How to Customize the Foundation 4 Top Bar

Zurb’s Foundation 4 features a brilliant top bar which has become almost symbolic of a Foundation site build. Today we’re going to look at how you can implement it in a different way, placing it elsewhere on the page, giving you a custom and responsive horizontal navigation menu.   Getting Started First up, we’ll need… Continue reading How to Customize the Foundation 4 Top Bar

Code a Single-Page Sliding Website Layout With Fixed Navigation

When constructing a simple webpage, it can often make sense to fit the content into a single layout rather than multiple pages. These single-page websites are beneficial when you have a small project or portfolio which needs some online presence. If you split up content into neat sections, then visitors might use a small sliding… Continue reading Code a Single-Page Sliding Website Layout With Fixed Navigation

Beginners Guide to Working with jQuery Animation

In this tutorial, we are going explore the basics of jQuery animations for you to get prepared for advanced designs. Animations is the core functionality behind the interactive elements in web design. The design of a website plays a major role in attracting visitors on a consistent basis. Interactive designs get more attention compared to the… Continue reading Beginners Guide to Working with jQuery Animation

Build a Dynamic Dashboard with ChartJS

Final Product What You’ll Be Creating DownloadSOURCE FILES DemoVIEW IT ONLINE Today we will be creating a dynamic dashboard with live charts, through the power of ChartJS. ChartJS is a powerful, dependency free JavaScript library which builds graphs via the canvas element. Best of all, it’s easy for designers to get up and running. We’ll be focusing… Continue reading Build a Dynamic Dashboard with ChartJS

Tutorial: How To Build Input Fields with Tag-Style Item Blocks

Many newer social media communities and web applications are pushing the boundaries of interface design. Form inputs have changed a lot over just the past 4-5 years. One such feature is the tag select input field, where users can enter tags which appear as block items within the field itself. For this tutorial I want… Continue reading Tutorial: How To Build Input Fields with Tag-Style Item Blocks

How To Build a Range Slider Input with jQuery UI

Looking at the HTML5 range input element you can see a number of advancements. Forms are able to take in restricted information from users sliding between number segments. But unfortunately these HTML5 inputs are only supported in modern browsers. So although there are a few limitations we can try to work around them. I want… Continue reading How To Build a Range Slider Input with jQuery UI

Create a Simple jQuery Image Lightbox Gallery

When building your own WordPress theme, there are a number of items to consider. One such page element is a dynamic image gallery, either using a lightbox or some type of sliding panel. Both of these user interfaces mesh nicely into the content of an article. Since they can both work on typical websites it… Continue reading Create a Simple jQuery Image Lightbox Gallery

The Web Designer’s Cheat Sheet

When working on a new site, most web designers are no stranger to all-nighters, copious amounts of coffee and even repetitive strain injury (ouch!). No surprise then that the best coders are lazy coders that are always looking for anything that makes coding quicker, less tedious and more fun. To make your life easier, we… Continue reading The Web Designer’s Cheat Sheet

Code a Dynamic Featured Image Gallery Layout using jQuery

The common image thumbnail carousel effect has gained traction among web developers. You can locate this technique on almost any major news company or online magazine, coupled with rotating featured images or banner designs. I feel that open source code has offered a much smoother choice for developers instead of being forced to write your… Continue reading Code a Dynamic Featured Image Gallery Layout using jQuery

Streamline your Process with Volo

Front-end developers face a variety of challenges when creating sites that have repetitive solutions. All sites use a similar DOM skeleton, as well as many common features and attributes. Volo aims to remove some of the effort out of the process, allowing developers to focus on the new aspects of a project, as apposed to… Continue reading Streamline your Process with Volo

How to Create Bounce Effect with CSS3 Animation

This article is part of our “HTML5/CSS3 Tutorials series” – dedicated to help make you a better designer and/or developer. Click here to see more articles from the same series. Today, we are going to doing an experiment with CSS3 Animation. In our previous post, we discussed how to re-create “marquee” effect using CSS3 Animation.… Continue reading How to Create Bounce Effect with CSS3 Animation