If you’re new to web design, this free course on web design for beginners will teach you everything you need to know. “How do I pick typefaces, how do I pick colors, what the heck is whitespace, and how do I position and size elements correctly?” These are exactly the kinds of questions… Continue reading Web Design for Beginners (Epic Free Course!)
Tag: Tablet
6 Best Practices for Building Responsive Dropdown Menus
Creating a responsive dropdown menu is a tricky task. There are many decisions you have to make, in both the design and development phases. Recommended solutions usually depend on the characteristics of the website or application you’re building. However, there are also some general best practices that are recommended for all types of responsive dropdown… Continue reading 6 Best Practices for Building Responsive Dropdown Menus
Don’t have a Mobile Friendly Site yet? You will need one!
In the mobile world that we live in, by next year, it is expected that as much as 80% of all internet traffic will be mobile. So anything from a dating site to an online pet store will need to be mobile friendly and so, it is now more important than ever before. While desktop… Continue reading Don’t have a Mobile Friendly Site yet? You will need one!
10 Free Note-Taking Apps For Smartphones
Here, we are showcasing top 10 free note-taking apps for your smartphones. Using smartphone for taking notes and noting down important things and notes have become a norm. Smartphones have literally eradicated the need of carrying a paper and pen with you everywhere. Now you can carry a perfect note taking device in the form… Continue reading 10 Free Note-Taking Apps For Smartphones
30 Photoshop and Photography Tutorials to Get You Ready for Back-to-School
On iDevie, we are know that many of you reference our content in your studies. Lots of our readers are students in schools all over the world. Unfortunately, summer is coming to an end for many of you. That means it is time to start thinking about your studies again. In this article, we have… Continue reading 30 Photoshop and Photography Tutorials to Get You Ready for Back-to-School
Create A Simple Responsive Portfolio Page with Filtering and Hover Effect
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create portfolio page with filtering and also hover effect for each of your project item. We will be using a CSS3 and jQuery filter & sort plugin called MixItUp. This script should work pretty well with our previously published tutorial – display images with shape masking and… Continue reading Create A Simple Responsive Portfolio Page with Filtering and Hover Effect