7 Reasons Why You Should Choose Ruby on Rails

During the last ten years, Ruby on Rails has grown to become an increasingly popular solution for building web apps. In our rapidly changing technological environment and shaky economy, RoR can speed up the development process and help companies save time and money. Today, the knowledge of Ruby can land you great jobs – there… Continue reading 7 Reasons Why You Should Choose Ruby on Rails

20 Tools To Get You Started With Web Development

Creating a website may sound complicated and tedious, but there are a lot of tools out there that can make your task a lot easier. It’s important to have a good presence online both for businesses and organizations or causes, this is why all the tools and services available for helping you create a website… Continue reading 20 Tools To Get You Started With Web Development

15 Top Notch Collaboration Tools for Your Creative Projects

Are you daunted or put off by the prospect of project management? You shouldn’t be. Think of it rather as an opportunity. Start-ups have more to prove than large companies. They have to build a reputation and not lose credibility, which is why your web design or development practice needs teamwork to deliver great products.… Continue reading 15 Top Notch Collaboration Tools for Your Creative Projects

The Best 20 Tools for Web Development

Over the past few years the web development community has steadily increased its numbers. Due to the creativity and resourcefulness websites have become increasingly interactive and diverse. It’s complicated enough with all the different devices that now have access to the Internet to make a website that will look good and function properly across platforms.… Continue reading The Best 20 Tools for Web Development

Schema – A Modular, Responsive Frontend Framework

Schema is a modular, responsive, front end framework to easily and quickly help you jumpstart your process in building complex interfaces for the web right out the box. Schema comes fully equipped with the capabilities of creating familiar experiences across multiple viewports. From a desktop monitor down to a mobile device, Schema’s 12-column grid provides… Continue reading Schema – A Modular, Responsive Frontend Framework

Amazing Frontend Design Patterns Using CSS3 and jQuery

Creating unique websites is every designer’s ultimate goal. When a website is uniquely designed it does attract a lot of viewers and the websites urge users to stay on them for as long as possible to keep them entertained. It is tantamount for all websites that they deliver to their users an amazing and lasting… Continue reading Amazing Frontend Design Patterns Using CSS3 and jQuery

Nibbler – A Free Tool for Testing Websites

Nibbler is a free tool for testing websites. Enter the address of any website and Nibbler will give you a report scoring the website out of 10 for key areas, including accessibility, SEO, social media and technology. Nibbler is fast and completely free. Nibbler uses “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3″… Continue reading Nibbler – A Free Tool for Testing Websites

Fresh and Useful Resources for Sass Users

With such a promising title as syntactically awesome style sheet, this powerful and quite stable version of CSS extension language guarantees that your next project will definitely stay ahead and stand out from others; it won’t suffer from inconveniences caused by old browsers or small screen devices, neither would it come into conflict with other… Continue reading Fresh and Useful Resources for Sass Users

Creating Your First Node.js Command-line Application

Command-line utilities are a must for every seasoned web developer. Node.js makes developing such tools extremely easy thanks to a wealth of open source modules and a great package manager. In this tutorial, we will convert our Cute File Browser, which we published last week, from PHP to Node. Our goal is to create a… Continue reading Creating Your First Node.js Command-line Application

10 Awesome JavaScript Libraries All Developers Should Know About

JavaScript, also known under the acronym JS, is a dynamic computer programming language, it has also been called an “assembly” language or “the x86 of the web”. Bottom line, JavaScript is a programming language widely used by web developers as part of web browsers. It’s typing discipline is described on Wikipedia as dynamic and/or duck.… Continue reading 10 Awesome JavaScript Libraries All Developers Should Know About

5 useful methods on how to organize SASS files for large projects

Organising SASS files in a large project can be a real pain. If not properly organized, you will experience a lot of pain later in the project when you need to change or redo stuff. So, how do we organize SASS files? There is no only method but I have seem some examples that serve… Continue reading 5 useful methods on how to organize SASS files for large projects

Building Minimum Viable Products at Spotify

Many companies face the paradox of wanting to build a delightful product without knowing if people actually want the product until it’s released. Spotify’s vision was to give people the right music at the right time while incentivizing artists by paying them based on number of shares their music received. A tall order, no doubt,… Continue reading Building Minimum Viable Products at Spotify

Sequence.js: Responsive Content Slider with CSS3 Transitions and Gesture Control

Plugins for content sliders are a dime a dozen, fish in the sea, you name it. Fewer, but still many are supporting CSS3 transitions and working responsively. Anyway „Sequence.js“ is something special. This JavaScript does not only support animations on the transition of slides as a whole. Instead all of the content of a slide,… Continue reading Sequence.js: Responsive Content Slider with CSS3 Transitions and Gesture Control

Manage and Monitor Unix Systems with Monit

Monit is a small Open Source utility for managing and monitoring Unix systems. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations. You can use Monit to monitor daemon processes or similar programs running on localhost. Monit is particular useful for monitoring daemon processes, such as those started at… Continue reading Manage and Monitor Unix Systems with Monit

20 Most Effective Bootstrap Extensions and Plugins

Bootstrap is a very popular front end frame work for creating amazing websites and applications. It is extremely adjustable and easily manageable by all the designers who use it. Bootstrap supports responsive designs and has plenty of other extensions to benefit the designers like marvelous JQuery plugins and CSS sheets. Bootstrap is easily extensible and… Continue reading 20 Most Effective Bootstrap Extensions and Plugins

Real-time Visitor Globe with Node.js and WebGL

In this post we would like to share with you a cool project we created by using Node.js and WebGL. It’s a mapped globe of the Earth that you can use to keep track of the people who use your web apps in real-time. After a quick setup, you’ll be able to see the location… Continue reading Real-time Visitor Globe with Node.js and WebGL

30 Best JavaScript Frameworks for Development

One of the best Javascript Frameworks for development includes Ember.js, incorporates common idioms so you can focus on what makes your app special. Creating responsive web applications with fluid and maintainable interfaces can be a challenging task. Desktop developers have it much easier with their tools and workflows. You may be thinking, are there any… Continue reading 30 Best JavaScript Frameworks for Development

10 Sass Mixins for a Developer

Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional-level CSS extension language in the world. I have been using Sass for quite sometime and found out that mixins is something all front-end developers would enjoy and take advantage of to save time and be more efficient. A mixin can make groups of CSS declarations that… Continue reading 10 Sass Mixins for a Developer

20 Impressive CSS3 Techniques, Libraries and Examples

In this list we’ve gathered for you some of the best sources of CSS goodness. We’ve chosen some amazing demos from various artists that come to prove that nowadays everything is possible with CSS. We’ve also included articles that depict the awesome new features of CSS3 and a few helpful libraries full of CSS tricks.… Continue reading 20 Impressive CSS3 Techniques, Libraries and Examples

Top 10 Web Design Trends This Year

The battle for fashion statement no more just encompasses clothing, jewelry or stylized watches. Most competed area of making a fashion statement is on the web itself. Yes, in look, feel and smart user interfaces or in facilitating more user preferences for accessing the web, innovation and creativity are the driving force now for an… Continue reading Top 10 Web Design Trends This Year

9 Web Based Solution to Create Stunning Slideshows Presentation

When it comes to presentation, we always think of PowerPoint or Keynote. Do you know you can create stunning presentation slideshow using web based technologies as well? What can be done on those presentation applications can also be done on browsers. We have HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. Just like building websites, we can integrate multimedia… Continue reading 9 Web Based Solution to Create Stunning Slideshows Presentation

Fenix – A Simple Static Desktop Web Server

Web server is an essential tool for web developer. It’s an essential tool to save times and bandwidth. By developing or updating a website locally, we can skip the file upload and download tasks completely. We can do it once everything is ready. Depend on what platform you’re using, you can install either IIS, Apache… Continue reading Fenix – A Simple Static Desktop Web Server