Common UX Mistakes and How to Avoid (or Fix) Them

Have you ever fumbled through a complicated contact form on a mobile website or wished for a button or link that wasn’t there? If so, you’ve experienced what a lack of foresight in user experience (UX) design causes. Don’t fall victim to the same common UX mistakes. Make sure potential customers poor UX design doesn’t… Continue reading Common UX Mistakes and How to Avoid (or Fix) Them

Google Data Studio: a Nifty, Free, Easy-to-use Data Vis Tool

As a digital marketer, you can often be overwhelmed with the amount of information and data needed to be analyzed in order to evaluate your efforts. Traffic, conversion rate, user location, behavior and acquisitions — just to name a few — all have to be examined to define the progress of your digital marketing campaign.… Continue reading Google Data Studio: a Nifty, Free, Easy-to-use Data Vis Tool

What You Need To Do To Be A Great UX Designer

The concept of user experience design is a relatively new idea, and now it is an appropriate time to find a way of defining it, by identifying UX design skills and by looking at how these need to be put into practice. In design terms, everything that goes into user experience can make UX a… Continue reading What You Need To Do To Be A Great UX Designer

What Is A User Experience Designer And What Do They Do

The term ‘design’ can be a deceptively simple one. It sounds curiously vague, and when offered in response to most people, it elicits a degree of confusion. For example, when somebody says ‘Oh, I work as a designer,’ a lot of people do not entirely understand what this means. This is because, for such a… Continue reading What Is A User Experience Designer And What Do They Do

4 Point Checklist on Choosing Most Serious Coding Agency

Posted · Category: Best Collections Choosing the right coders for your project can be painfully similar to looking for a needle in the haystack. There are thousands of people out there offering their services, but who are the best ones for you and your business? Who among them understands your vision, aligns with your goals,… Continue reading 4 Point Checklist on Choosing Most Serious Coding Agency