The majority of web projects today start with or include third party libraries. If you are working on a WordPress theme, there’s probably a good chance that you are using the HTML5 Boilerplate, Bootstrap, or Foundation. Most of these projects are available on GitHub and accessible via Bower. In this series I’m going to introduce you… Continue reading An Introduction to Using Bower With WordPress
Category: Web Development
CSS3 Animations and The New JavaScript Method Animate()
With CSS3 animations in HTML documents have become fairly easy to achieve. Using the “@keyframes” rule various properties such as position and size of an HTML element get defined. Then the property “animation” cares for getting the keyframes up and running according to their definitions. Without the need for JavaScript and plug-ins we are able… Continue reading CSS3 Animations and The New JavaScript Method Animate()
Fort.js – Modern Progress Bar for Form Completion
Fort.js is a modern progress bar for form completion. All you do is add the form and Fort.js algorithm will take care of the rest. Best of all, it super small. Using Fort.js is so simple, it’s simple. All you do is insert fort.min.js and fort.min.css into the <head> then pop in an <input> into <div>. Anything outside of the <div> won’t count. Yep, that’s all… Continue reading Fort.js – Modern Progress Bar for Form Completion
A Detailed Introduction To Node.js And MongoDB
Node.js is a rapidly growing technology that has been overtaking the world of server-side programming with surprising speed. MongoDB is a technology that’s revolutionizing database usage. Together, the two tools are a potent combination, thanks to the fact that they both employ JavaScript and JSON. At first glance, coming to grips with Node.js and MongoDB… Continue reading A Detailed Introduction To Node.js And MongoDB
Create and Theme an Evernote Powered Blog With
What You’ll Be Creating is a blogging system with a difference. It has one feature in particular which makes it especially interesting: instead of an admin panel you simply create your posts inside Evernote. You can use any Evernote app, which means blogging is multi-platform, automatically backed up, and (if you’re already an Evernote user) very familiar. In this tutorial… Continue reading Create and Theme an Evernote Powered Blog With
The Design Pattern & Wireframe Libraries Guide
In this article, Chris Bank of UXPin – The UX Design App details many of the top sources for finding wireframe examples, design patterns, templates, stencils, sketches, and other examples of web and mobile user interface designs for endless wireframing and prototyping inspiration. According to Ralph Waldo Emerson, “(Design) is a journey, not a destination.”… Continue reading The Design Pattern & Wireframe Libraries Guide
Best Node.js Tutorials and Resources for Beginners
Node.js is increasingly gaining popularity among web developers. Due to all hosting companies Node.js remains the prerogative of dedicated servers and VPS. Actually VPS is a solution that even a small startup can afford. For more details refer to the documentation on As you know, Node.js supports modules. You can find the folder for… Continue reading Best Node.js Tutorials and Resources for Beginners
What Makes HTML5 The Future Of The Web?
A growing increase in the usage of mobile devices by both individuals and enterprises, have called for businesses to ensure possible support for mobile users, both in the B2B and B2C communication realm. Multiple mobile operating systems, hardware devices, and access processes originated intimidating challenges for mobile support. Looking for a resolute seamless solution? HTML5… Continue reading What Makes HTML5 The Future Of The Web?
Full Throttle Development: Website Design Software Webydo Goes Parallax – Participate in The Closed Beta (Invite Only)
Webydo’s developers must be on steroids. The community-driven development process sparks more innovation in a few months than other companies find in their whole lifetime. The latest feature announcement promises the availability of one of the hottest trends in web design today, Parallax Scrolling. And it promises to deliver it code-free and with pixel-perfect accuracy.… Continue reading Full Throttle Development: Website Design Software Webydo Goes Parallax – Participate in The Closed Beta (Invite Only)
Darkness That Feeds Your Mind: 20 Black Joomla Layouts
Behind the color of black there are lot of different emotions. Some think it is the color of evil. Some think it is the color of emptiness. Some think it is the color of love. Black is all of those things. Today we are talking about pre-made Joomla templates that are designed in black and… Continue reading Darkness That Feeds Your Mind: 20 Black Joomla Layouts
Don’t Forget to Cover Your Client Side!
By making sure that your application is tested, you are able to reduce the amount of bugs you find in your code, increase the maintainability of your application, and design well structured code. Client side unit testing presents different challenges than server side testing. When dealing with client side code, you will find yourself struggling to… Continue reading Don’t Forget to Cover Your Client Side!
Need Coding? Top 15 PSD To HTML Services You Should Use
If web designers were to have their own way, they would like to focus on aesthetics but their end result wouldn’t only have to look good it would have to be user- friendly, cross-browser compatible, easy and fast to load and semantic. It’s a good idea to change your Photoshop mockup using a finished PSD… Continue reading Need Coding? Top 15 PSD To HTML Services You Should Use
Prelaunch Checklist: 10 Things To Do Before Launching your WordPress Site
Once you have your new site or theme finished, content has been checked and everything is good to go, there are a few more steps you should take to really get your site ready for visitors. I have launched many WordPress sites over the years and have a pre-launch checklist of various steps and… Continue reading Prelaunch Checklist: 10 Things To Do Before Launching your WordPress Site
36 Open Source Twitter Bootstrap Code Snippets
We all love to save time on frontend web development – especially when you’re coding something every week! Twitter Bootstrap has provided an enormous framework to jump start any new web project. You can find plenty of Bootstrap examples all over the Internet with brilliant designs. But how should you get started coding with Bootstrap?… Continue reading 36 Open Source Twitter Bootstrap Code Snippets
Building Beautiful Books and Exercises with GitBook
GitBook is a command line tool (and Node.js library) for building beautiful programming books and exercises using GitHub/Git and Markdown. A book can contain interactive exercises. An exercise is a code challenge provided to the reader, which is given a code editor to write a solution which is checked against the book author’s validation code.… Continue reading Building Beautiful Books and Exercises with GitBook
Creating a Node Web App With Hapi and Twilio Integration
As a developer evangelist for Twilio, I spend a lot of time going to events. When I’m chatting with event organizers and they realize I work for Twilio, one of the most common requests they have is for me is a simple application they can use to power voting at their events. Generally they are… Continue reading Creating a Node Web App With Hapi and Twilio Integration
7 free alternatives to Github
Github is a great resource for many developers. However, there are cases when it is not possible to use it due to certain constraints. For example, your employers or client might want the code to be hosted within their own servers. Alternatively, you might be trying some side projects and you might not want to… Continue reading 7 free alternatives to Github
Top 15 Platforms for Designing Pixel Perfect Websites
Many small and medium-sized businesses still lack an online presence. This means that designers are in for a busy year. A huge number of proficient platforms testify that technical skills are no longer necessary, but optional. This level of creative freedom for designers was unimaginable a decade ago, when the only way to create decent-looking… Continue reading Top 15 Platforms for Designing Pixel Perfect Websites
22 Amazing Colorful Websites
Colors always attract people; they make anything look all the more interesting. When designing a website all designers have one ultimate goal which is to attract as much audience as possible and to make them stay on the website for as long as they can. All the elements are paid extreme attention and everything is… Continue reading 22 Amazing Colorful Websites
An Overview of Recent WordPress Theme Design Trends: 2013 to 2014
A common trait among most successful web designers – they’re very passionate about their work. If they don’t like something, they won’t spend another second on that train of thought. To keep their creative juices alive and afresh, they seek inspiration from various things, random things – a calendar picture, a random collage of colours,… Continue reading An Overview of Recent WordPress Theme Design Trends: 2013 to 2014
10 outstanding flat wordpress theme for business 2014
Flat design is here to stay, at least in 2014. So for businesses who want to stay with the trend and upgrade their site to a flat design look, you can always use a flat wordpress theme for business and corporate. This will save you lots of cost, especially if your site is already running… Continue reading 10 outstanding flat wordpress theme for business 2014
Framework7 – HTML Framework for Building iOS7 Apps
Framework7 is a full Featured HTML Framework For Building iOS7 Apps. Framework7 allows you to be flexible with list views (table views). You can make them as navigation menus, you can use there icons, inputs, and any elements inside of the list, and even make them nested. Because Framework7 uses Ajax for navigation between pages… Continue reading Framework7 – HTML Framework for Building iOS7 Apps
25 Design and Development Tools, Analytics Solutions and More
In the following article – Marcin Treder, CEO and Co-founder of UXPin – the UX Design Platform shares the story of company’s early days and the list of tools that let them get the first 1000 paying customers. Building an internet product and growing its customers base is a combination of skills and effort in… Continue reading 25 Design and Development Tools, Analytics Solutions and More
40 Resources for Getting Started with jQuery Development
Each year a new batch of young web developers are jumping into the field head-first. Often times frontend web development is the easiest barrier to jumpstart learning. HTML/CSS work is quite simple, but delving into JavaScript provides a deeper realization of general programming topics. These include functions, loops, variables, along with an understanding of how… Continue reading 40 Resources for Getting Started with jQuery Development