Elements: Dashboard UI kit for Photoshop and Sketch

Elements is a free UI kit including a lot of useful components (inputs, buttons, selects, dropdowns, notifications, tables, etc.) to get started with dashboards / admin pages design. The freebie comes in both PSD and Sketch formats and it’s been designed and released by Jan Losert, experience designer at at Tapdaq. Download freebie

28 Free Highest Quality PSD Mockup Templates

Free premium quality PSD mockup templates allows you to create professional presentation of your work with perspective view and give your brand a competitive edge and wow your customers with sleek and stylish concepts and ideas. These mockups are easy-to-use with Smart Objects and the mockup template will handle lighting, shading, and transforming to fit the… Continue reading 28 Free Highest Quality PSD Mockup Templates

Apple UI Design Resources for Photoshop and Sketch

Good news for UI lovers! Apple has just updated its iOS Human Interface Guidelines which now includes the latest iOS 10 UI Design Resources. The resources include UI elements, templates, color palettes, the San Francisco typeface, icons and other useful assets to help designers quickly design iOS applications. Two downloads are available for Photoshop and Sketch! Download freebie

Print Web & Mobile UI Templates With Sketchsheets

The best way to plan a new mobile UI is with rough wireframe sketching. You can quickly put down ideas onto paper and compare different ideas side-by-side without being limited by a mouse & keyboard. 20 Detailed UI Concept Sketches + Ready Designs For Your Inspiration 20 Detailed UI Concept Sketches + Ready Designs For… Continue reading Print Web & Mobile UI Templates With Sketchsheets

Top Web Apps Designed to Smooth Your Design Workflow

Posted · Category: Best Collections The web apps below in combination with these productivity tips will help you improve your workflow.  So here they are: Clarify Expected Outcomes.  Just as can often be more than a single solution to an ambiguous requirement, expectations that are not put forth clearly can lead to unexpected or unintended results.… Continue reading Top Web Apps Designed to Smooth Your Design Workflow

Facebook iOS 10 UI kit

Today the designer team at Facebook has released Facebook iOS 10 Light, a complete iOS UI kit for Photoshop, Sketch and Figma. The kit includes all the essential iPhone vanilla UI component. Download freebie

What’s new for designers, October 2016

In this month’s edition of what’s new for designers, we’ve included color tools, icon sets, automation tools, design tools, printables, Sketch plugins, and more. And as always, we’ve also included some awesome new free fonts! Almost everything on the list this month is free, with a few high-value paid apps and tools also included. They’re… Continue reading What’s new for designers, October 2016

Sportify: A small UI Kit for fitness apps

This week featured freebie is Sportify, a small UI kit for fitness apps made of 5 awesome Sketch screens exclusively for Freebiesbug. This free kit is part of a full pack released on DesignerBundle that is worth to be checked out! Download freebie

Web Design In Action: A Sample Design Workflow

Advertisement Designing and building an entire website from scratch involves many different pieces. It can get easier with time and practice, but you’re always starting from a blank slate for every new project which can be tough. The best thing to do is fall into a creative routine that you can follow every time. This… Continue reading Web Design In Action: A Sample Design Workflow

Free Download: Guacamole UI Kit

Posted · Category: License Free, Stock Photos Need help with pixels and vector shapes in Photoshop, Adobe Xd or Sketch? The Guacamole UI kit will get you going. Whether you feel like designing an eye-catching look book in Photoshop, a spicy app in Sketch, or a sweet sweet interaction in Xd, Guacamole goes well with… Continue reading Free Download: Guacamole UI Kit

Free Download: Relate UI Kit with 99+ UI Components

Posted · Category: License Free, PS Tutorials You can build a stunning, minimal social app with Relate UI Kit, a free cross-platform UI kit. With 45 design templates, 15 categories, and more than 99 UI components for web, tablet, and mobile, the creative opportunities are limitless. Inside Relate, you’ll find completely customizable, scalable vector shapes.… Continue reading Free Download: Relate UI Kit with 99+ UI Components

Landing UI Kit with 80+ Layouts

Posted · Category: License Free, PS Tutorials Landing Free UI Kit has tons of handcrafted UI components created to increase your web creating speed, for Sketch and Photoshop. They’ve chosen the bright color palette that arouses only positive emotions and is sure to be loved by almost everyone. 80+ layouts in most popular categories commonly… Continue reading Landing UI Kit with 80+ Layouts

25 Powerful Tools and Resources For Web Designers

Posted · Category: Best Collections It’s important for web designers and agencies to keep abreast of the latest technological and design trends. It’s equally important that those who produce design tools and aids, maintain design element resources, and provide website development and implementation services That is true with the design and development aides that are… Continue reading 25 Powerful Tools and Resources For Web Designers

iOS 10 UI Kit Free for Download

Posted · Category: License Free, PS Tutorials iOS 10 UI Kit is an open-source, collaborative UI design template for iOS 10. It’s an ultimate kit to get screens, apps, icons, effects and much more from the new delightfully designed operating system by Apple. Once downloaded, you’re free to use all the Sketch files for UI… Continue reading iOS 10 UI Kit Free for Download

Messaging Design Kit for Sketch

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools Messaging Design Kit is a design kit for Sketch, containing everything you need to craft beautiful and functional rich messaging experiences. You can quickly assemble and modify a fully rendered messaging experience using Sketch symbols. There are 84 carefully crafted icons, made especially for in-app messaging user interfaces. And… Continue reading Messaging Design Kit for Sketch

Free iOS Wireframe kit for Sketch

A free iOS Wireframe kit for Sketch designed by Megan Dolan at Savvy including a lot of useful pre-built elements to be dragged and dropped into a mockup. This kit is different from all the other ones because it takes advantage of Sketch symbols that allow to quickly insert a specific element from the symbol menu. Hope you enjoy… Continue reading Free iOS Wireframe kit for Sketch

Diverse Device Hands by Facebook

The design team at Facebook has just released another great free resource called Diverse Device Hands: it is basically a set of phone mockups held by hands that you can use in any presentation of your designs. The package includes PNGs of the hands holding various devices as well as a Sketch file of the hands with vector… Continue reading Diverse Device Hands by Facebook

15 Free Admin Dashboard Templates (PSD & Sketch)

In recent years, much has changed in the way web users interact with dashboard data and complete simple backend tasks. Layouts are more spacious and mobile-friendly, colors are simpler, typography is highly-readable, interactive charts make data much easier to digest, and advancements in technology have made completing tasks much quicker. The admin panels of 2016… Continue reading 15 Free Admin Dashboard Templates (PSD & Sketch)

The Next Random: UI kit for Sketch

Today’s exclusive freebie is The Next Random, a free UI kit for Sketch created and designed by Luan Gjokaj. It is a set of minimal components, which includes buttons, switches, forms, modals, etc. You can use this set in your projects or learn with it, by examining each component to see how it is put together. Download freebie