Release notes are the most undervalued pieces of growth bypassed by most teams. Most often seen as boring documents to write, they’re… Continue reading on UX Collective »
Category: UX
Emoji kitchen, Figma responsive cards, obsessive note-taking, CTA database
Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, more specifically, Machine Learning are pervasive in our daily lives. From Facebook ads to YouTube recommendations; from Siri to Google Assistant; and from automated translation of device notice to marketing personalization tools; AI now deeply permeates both our work and personal lives. This article is a compilation of three small… Continue reading Emoji kitchen, Figma responsive cards, obsessive note-taking, CTA database
How to create responsive cards with the help of auto-layout in Figma?
Auto Layout is one of the most powerful features of Figma and today we will be creating a card design inside Figma using Auto-Layout which will be fully responsive, i.e would respond to the screen size. demonstrates the responsive design of the card Before we get started, there are 3 main things we are talking about in… Continue reading How to create responsive cards with the help of auto-layout in Figma?
Service design as a mobile games development framework
Life is a permanent game. A game of decisions, paths and options with increasingly difficult choices to make. Gamification is one strategy used to design products and services in this complex reality. But what happens if we do the opposite? Using service design as a game development framework? Pawnshop negotiation feature, from the Mobile Game… Continue reading Service design as a mobile games development framework
Should you use pagination or infinite scrolling? Your edge cases can help you decide
To solve an age-old design debate, consider what your user’s next step will be Continue reading on UX Collective »
Day in the life of an obsessive note taker
Starting the day on a good note. Illustration by author. When it comes to taking notes, some people might think a few key phrases jotted down on a scrap piece of paper is good enough. But for me — an obsessive note-taker — that would never cut it. I used to be a person who… Continue reading Day in the life of an obsessive note taker
Vector animations with Figma and SVG-Animate
Have you ever gotten frustrated because you couldn’t describe complex animations to your developers? Finding references, polishing details… Continue reading on UX Collective »
Thinking colors: Balancing between visual and abstract
In a digital world, colors are represented as coordinates in one of the color models: RGB, HSL, HCL, etc… Some are made for machines (RGB literally represents the way displays work) while others (HSL, HCL) try to be more designer-friendly by providing a more natural way to navigate the color space. For designers colors are… Continue reading Thinking colors: Balancing between visual and abstract
Making websites sharable on social media
A guide on how to include open graph tags to your website, and a svelte template to do so. Continue reading on UX Collective »
Understanding accessibility makes you a better [insert your name here]
Accessibility isn’t something that you can “add in at the end”. It’s not the icing on a cake, it’s the eggs that make the cake. Understanding what accessibility is, how you can create accessible digital experiences, and the fact that it impacts each of us in different ways, is an essential part of being a… Continue reading Understanding accessibility makes you a better [insert your name here]
How IBM revolutionized corporate America with design
For more than 100 years, IBM has been one of the prominent names among computing giants, dominating the early global market with technical and service superiority. They forged a path of innovation leading to Nobel Prizes, lucrative defense contracts, and they even helped to put a man on the moon. IBM CEO, Thomas J. Watson Jr.… Continue reading How IBM revolutionized corporate America with design
5 more lessons I wish I had learned earlier as a design manager
DESIGN LEADERSHIP From handling user interfaces to handling people: Part II I’m a designer by profession and a cheater in people management. I was lucky enough to know the bitter truth about management in advance but couldn’t believe it was true. My wife, an expert in this area, always told me stories from her work,… Continue reading 5 more lessons I wish I had learned earlier as a design manager
Be a cultivator of ideas to achieve trust, buy-in, and design excellence
Be a cultivator of ideas because you are more likely to achieve design excellence when you include ideas from a diverse group of people. Field Of Sunflowers by Matthew T Rader One of the UX Designer‘s primary roles is to not generate all the ideas but to cultivate ideas from the various stakeholders in a project. Early… Continue reading Be a cultivator of ideas to achieve trust, buy-in, and design excellence
UX principles for AI art tools like DALL·E
Setting a course for better image-generation tools. A composite image made with DALL·E, using the prompt: ‘1980s illustration of a face with a visible brain that’s exploding in shapes and colours’ For the past year, I’ve been experimenting with several AI art image generating systems: VQGAN+CLIP and Diffusion notebooks on Google Colab, Midjourney, a text-based… Continue reading UX principles for AI art tools like DALL·E
5 annoying UX mistakes in iPad apps
A guide for building great iPad apps — because over-stretched iPhone apps don’t count. Continue reading on UX Collective »
4 killer examples of personalized UX
Image by Mo on Unsplash. A key component to creating excellent User Experiences is personalized content. You have been — either consciously or unconsciously — a part of hundreds of personalization experiments. Every time you log in to Netflix to watch some series or scroll down TikTok while going to work. UX design plays a… Continue reading 4 killer examples of personalized UX
Choosing the right mindset to design complex applications
How to prepare your mental game to tackle user experience for complex products. Continue reading on UX Collective »
A guide to getting UX Research internships — the story of a smile
I will start my internship in a company I like in a few days. It brings a deep smile to my face. However, this article is about the difficult moments behind this smile — moments when I lost my confidence and felt upset, hopeless, and insufficient. In the past few months, I had a lot… Continue reading A guide to getting UX Research internships — the story of a smile
How to kick off strategic research if you are NOT Spotify?
First steps of strategic product research at Glovo by UXR & Data ✏️ Illustrations credits to Ivan Mesaroš / Available on Blush From Spotify, all the way to Microsoft, and many more, the leveraging of multidisciplinary teams to conduct product research seems THE WAY to achieve more actionable, comprehensive insights providing a higher likelihood of making… Continue reading How to kick off strategic research if you are NOT Spotify?
Rapid Personas: a play for your UX Playbook
Sketches of people in action poses, by Uday Gajendar It’s hard to write any article about personas — the design artifact people love to hate — without a string of caveats. But, here I am, writing about personas with no caveats. Let’s do it. With the Rapid Personas play I’m trying to address a couple… Continue reading Rapid Personas: a play for your UX Playbook
Super-helpful tips when working with Figma component properties
Handy tips to improve your understanding of Component Props Continue reading on UX Collective »
Exploring interstitial spaces
Embracing the serendipitous as design process Book interior page spread Relinquishing control defines serendipity as “an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident”. My first acquaintance with serendipity as an element immersed within a design process was at a talk delivered by a photographer who would daily “put himself in the way of the… Continue reading Exploring interstitial spaces
When brown becomes a shade of orange in data visualization
Using the color Brown to create sequential and diverging color schemes. Continue reading on UX Collective »
What is a Design System? A simple guide to get started
A design system is a library of guidelines and reusable components that should establish the consistency of the product experience. The goal of a design system is to create a single source of truth, that is visible and maintainable by the team. Perhaps not all teams need a design system. However, from my personal experience,… Continue reading What is a Design System? A simple guide to get started