6 Tantalizing Facts About Utilization of Flat WordPress Themes

Flat interface is the latest trend of the current world of internet. The combination of attractive colors and typography has made the flat word press designs exquisite and unique. Hence the latest trend of flat designs has gained popularity in the recent times where the ideas of flat designs are further explored and refined. Distinctiveness… Continue reading 6 Tantalizing Facts About Utilization of Flat WordPress Themes

How To Make a Letterpress Texture Effect in Photoshop

I’ve received a few questions recently about how I create the letterpress style texturing that appears on pretty much every retro/vintage design I make. Today’s tutorial will show you a quick and easy way to give your logos and typography that ink stamp style effect that originated from the old letterpress style printing technique.  … Continue reading How To Make a Letterpress Texture Effect in Photoshop

25 Beautiful Website Designs Designed with HTML5

Html5 is the latest revision of the HTML standard and currently remains under development. Its core aims have been to improve the language with support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans and consistently understood by computers and devices (web browsers, parsers etc.). In this post, i have added 20 fresh… Continue reading 25 Beautiful Website Designs Designed with HTML5

5 Overused Logo Trends To Avoid

If you are an aspiring designer looking to delve into logo design, you’ll want to develop your own style instead of simply emulating examples around you. Effective logos are more than just pretty; a well-designed logo is purposeful and unique, which makes following commonplace trends a losing strategy. Avid readers of DesignFestival are probably aware… Continue reading 5 Overused Logo Trends To Avoid

Free 12 Flat SEO icons

Free 12 Flat SEO icons, this set of 12 flat SEO icons is perfect for adding a light-hearted and playful tone to sites. The flat aesthetic is set off beautifully by the modern color palette and the addition of the long shadow technique is a sophisticated touch. Playful and approachable, the icons are useful for… Continue reading Free 12 Flat SEO icons

How To Make Your Usability Test An Engaging Experience

In my first usability test, I met a dear old woman who didn’t know how uses a mouse. She lifted it up and pointed it at the screen, encouraging the cursor in verbal tones! At the test’s conclusion I got completely nothing. But I quickly learned the importance of laying down very exact criteria for… Continue reading How To Make Your Usability Test An Engaging Experience

Mind-Blowing Long Exposure Photos Which Will Definitely Capture Your Attention

Long exposure photography is a technique which involves using a long-duration shutter speed to sharply capture the stationary elements of images while blurring, smearing, or obscuring the moving elements. The paths of moving light sources become clearly visible. Long exposure photos are extremely interesting because they are showing a different world that you can’t see it you your own… Continue reading Mind-Blowing Long Exposure Photos Which Will Definitely Capture Your Attention