Today we will be creating a little app showcase with a neat effect. The idea is to show a mobile device with a screenshot of an app and when clicking on the device, a grid appears, showing some more screenshots. The effect is very subtle: the device moves back and the grid fades in and… Continue reading App Showcase with Grid Overlay
Category: Resources
I’m very font of you because you’re just my type
Grunge Minimalist Posters Illustrating Famous Movie Quotes
Making posters related to famous movies is somehow popular these days among designers. There are a lot of them doing it and they are each creating the posters in a certain style. For example, Jay Quann created this series of posters which illustrate famous movie quotes and a significant minimalist image which is relevant for… Continue reading Grunge Minimalist Posters Illustrating Famous Movie Quotes
50 Amazing jQuery Plugins That You Should Start Using Right Now
jQuery has a wonderful community of programmers that create incredible things. However, it may become difficult to sift through everything that is released and find the gems that are absolute must-haves. This is why, in this post, you will find a collection of 50 new jQuery plugins and JavaScript libraries that, when applied with good… Continue reading 50 Amazing jQuery Plugins That You Should Start Using Right Now
An Awesome Selection Of The Latest Premium Fonts
A lot of people are paying a lot of attention at colors and design techniques when working on a project for print or web, when the most important aspect of a design is typography. Selecting a font is really important because it portrays messages beyond the words that it writes. The typeface is a subliminal… Continue reading An Awesome Selection Of The Latest Premium Fonts
Film Themed Logo Designs for Inspiration – 62 Logos
Advertisement A lot of the time a logo is the very first point of introduction between a company and a potential client. It’s like an ambassador that communicates what the company is all about. For that reason companies invest a lot of thought and effort into their logo design, thus ensuring that their message is… Continue reading Film Themed Logo Designs for Inspiration – 62 Logos
The Importance Of White Space In Web Design With Examples
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Arrange Images into Flexible Grid with Photoset Grid
Photoset Grid is a simple jQuery plugin to arrange images into a flexible grid, based on Tumblr’s photoset feature. Originally the plugin was created for the Style Hatch Tumblr themes as a way to use the photoset grid in responsive layouts, but they have since expanded it and released a jQuery plugin for us. Beyond… Continue reading Arrange Images into Flexible Grid with Photoset Grid
8 jQuery Plugins for Layout and UI Enhancements
On occasion, you might have to work on a project that has unique layout or UI requirements – things that can’t be achieved with CSS alone. With projects like these, jQuery can be very useful. So for this post, we’ve rounded up some jQuery plugins that can help you accomplish some amazing things when it… Continue reading 8 jQuery Plugins for Layout and UI Enhancements
Thumbnail Grid with Expanding Preview
If you have searched images on Google recently, you might have noticed the interesting expanding preview for a larger image when you click on a thumbnail. It’s a really nice effect and it is very practical, making a search much easier. Today we want to show you how to create a similar effect on a… Continue reading Thumbnail Grid with Expanding Preview
10 Useful jQuery Plugins For 360 Degree Image Rotation
With the advent of jQuery the web/graphic designing industry was totally revolutionized. JQuery has made the task of designing extremely easy and handy, and allows you to do it quickly by using jQuery plugins. A huge amount of jQuery plugins are available out there, in various categories that allow you to achieve various different types… Continue reading 10 Useful jQuery Plugins For 360 Degree Image Rotation
13 Very Useful jQuery Modal Plugins
In today’s collection, we are presenting for you 13 jQuery Modal plugins. Many websites are using jQuery currently and it is important that one should know what jQuery plugins are available there in order to stay up to date with the latest web design trends. With the help of jQuery plugins, one can keep his… Continue reading 13 Very Useful jQuery Modal Plugins
Interactive Challenges & Writing jQuery in the Browser
Try jQuery is a combination of videos, interactive console challenges, and writing code in the browser. You’ll need about 2 hours of time to make it through everything. There is a gentle introduction to what jQuery is, and what it can do. It tells you how to search and walk through the DOM with selectors… Continue reading Interactive Challenges & Writing jQuery in the Browser
21 Creative World Maps in Photoshop, Eps & Ai Formats
Few days ago, there was a tough and difficult task and that was the searching for the high quality world map source files. This task was not only difficult but also took lots of time. But now in this collection, you will see the 20+ World Map Source Files in different formats like PSD, EPS… Continue reading 21 Creative World Maps in Photoshop, Eps & Ai Formats
45 Awesome Design Fonts for Minimalist Design
Taking a minimalist approach for your website or a graphic project requires that you use fonts that match the simple and uncluttered setup of your design. Clean and light fonts can profoundly complement your minimalist design as they appear laid back and subdued. Their somewhat subtle appearance would give you a breathing space to admire… Continue reading 45 Awesome Design Fonts for Minimalist Design
A Useful Tool For Finding Free and High Quality Resources
Time means money and deadlines are shorter than ever. Therefore, any tool that has the function of reducing your workload should be regarded as a blessing. However, most of the gizmos that you will find online aren’t free and in most cases cost so much that aren’t even worth considering them as an option. So,… Continue reading A Useful Tool For Finding Free and High Quality Resources
55 Brand New Adobe Photoshop Actions for 2013
In the past we have written on Photoshop actions for touchups related to photography enhancements. But it is common for designers to release their actions for free attribution on certain projects. And many of these newer releases are difficult to track down without scouring the Internet for links! Thus I have put together this collection… Continue reading 55 Brand New Adobe Photoshop Actions for 2013
20 Perfect Fonts For This Year’s Design Trends
Every new year comes with new trends, and the design industry doesn’t make an exception. 2013 will be the year of responsive design which will focus more on typography. I believe that Flash will be completely replaced by HTML5 combined with jQUery, and unfortunately for others, skeuomorphism will gain more popularity and white spaces will… Continue reading 20 Perfect Fonts For This Year’s Design Trends
jQuery Auto-Complete & Auto-Suggest Text Input
Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery allows you to easily create autocomplete/autosuggest boxes for text input fields. It was built with focus on performance – results for every query are cached and pulled from local cache for the same repeating query. If there are no results for particular query it stops sending requests to the server for… Continue reading jQuery Auto-Complete & Auto-Suggest Text Input
jQuery Slider Shock: The Most Complete Slider
Hi everyone. We are proud to present our latest product : jQuery Slider Shock. A fully responsive slider and the most complete over the web right now. Available for you to download it as a jQuery code to use it wherever you need, or as a plugin for the most used CMS: WordPress. We wanted to make… Continue reading jQuery Slider Shock: The Most Complete Slider
10 Beautiful HD Free Nature Wallpapers For Your Desktops
You must have heard the famous phrase of Keats that “A thing of beauty is a joy forever” and as a designer, an artist this saying goes a long way. In this fast age when we spend 26 hours out of 24 in our offices or work places, we have to create that beauty that… Continue reading 10 Beautiful HD Free Nature Wallpapers For Your Desktops
Spectragram – An Easy jQuery Plugin for Instagram API
Spectragram is an easy jQuery plugin for Instagram API to fetch and display user, popular or tags photo feeds inside your web application or site. You can get get the most recent media published by a user, the most popular media at the moment, or recently tagged media from Instagram API. You can display the… Continue reading Spectragram – An Easy jQuery Plugin for Instagram API