen Home Pages

Recreate Google Nexus Menu

Recently I stumbled upon Codrops’ tutorial regarding the recreation of Google Nexus navigation menu. That was inspiring and such a creative navigation system from Google. So, I decided to create a jQuery version to challenge to myself. I have been playing with the original Google Nexus Menu for a while. Based on my observation, I summarised its… Continue reading Recreate Google Nexus Menu