A Beginner’s Guide to AJAX with jQuery

In the first article of this series, we covered the fundamentals of AJAX. In the second, we looked at a working example using vanilla JavaScript. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through a few of jQuery’s AJAX-related functions and methods. More specifically, we’ll take a closer look at the shorthand load method and the generic ajax… Continue reading A Beginner’s Guide to AJAX with jQuery

46 Cool Blog Header Designs for Your Inspiration

Inspiration There are people claiming that the design of your blog is not that important. Just install one of the free themes for your WordPress and you’re good to go. In the end, we all know that content is king. If you must, upload your logo but then that’s that. In fact, it’s not so… Continue reading 46 Cool Blog Header Designs for Your Inspiration

What To Keep In Mind When You Use Typography in Your Design

One of the most common elements of your website is typography. After all, it is for reading the content that visitors typically look to visit your web-pages. Undoubtedly, graphics and layouts are also key components of a webpage but you simply cannot ignore line heights, type size, and column width in their favor. When it… Continue reading What To Keep In Mind When You Use Typography in Your Design

7 Best Practices of Responsive Web Design

Considering the rate at which the mobile web is growing, it’s becoming crucial that your website be ready to accept visitors who are coming in from a widely assorted array of different devices and screen sizes. This is where responsive design can come into the picture and save your day nicely. However, with responsive design,… Continue reading 7 Best Practices of Responsive Web Design

10 Resources and Promotion Facts for Freelance Designers

The most successful freelancers are the ones that do the best job of getting their name out there. Being able to successful showcase and promote your own work is key to gaining more clients and becoming well-known for what you do.   It’s definitely hard to stand out in the crowd sometimes when you’re a… Continue reading 10 Resources and Promotion Facts for Freelance Designers

Detect Browser CSS Support With @supports Rule

Since browsers have their own decision of what features to include, we web developers frequently have to identify if the browser supports particular features, then we fill in the gap using Polyfills (if required). The popular way of handling this kind of situation is by using Modernizr but do you know that we can also… Continue reading Detect Browser CSS Support With @supports Rule