Best Looking Free WordPress Themes for 2017

January 12, 2017 by Veronika There are plenty of premium WordPress themes to choose from but the ones that are free usually lack key features and present a badly designed layout.This collection of the best looking free WordPress themes will help you pick the right theme for your WP blog or website without spending a… Continue reading Best Looking Free WordPress Themes for 2017

Small Guide For Designing A Website That Sells

Image source:[2] The development of sales makes one thing obvious – consumers are becoming picky and negative towards uncreative companies. The ones to make the best deals are the always evolving ones, which seem to really understand what their customers want. First of all, a company needs to develop an excellent product which can… Continue reading Small Guide For Designing A Website That Sells

PicStock- Ultra Advanced Stock Media HTML Template

Online picture selling is one of the most flourishing as well as promising industries over the web with very bright future prospects. In this connection, the number of such online businesses is growing day by day. There are countless people, like professional photographers, who have lots of pictorial stuff and want to sell it to… Continue reading PicStock- Ultra Advanced Stock Media HTML Template

The Importance Of Usability When Designing A Site

Web usability is an approach to make web sites easy to use for an end-user, without the requirement that any specialized training be undertaken. The user should be able to intuitively relate the actions she needs to perform on the web page with other interactions she sees similar contexts, e.g., press a button to perform… Continue reading The Importance Of Usability When Designing A Site

Top 5 Scroll-to-Animate Effects in Online Animation

Online animation has become much more than a parlor trick for developers to show off their skills. Animation is used to create more sultry interfaces that feel smoother and easier to use. Natural animation gives off a certain vibe of corporeality to interface design. One area that’s seen a lot of attention is the scroll-to-animate technique.… Continue reading Top 5 Scroll-to-Animate Effects in Online Animation

15 Essential Graphics Tools for Online Designers

Great design is a process of hard work and inspiration. There are no shortcuts, but technology offers you plenty of tools to save time and increase productivity. Of course the hard part is actually finding the software that fulfills your needs. Over the course of the last year I’ve created an online toolbox, composed of… Continue reading 15 Essential Graphics Tools for Online Designers

Best Online Courses for Teaching Yourself New Design Skills

Keeping up with modern skillsets is crucial if you want to succeed as a designer. All skills should be on the table from Adobe software to icon design and even RoR development. Unfortunately it can be difficult to learn all of this stuff from books and it’s not always viable to sign up for classes.… Continue reading Best Online Courses for Teaching Yourself New Design Skills

28 Free Online Tools & Resources for Web Designers

With the increasing popularity of web design there are more online resources available no than ever before. In the past we’ve covered top design tools that included both premium and free options. But since most designers would prefer to use free tools that $ 0.00 price tag is much more useful and in-demand. In this… Continue reading 28 Free Online Tools & Resources for Web Designers

20 Online CSS3 Menu, Layout & Code Generators

Though CSS3 generators or tools are not necessary but can provide a strong start for your menu or layout designs. These tools can speed up the design workflow. You can change the code later according to your needs. In this article we featured 20 CSS3 menu, layout & code generators you can find online. These… Continue reading 20 Online CSS3 Menu, Layout & Code Generators

20 Best Online Courses Websites for Web Designers and Developers

If you want to learn everything about web design and web developing, then these best online courses websites are a great choice! Sure, you can start by following free tutorials online or reading how-to articles, but this can take a while and you may not get the results you are looking for. Online courses websites… Continue reading 20 Best Online Courses Websites for Web Designers and Developers

20 Professional and Free Online Website Builders

Do you need a professional website and lack the design or developing skills? No problem! There are plenty of great, free online website builders you can use. You can create your stunning website in just minutes! We selected 20 free online website builders just for you! Create your new website today! WiX Create a free… Continue reading 20 Professional and Free Online Website Builders

20 Best Opencart Themes For Online Store 2014

Best opencart themes 2014 which helps you to open online store or ecommerce website in just a few minutes. Thes opencart themes has all required features. OpenCart is considered to be one of the most stable and potential platforms on the market. You just simply need to install it, select your theme add your products… Continue reading 20 Best Opencart Themes For Online Store 2014

10 Online Applications To Help With File Management

Managing file is a necessity of today’s world because we have to deal with the great amount of different types of files on a daily basis – be is documents, images, photos, multimedia, etc. therefore, it is important to have a system where you can manage all of your files without any hassle. Today, the… Continue reading 10 Online Applications To Help With File Management

20 Creative Resume Website Templates to Improve Your Online Presence

Every professional should have an online portfolio or presentation website. There are many types of personal websites you can choose to have. For example you can opt for simple vCards or one-page portfolios, or if you have more works to showcase you can choose to have a complex portfolio website with a great gallery and… Continue reading 20 Creative Resume Website Templates to Improve Your Online Presence

Human Visual Processing – Why understanding it is Crucial for Web Design [Infographic]

You know that attention spans are quickly becoming even shorter. When people watch movies and television, go shopping, browse for books, and surf the web, they make up their minds in seconds—sometimes to their detriment, true, but that doesn’t matter in cyberspace. You can’t track down every person who visits your site, delivers the Blink… Continue reading Human Visual Processing – Why understanding it is Crucial for Web Design [Infographic]

13 Online HTML5 Tools For Web Designers

With this collection, we want to share with you 13 great online HTML5 tools that have been designed especially for the web developers so that they can simplify their development work. These online HTML5 tools will be very helpful for the web developers to build awesome and new revolutionary web pages. Here is the complete… Continue reading 13 Online HTML5 Tools For Web Designers

Web IDEs: the future of coding

Still using desktop code editors? Web integrated development environments (IDEs) are a new way to build your web projects directly in the browser, often saving development time and making collaboration easier. The humble browser used to just serve up simple HTML documents, but it’s often now your first stop for just about any task. Think… Continue reading Web IDEs: the future of coding

Tips to Protect Your Brand Online

If you are just starting a business or have been running one for a while, you will realize that knowing how to protect your brand online is very important. Huge corporations have continued to use their competitors tools and designs, largely because, that’s what works. As a result, what works becomes public and everyone has… Continue reading Tips to Protect Your Brand Online

Easy Online Printing and Custom Design Services

If you have a business and you want to increase your potential and clients then you will need to invest in printed material so that you can market yourself. You can either go for business card printing or you can also offer for leaflet printing. There are many options available in other printing materials however… Continue reading Easy Online Printing and Custom Design Services