Advertisement Gradients play an essential role in web design, especially cool gradient backgrounds. There are many different possibilities of gradients that you can use, such as linear or radial. You can use a wide variety of shades and colors to add interest and depth. Gradients are very important to making your website unique and attractive.… Continue reading Showcase Of Websites With Creative Background Gradients
Tag: revenue
10 New Yet Free WordPress Plugins
WordPress plugins are quite a useful commodity as they allow designers and developers to bring in some additional functionality into their website or blog. WordPress plugins are specially popular in designing community because of their widespread variety and easy availability. In this post, we are also presenting a fresh collection of 10 new and free… Continue reading 10 New Yet Free WordPress Plugins
AMP in 60 Seconds
The AMP project is an open source initiative backed by Google, with the goal of making websites faster. Here’s what it is, in sixty seconds! Useful Resources 60 seconds?! This is part of a series of quick video tutorials on Envato Tuts+. We’re introducing a range of subjects, all in 60 seconds–just enough to whet your… Continue reading AMP in 60 Seconds