Freebie: 8 B&W Film Emulation Photoshop Actions

B&W Film Emulations There are many ways to convert your photos to B&W and these actions simplify the process for you. The action is split into four parts: film emulation, contrast effects, color filter, and film grain. To use these actions, you would run the film emulations first to simulate the B&W films, pick the… Continue reading Freebie: 8 B&W Film Emulation Photoshop Actions

Freebie: 5 Skin Retouching Photoshop Actions

Skin Retouching Actions Preview To retouch skin, simply play an action then paint over the areas that you want to retouch. They’re extremely easy to use and a rough paint will work – you don’t need to be too precise. The skin airbrushing action makes skin look smoother without losing skin details. Here’s a video… Continue reading Freebie: 5 Skin Retouching Photoshop Actions

Magically Turn Your Photoshop Layers Into CSS3 With CSS Hat

Today I’m going to show you a Photoshop plugin which aims to greatly improve your workflow. It’s called CSS Hat and it turns your Photoshop layers directly into valid CSS3. Further Information Download: You can grab CSS Hat from its homepage. Compatibility: CSS Hat is compatible with Photoshop CS4 and upwards, on Mac OS X… Continue reading Magically Turn Your Photoshop Layers Into CSS3 With CSS Hat

How to Create a Photo-Realistic Metal Apple in Photoshop

Download the PSD Metallic | 44.99 MB Download from Website How to Create a Photo-Realistic Metal Apple in Photoshop Tutorial Resources Metallic Ball Apples City Worm Sun Brushes Step 1 Open file “Metal Ball”. Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and make a selection of the ball. Hold shift while dragging to keep the selection… Continue reading How to Create a Photo-Realistic Metal Apple in Photoshop

Create your own world

Requirements: Photoshop CS6 Difficulty: Intermediate Time: max 1 hour   Outcome: Resources: Ripe Font This tutorial is just part one of “Create your own world” tutorial. Let’s begin: 0. Open your image. File > Open > Open 1. Use Magic Wand Tool ( W ) and click on white background. Tolerance: 25. Right click on… Continue reading Create your own world

Freebie: 12 Large Bokeh Brushes

There are 12 color bokeh brushes. If you’re a SparkleStock member, you can pick from 18 bokeh brushes! They come in multiple sizes; 625, 1250, 2500, and 5000 pixels. In addition, you get them in pre-colored JPEG images to save you time. Drag and drop them into your document then set the blending mode to… Continue reading Freebie: 12 Large Bokeh Brushes

Freebie: Wallpaper Calendar of February 2013 (for Desktop and iPhone)

Hi, how about your first month in 2013? We hope what have you planned yesterday, have started running. While you always do an evaluation. And tomorrow you’ll enter a new month – February 2013. As usual, at the end of each month we release a cool free wallpaper calendar for you. Keep spirit! And always… Continue reading Freebie: Wallpaper Calendar of February 2013 (for Desktop and iPhone)

Adaptive Blog Theme: Custom Widgets

One way of adding functionality to a WordPress theme is through widgets. WordPress has a selection of useful widgets built-in, but you may want to make some custom widgets to suit your theme. Custom Widgets Part 1 Alternatively, Download the video, or subscribe to Wptuts+ screencasts via YouTube Custom Widgets Part 2 Alternatively, Download the… Continue reading Adaptive Blog Theme: Custom Widgets

Reverse Your Layers in Photoshop

It’s not a super common occurrence, but there are certainly times when you have the need to reverse the order that your layers appear in. Whether it’s all of them, or just a select few. Reversed layers usually occur after duplications, but sometimes it can occur simply by misarrangement. Here’s a trick to fix this! The… Continue reading Reverse Your Layers in Photoshop

Adaptive Blog Theme: Page Templates

Not all content on a blog is in posts. We need page templates for archives, a page template that’s full width, and we’re even going to go over a more sophisticated template that deals with a contact form and validation. Default Page Template (page.php) and Custom Page Templates Download the video, or subscribe to Wptuts+… Continue reading Adaptive Blog Theme: Page Templates

Quick Tip: Creating an App Walkthrough in After Effects

It’s often interesting to turn your attention to a new skill or toolset and see what it offers your current workflow. Today, we’ll do just that by presenting our web projects with… Adobe After Effects. This is a beginner tutorial aimed towards app and web developers. This screencast was originally published on Aetuts+. Go and… Continue reading Quick Tip: Creating an App Walkthrough in After Effects

Migrating to a New Hosting Provider is Easier Than You Think

Most website owners look at migrating to a new host as one of the most painful processes imaginable. This fear can be paralyzing, keeping them at inferior service providers far longer than they need to be. If you’ve been thinking about changing hosts, but were scared that the pain of moving would be worse than… Continue reading Migrating to a New Hosting Provider is Easier Than You Think

Killzone C4d signature tutorial

Hi everyone, in this tutorial I’ll teach you guys to reach a similar outcome as the following Killzone signature: It’s not a difficult tutorial if you already know some basics and medium skills. It is fully labeled, this way you can exactly see what I did when creating the signature, even steps that I didn’t explain in… Continue reading Killzone C4d signature tutorial