Today, we have the 2014 edition of our top 50 jQuery plugins of the year. They are the 50 jQuery plugins that we feel are the most useful, most innovative and most time-saving solutions to many of the modern design and development issues you may have.
Just to help you find exactly what you are looking quickly, we have classified all of the jQuery plugins into the following categories: Web & Mobile Layouts Plugins, Menu & Navigation Plugins, Plugins for Media, Slider, Carousel & Gallery Plugins, Text Effect Plugins, Form Plugins, and finally a bunch of uncategorized Utility Plugins.
It really has been a tremendous year for jQuery!
jQuery Plugins for Web & Mobile Layouts
pagePiling.js, a jQuery plugin for ‘piling’ your layout sections over one another and accessing them by scrolling.
fullPage.js, a simple plugin for creating fullscreen scrolling websites.
The jQuery Tilted Page Scroll allows you to create a beautilful and unique 3D tilted scrolling effect on your website.
FixedContent.js, a mobile-friendly jQuery plugin that fixes/sticks content while scrolling.
gridscrolling.js, a plugin for positioning sections and asides in a grid & allowing for easy cursor key navigation.
Flickerplate, a responsive, touch-enabled and lightweight plugin that allows you to ‘flick’ through content.
jInvertScroll, a lightweight plugin that allows you to move horizontally with a parallax effect while scrolling down.
Animsition, a simple plugin for adding page transitions with CSS animations.
scrollToBySpeed.js, a plugin that let’s you scroll the window by speed rather than by duration.
Brick Work, a lightweight (15kb) and feature-rich plugin for creating responsive dynamic layouts.
ScrollMe, a lightweight plugin that allows you to add simple scrolling effects to webpages.
jquery.smoothState.js, a plugin that progressively enhances pages to behave more like a single-page application.
multiscroll.js, a simple plugin for creating multi scrolling websites with two vertical scrolling panels.
jquery.matchHeight.js, a more robust equal heights plugin for jQuery.
jQuery Navigation & Menu Plugins
Slidebars, a lightweight (2kb) plugin for creating an app-style push-menu.
scotchPanels.js, a jQuery off-canvas menu and panel plugin.
jQuery Plugins for Media (Images & Video)
Focuspoint, a plugin for dynamically cropping images to fill the available space without cutting-out the image’s subject.
Fluidbox, a replication of the lightbox module, with some added improvements.
GifPlayer, a small plugin that allows you to control when to play and stop animated GIFs.
rowGrid.js, a plugin for placing images on a grid with support for infinte scrolling.
Magneticmediajs, a jQuery based library that will allow you to display media content in a stylish and efficient way.
SVGMagic, a simple SVG fallback plugin that finds SVG images on your site and creates PNG versions if the browser doesn’t support them.
Vide, a jQuery plugin for easily adding video backgrounds to your webpages.
Data-Img, a simple plugin for dealing with responsive image delivery by replacing the images from ‘image src’ or ‘background-image url’ depending on screen width.
Dense.js, a plugin for easily serving retina-ready images.
Covervid, a simple plugin that will allow you to make HTML5 video behave like a background image.
jQuery-Cropbox, a really useful plugin for in-place image cropping (zoom & pan, as opposed to select and drag).
Face Detection, a powerful jQuery/Zepto plugin that detects faces on images, videos and canvases.
BttrLazyLoading, a plugin that allows your web app to only load images within the viewport as the user scrolls.
jQuery Slider, Carousel & Gallery Plugins
Simple jQuery Slider, a lightweight jQuery Slider that does exactly what a slider should do: ‘slides slides’.
FSVS, a simple fullscreen vertical slider using CSS3 transitions with jQuery fallback.
anoFlow, a feature-rich and responsive lightbox/gallery plugin.
nanoGALLERY, a responsive, touch-enabled and easy to use image gallery plugin.
Photopile JS, a jQuery image gallery that simulates a stack of scattered photos on a surface.
Justified.js, a plugin that creates a justified image grid of images.
Shuffle Images, a jQuery plugin that allows you to display and shuffle multiple images within a gallery by moving or shaking the cursor.
Skippr, a super simple and lightweight slideshow plugin for jQuery.
jQuery Text Effect Plugins
jQuery.fontFlex.js, a lightweight plugin for dynamically changing font sizes.
t.js, a lightweight jQuery plugin for typewriter-like text effects.
CurvedText, a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to align text on any curve.
Morphext – An Animate.css powered jQuery carousel plugin for text phrases.
Splitchar, a jQuery plugin that allows you to style and design the first, second or both halves of a character.
jQuery Form Element Plugins
BootstrapValidator, a jQuery plugin for validating Bootstrap forms.
Labelauty – A nice and lightweight jQuery plugin that gives beauty to checkboxes and radio buttons.
Guardian, a flexible and easy to extend all-purpose form validation jQuery plugin.
fontIconPicker, a lightweight plugin that allows you to include a simple icon picker (with search and pagination) within any form.
HideSeek, a simple, yet customizable jQuery plugin for live search.
ClockPicker, a clock-style timepicker for jQuery or Bootstrap.
jQuery Utility Plugins
jQuery Confirm Mailto, a plugin to Confirm with users before opening any mailto:
link through their default email client.
jQuery prettySocial, a custom sharing button plugin for Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook & Google+.
jNottery, a plugin that allows you to add notes to a page.
Responsive Tabs, a plugin that offers responsive tab functionality.
jquery.adaptive-backgrounds.js, a cool plugin that extracts the dominant color from the images on your web page and applies the color to their parent.
…and finally…
jQuery.planetarium, a jQuery plugin that allows you to construct interactive planets and build the Universe!
jquery.wanker.js is a humourous jQuery plugin that reveals a public service announcement when people start excessively resizing their desktop browser as they try to see your responsive breakpoints. As they say ‘The web is meant to be read, not squished!’