How to Draw Trees

What You’ll Be Creating Trees seem like one of the few things that are easy to draw. However, if you know nothing about drawing, you may either go too simple… … or too literal: Neither of these is what a real tree looks like. The first is a symbol of a tree, and the other… Continue reading How to Draw Trees

10 Key Things Web Design Clients Should Know & Understand

Web design is always changing, and the future is about as clear as an oil slick. New trends emerge every day, it seems, and Google algorithms are always forcing everyone to adapt. SEO, web design, and the number of devices people use seems to expand web design horizons every day. All of this can be… Continue reading 10 Key Things Web Design Clients Should Know & Understand

How to Grow Your App Team

You can find a lot of online resources that help you on your way to make a successful app. Once you reach that point, you’re looking to retain or even expand on that success. This is the moment that you, a single person who has built an app, grows into something bigger, a team that continues… Continue reading How to Grow Your App Team

Are Mobile Website & Responsive Web Design Two Different Things?

Building a responsive website is critical Now is the era of mobile devices such as the iPad, Galaxy Tab and Macbook Air, etc. All of such devices are available in the market in many different screen sizes. This has compelled the companies to adjust their own websites to be workable on the mobile devices of… Continue reading Are Mobile Website & Responsive Web Design Two Different Things?