8 tips for designing great posters

Posters have been around from the time of Jules Cheret, the father of   posters, and intriguingly, some of the things that worked back then still work today. A sharp departure from the 1800s, however, is that posters are no longer only meant for the roadside. They can fit anywhere, online or offline. When talking graphic… Continue reading 8 tips for designing great posters

Fresh Free Photoshop PSD Mockups for Designers (27 MockUps)

Download free Photoshop mockup templates to present your creative work in different perspective styles. This new collection have twenty seven PSD mockup designs including logo mockups, branding mockup, business cards, photographic mockups, iPhone 6 and other smart devices mock-ups. Each psd mock-up is fully layered and high quality with smart objects, so you can easily customize them to achieve perfect… Continue reading Fresh Free Photoshop PSD Mockups for Designers (27 MockUps)

20 Modern Mobile App UI Designs October 2014

Interfaces and experiences are two completely different things but go together hand in hand for every design. It is important for any software to look as attractive as it is amazing to experience. Mobile apps since the launch of smart phones have soared to new heights and they do compliment any phone’s usage. User interfaces… Continue reading 20 Modern Mobile App UI Designs October 2014

How to use UI design patterns

Design patterns are optimal solutions to common design problems. As common problems are tossed around a community and are resolved, common solutions often emerge. Eventually, the best of these rise above the din, self-identify, and become refined until they reach the status of a design pattern. I wouldn’t call a design patern a trend in… Continue reading How to use UI design patterns

Best Free WordPress Themes October 2014

It’s time for our monthly roundup of the Best Free WordPress Themes for October 2014. This month I released my own free theme CleanPort Lite, which is a free version of one of our best selling themes on ThemeFurnace – the WordPress.org version has custom icon widgets, multiple homepages so you can use as a… Continue reading Best Free WordPress Themes October 2014

Google Material Design Icons

Google Design are open-sourcing 750 glyphs as part of the Material Design system icons pack. The system icons contain icons commonly used across different apps, such as icons used for media playback, communication, content editing, connectivity, and so on. They’re equally useful when building for the web, Android or iOS. What’s included in the release?… Continue reading Google Material Design Icons

34 Dark iPhone App UI Designs for Inspiration

Apple’s newest operating system has simplified the app design process. Mobile UI design now focuses on flat elements with simple buttons and line icons. Although there are plenty of great apps out there it’s tough to know which ideas are best for UI inspiration. In this gallery you’ll find 34 lucrative dark iPhone application interfaces.… Continue reading 34 Dark iPhone App UI Designs for Inspiration

Free Download: Mobile App Introduction Template

Mobile App Introduction Template is a basic template to showcase the best features of your app, enriched with a video slider for a better user understanding. It’s a customisable, responsive template which turns into video slider on desktop screen. Requirements: – Demo: http://codyhouse.co/demo/app-introduction-template License: License Free

The Guide To UX Design Process & Documentation

Documentation is instrumental for concepting, designing, creating and measuring the performance of products. But it shouldn’t be done just for the sake of maintenance. After all, there’s nothing about a thick stack of paperwork which resembles the experience of your real product. As Lean UX advocate Jeff Gothelf describes in a piece for Smashing Magazine,… Continue reading The Guide To UX Design Process & Documentation

6 stunning HTML5, CSS3 and responsive website templates

There is no denying, Responsive Web Design or RWD has quickly become a household name in web design. It pretty much went from being completely unknown to something every web designer can comment on. Today, if you are not using some sort of responsive design on your site, then chances are you are going to… Continue reading 6 stunning HTML5, CSS3 and responsive website templates

Zombie Effect Tutorial in Photoshop

Good day, artists! In light of the Halloween season, we are here to present you a terrifying zombie effect Photoshop tutorial. Let us turn an image of a beautiful woman into a horrifying walking dead in 15 simple steps. Before we start, click the Download button below to access the resource folder that contains everything you’ll need for this tutorial.… Continue reading Zombie Effect Tutorial in Photoshop

How to Create Spooky Halloween Typography in Photoshop

As autumn approaches in much of the world, we know that many artists are beginning to think about Halloween, especially artists that live in the U.S. In this tutorial, we will explain how to create slimy, gooey, and drippy Halloween typography in Photoshop. We will then incorporate that typography into a poster design. Let’s get… Continue reading How to Create Spooky Halloween Typography in Photoshop

Discover New Fonts and Colors with Every Tab

Palletab is a Chrome extension which uses Google fonts and amazing ColourLovers palettes to inspire you with fresh and clean inspiration every time you hit that new tab button. It’s a great tool for finding the suitable fonts for your websites or web applications. Requirements: Chrome Demo: http://palettab.com/ License: License Free

Top 6 personal project management tools

Generally, project management involves some form of teamwork. But often times there are 1-man projects that can be hard to manage, too. If the project is quite simple, then old to-do lists can do the trick. But if it’s pretty complex then you simply cannot do without a project management tool. We surveyed our friends… Continue reading Top 6 personal project management tools

20 Gorgeous Examples Of Timeline In Web Design For Inspiration

I’m pretty sure most of you are aware of the use of timeline in design especially since all Facebook profiles now are displayed in this Wayne. Moreover, some smartphone apps like Path or Tweetbot also use timeline based design to showcase their stories. A timeline is one of the best ways to display chronological events… Continue reading 20 Gorgeous Examples Of Timeline In Web Design For Inspiration

Create Free and Trendy Icon Sets with FreeIconMaker

While designing a website or a web application, you can’t deny the importance of web design tools that help to simplify your tasks and complete your project on time. FreeIconMaker.com is the first free online icon maker that allows you to create your own templates and share them with others. In this article we will… Continue reading Create Free and Trendy Icon Sets with FreeIconMaker

Responsive Versus Adaptive Design: How To Choose Between The Two?

Responsive design is increasingly being promoted as the golden standard for creating the new range of web applications. However, owing to complications arising out of using the same code in every version of the website, an alternative to RWD technology known as adaptive delivery or design is what brands are turning to these days. How… Continue reading Responsive Versus Adaptive Design: How To Choose Between The Two?

38 Absolute Best Tutorials for Learning Icon Design

Simple glyphs and icons communicate a graphical representation for interfaces, branding, and content. Icon design ranges from simple line icons to detailed works of artistic beauty. Every designer has to start somewhere and nobody claims the process will be easy – but it is very rewarding. This gallery focuses on 38 icon design tutorials geared… Continue reading 38 Absolute Best Tutorials for Learning Icon Design

Not Having These Free Stuff Can Make You a Rookie

Let’s say you are about to create a personal website. It might be a simple portfolio or a complex one depicting your interests or pertaining to a topic. During the development process, you need to make sure that the programming of the website is top-notch, so that it is responsive and works seamlessly over all… Continue reading Not Having These Free Stuff Can Make You a Rookie

You Want to Create An App? Check Out These Prototyping and Building Tools

Wireframing for websites, web apps, and mobile apps that you make is as vital as laying the foundations of a tall building before moving on to its walls and roof. Web designers and web developers really need to pay attention during this stage, and perfect the user experience of your app/website with thorough prototype testing… Continue reading You Want to Create An App? Check Out These Prototyping and Building Tools

Create a Halloween-Inspired Children’s Illustration in Photoshop

As the fall approaches in many parts of the world, designers and illustrators might already be thinking about the upcoming Halloween holiday, especially those that are based in the U.S. In this tutorial, we will show you how to illustrate a cute and scary children’s illustration using techniques that you could easily incorporate into your… Continue reading Create a Halloween-Inspired Children’s Illustration in Photoshop