20 Finest Free WordPress eCommerce Themes

WordPress is a very powerful and flexible CMS, you can easily go for it and use for your online store. Online stores got really popular lately thanks to their ease of use. It’s a lot more comfortable to buy things from home, while relaxing on your own sofa. The quality and availability of WordPress eCommerce… Continue reading 20 Finest Free WordPress eCommerce Themes

15 Free Minimal And Responsive WordPress Themes

Here, we are presenting 15 free, minimal and responsive WordPress themes for you. WordPress offers the best platform for blogging and sharing content online. With loads of feature rich options and plugins, WordPress is the ideal choice of many bloggers, designers and creative people who want to share their content with the world. WordPress themes… Continue reading 15 Free Minimal And Responsive WordPress Themes

35+ Stunning WordPress Full Width Slider Themes

With WordPress full width slider themes, it is possible to build business websites that impress visitors and do an optimal presentation of important content. One of the recent trends in business website design is to add a cool full width slider just below the navigation. The effect is available and easy to set up if… Continue reading 35+ Stunning WordPress Full Width Slider Themes

Why Ours is the best WordPress Theme Builder

Since the beginning of last year, the WordPress Theme Generator has been moving around, and you may have heard something about it; this is one of our best projects, and it seems that a lot of people is trying it out now and most of them are having excellent results and satisfaction with the tool.… Continue reading Why Ours is the best WordPress Theme Builder

Cross-Site Scripting in WordPress: Practical Tips for Securing Your Site

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Cross-Site Scripting in WordPress In this series, we’re taking a look at how to secure our WordPress projects from XSS – or cross-site scripting. In the first article in the series, we defined what cross-site scripting actually is, understanding how it works, and why it’s… Continue reading Cross-Site Scripting in WordPress: Practical Tips for Securing Your Site

Cross-Site Scripting in WordPress: What Is XSS?

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Cross-Site Scripting in WordPress One of the most exciting aspects of modern web development is the potential that comes with building applications specifically for web browsers (or to run “in the cloud.”) Originally, Java was meant to be the “write-once, run-anywhere” solution, but it appears… Continue reading Cross-Site Scripting in WordPress: What Is XSS?

20 Free Ecommerce WordPress Themes

Free eCommerce WordPress themes have been developed and designed for integration with one or several of the eCommerce plugins developed for WordPress. Some designs have eCommerce functionality integrated into the theme. The main eCommerce plugins developed for WordPress include Jigoshop, Cart66, WP eCommerce and WooCommerce. Although a wide variety of options for an eCommerce platform… Continue reading 20 Free Ecommerce WordPress Themes

30 Most Famous Sites Built Using WordPress

WordPress, is one of the most preferrable CMS platforms by most bloggers, site owners due to its availabilty of features. It is customizable and user-friendly. It is more flexible than other CMS platforms. It is not only just for blogging. Through the use of programming languages the WordPress developers can build a website using the… Continue reading 30 Most Famous Sites Built Using WordPress

Strategies for Supporting WordPress Plugins

As a WordPress developer – specifically for plugins, in this case – determining the best way to provide support for your work can be a challenge. In fact, I’m currently in the process of evaluating what may be the best route for my current set of plugins, so this topic hits close to home. As… Continue reading Strategies for Supporting WordPress Plugins

20 Fresh WordPress Themes Released in January 2013

Going on what’s been released already this year, 2013 promises to be amazing for both the quantity of new premium themes and the quality of those themes. In this post I am going to showcase 20 beautiful and well coded wordpress premium themes of January 2013. These WordPress themes are designed for a wide range… Continue reading 20 Fresh WordPress Themes Released in January 2013

10 Great WordPress Plugins for Making Development Easier

When developing for WordPress, it’s great to know the in’s and out’s of the CMS completely, and in return output a fantastic end project.WordPress development oftentimes comes with the fact, though, that you’ll be using many of the same features repeatedly in different projects, or perhaps many times within one project. Even if you know… Continue reading 10 Great WordPress Plugins for Making Development Easier

How To Get The Most Out Of A Premium WordPress Theme

There has quite probably never been a better time to be a premium theme user. While a huge increase in the supply of quality premium themes hasn’t particularly driven down prices, it has promoted a huge push for innovation, best practices and quality design. Unfortunately, there’s one crucial thing which rarely gets quite so much… Continue reading How To Get The Most Out Of A Premium WordPress Theme

11 WordPress Plugins That Will Get Your Site Ready for 2013

As the clock struck midnight on New Years Eve, many resolutions were being made all over the world. If you own a website, yours might have included a few decisions about your website. Even if you aren’t the New Years resolution type, you probably have a few things you’d like to change for your website… Continue reading 11 WordPress Plugins That Will Get Your Site Ready for 2013

A growing bundle of fantastic WordPress themes for Free

Hi there, today we want to talk about something that turns to be good news for all web masters out there. Themeshock has released an enormous bundle of free themes. and we took some time to review them and tell you what is so good about this bundle. We will tell you about its growing process.… Continue reading A growing bundle of fantastic WordPress themes for Free

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blogger vs WordPress

The competition never ends but then, it’s a must have to find out the best available choice. This comparison has always been a part of every aspect and it does drive the result-though not between WordPress and Blogger. Both of these have been the top notch rivalries and it’s been an era since the competition… Continue reading Advantages and Disadvantages of Blogger vs WordPress

80 Awesome Twitter Bootstrap Templates To Get You Started

Twitter Bootstrap is a powerful and easy to use framework enabling front-end developers to craft professional and high quality Bootstrap templates with flexible responsive layouts that look great on tablets, mobiles and desktops. Since its release back in august 2011 the development community has been growing fast, providing developers with the tools and knowledge to… Continue reading 80 Awesome Twitter Bootstrap Templates To Get You Started

30 Best News Magazine WordPress Themes

We have been covering a lot of WordPress topics lately. We are finding that users are becoming more and more committed to WordPress because of its simplicity and overall ease of use. If you didn’t check out our post a couple of weeks ago it was called The 10 Best Selling WordPress Themes of All… Continue reading 30 Best News Magazine WordPress Themes

50 Excellent Dark WordPress Themes – Want Your Website to ROCK?

The availability of themes for WordPress is staggering, but for some reason there us a limited supply of dark WordPress themes. The process of choosing colors for your website is one of the most crucial parts of the web design phase. Colors have a strong impact on visitors and specific colors often evoke certain types… Continue reading 50 Excellent Dark WordPress Themes – Want Your Website to ROCK?

The Top 6 WordPress SEO Mistakes & How to Correct Them

You’ve taken the time to choose, commission or build a theme, you’ve thought about your audiences, written some great content, added some nice pictures and you’re ready for the world to see your new WordPress site: exciting times! WordPress is optimised for search engines – using some basic WordPress settings and free plugins, you can… Continue reading The Top 6 WordPress SEO Mistakes & How to Correct Them

20 Free WordPress Plugins You Should Know About

Free WordPress Plugins play a immense role in website designs today. Most people have never heard about them, and only few people have an interest in how a beautiful and user-friendly website is created. Still, the majority of us are literally “living” on the internet, and some would say that we take it for granted.… Continue reading 20 Free WordPress Plugins You Should Know About

Adaptive Blog Theme: Custom Widgets

One way of adding functionality to a WordPress theme is through widgets. WordPress has a selection of useful widgets built-in, but you may want to make some custom widgets to suit your theme. Custom Widgets Part 1 Alternatively, Download the video, or subscribe to Wptuts+ screencasts via YouTube Custom Widgets Part 2 Alternatively, Download the… Continue reading Adaptive Blog Theme: Custom Widgets

25+ Exceptional WordPress Slideshow Plugin Roundup

In recent years, using a WordPress slideshow plugin has become hugely popular and for the right reasons. A WordPress slideshow can provide an immense method of displaying plenty of contents in a restricted space. WordPress slideshow plugins are easy to install and manage, and they can make your website look truly professional. WordPress slideshows are… Continue reading 25+ Exceptional WordPress Slideshow Plugin Roundup

Harden your WordPress security with the most complete guide

The guys at ThemeShock have published a new post called “WordPress Security: the most complete guide” which is a compendium of the most important facts about security in WordPress that have come up recently, and this post’s goal is to give you a small appetizer resuming some of the topics discussed. It is well known… Continue reading Harden your WordPress security with the most complete guide

30+ Exciting WordPress Gaming Themes

Game oriented websites are extremely popular, and the competition is not getting easier. This should not keep you from starting a new game website. WordPress gaming themes can make a sizeable difference for you chances of success. Game enthusiasts are dedicated people and a popular game website have tons of monthly visitors that just keep… Continue reading 30+ Exciting WordPress Gaming Themes