15 Essential Graphics Tools for Online Designers

Great design is a process of hard work and inspiration. There are no shortcuts, but technology offers you plenty of tools to save time and increase productivity. Of course the hard part is actually finding the software that fulfills your needs. Over the course of the last year I’ve created an online toolbox, composed of… Continue reading 15 Essential Graphics Tools for Online Designers

10+ Developer Tools We Can’t Live Without

In this article, we have gathered 11 of the best fresh and useful tools for web developers, these web tools will make your workflow more efficient and highly productive. We invite you to give them a try and see how they will improve your website, promote your business and create better communication between you and… Continue reading 10+ Developer Tools We Can’t Live Without

Tools and Resources Every Web Professional Should Know About

It’s quite easy to get lost in the numerous tools and resources available for web professionals at the moment. Some are truly extraordinary and others aren’t really work your time. In order to help you get the best ones for your business we’ve comprised a list of the ten best we could find. Stamplia Stamplia… Continue reading Tools and Resources Every Web Professional Should Know About

Tools and Resources for web designers and developers, May 2015

Hello, coders out there! We have an exceptional freebie pack for all of you today. Our team has been scouting for the best, freshest material over the last few weeks and this is what they’ve come up with, all kinds of sliders, plugins and other tools to make your developments easier are now at your… Continue reading Tools and Resources for web designers and developers, May 2015

Marketing Tools To Use To Automate and Improve Your Website Conversions

Marketing is definitely one of the crucial elements of any business in any industry. You can have the best product and the best audience but if they don’t know a thing about each other’s existence you simply can’t succeed. Website serves your business as a communication tool online, its essential function is to present the… Continue reading Marketing Tools To Use To Automate and Improve Your Website Conversions

10 Tools for Collaborating on Design Projects Remotely

Remote collaboration with clients or with remote team members can be a pain. There are two main options, email or Skype. But we all know that it takes time and choosing between Reply and Reply All is sometimes complicated and some won’t be able to keep up with all the discussion. Sure, you can email files around,… Continue reading 10 Tools for Collaborating on Design Projects Remotely

10+ Awesome Tools You Should Use

2015 has just started and we all are looking for ways to improve our work. How can we do that ? The easiest way is to start using the best solutions on the market. Here is the showcase of the best tools and services. 1. Pidoco.com Great results can only be achieved when we work… Continue reading 10+ Awesome Tools You Should Use

Basics of Extreme Programming (XP) – A List of Free Continuous integration (CI) Tools

Although extreme programming is not general practice, the method is popular among more sophisticated, advanced and pioneering development teams; however, continuous integration, one of the fundamental techniques of this concept, is widely adopted by “grass roots”. CI focuses on reducing risks of occurrence of errors as well as being aimed to enhance workflow and strengthen… Continue reading Basics of Extreme Programming (XP) – A List of Free Continuous integration (CI) Tools

9 Awesome Tools That Pro Web Designers Use

Ask a group of web designers to name their favorite tools and you are likely to receive responses that include Adobe Photoshop, WordPress, and other popular choices. As powerful as these tools are, there are also many others that, while not quite as well known, are just as useful to professional designers. In this article,… Continue reading 9 Awesome Tools That Pro Web Designers Use

Some Of The Best UX And UI Tools And Resources That You Can Use

The tools you are using today may not be ideally suited for the next web or app design project you take on. Newer tools are constantly being introduced on the market and have the potential to make your work easier and faster, as well as more professional in appearance. As you browse through this list,… Continue reading Some Of The Best UX And UI Tools And Resources That You Can Use

Top UX & UI Tools and Resources That You Should Use

When you take on a web or an app design project, how much thought do you give about the tools you are presently using as opposed to new tools that are constantly coming on the market which could make your work easier and in some cases, more professional looking? The list below offers a cross-section… Continue reading Top UX & UI Tools and Resources That You Should Use

10 Excellent Time-Saving Tools for Developers

You are waking up early, planning your tasks beforehand and working until late at night, yet you are not on time with your projects? Many creative professionals such as web developers face this problem. Within this post, I will introduce you to a small collection of tools that can help you find an extra free… Continue reading 10 Excellent Time-Saving Tools for Developers

20 Best Color Palette Tools for Web and Graphic Designers

As a web or graphic designer you must have a keen sense of color combinations and feel which colors look good together and which don’t. Anyway, even with this great skill in color combining, you may find yourself in situations when you just feel less inspired. That’s when these best color palette tools come in… Continue reading 20 Best Color Palette Tools for Web and Graphic Designers

Best Tools and Platforms For Building Websites in 2015

You need to know your CMS, website building platforms, and page crafting tools. How else do you expect to pacify the two forces behind website creation – design and development? You could be a design guru, and have no clue about coding. You could be waist-deep in the analytic mindset required for programming, even though… Continue reading Best Tools and Platforms For Building Websites in 2015

Top 20 Best PHP Scripts for Support Tools

Do you own or need to design a large website with a great support and help page? You don’t have to write the code yourself from scratch! These great PHP scripts for support tools will help you create great support and help features, such as live chat, FAQ pages, ticket submission, support centers, forums, help… Continue reading Top 20 Best PHP Scripts for Support Tools

20 Free and Exciting CSS3 Libraries, Frameworks and Tools

A lot of additions and enhancements have been done to CSS in CSS3. Designers used to create simple animations using jQuery or Javascript but CSS3 has changed all that due to all the new and exciting features added to it. It has become a lot easier to explore details and play with the designs using CSS3. Due… Continue reading 20 Free and Exciting CSS3 Libraries, Frameworks and Tools

Important tools you need for cross brower testing

There are a multitude of browsers that you can find right now on the market and, as a developer, you have to make sure that you test the site you created on as many as possible. However, you simply cannot test all existing browsers on all possible platforms, this is close to impossible. Because of… Continue reading Important tools you need for cross brower testing

8 User Experience (UX) Free Tools & Apps

With today’s collection, we have come up with 8 most useful tools and apps for everyday UX tasks that will be helpful for the designers. There are plenty of online solutions available that help professionals a lot. Working in an UX team calls for mastering quite a few online tools. With this collection, we want… Continue reading 8 User Experience (UX) Free Tools & Apps

20 Tools To Get You Started With Web Development

Creating a website may sound complicated and tedious, but there are a lot of tools out there that can make your task a lot easier. It’s important to have a good presence online both for businesses and organizations or causes, this is why all the tools and services available for helping you create a website… Continue reading 20 Tools To Get You Started With Web Development

Best of SVG 2014: Icons, Tools and Resources

With mobile devices taking over the world, so to speak, new technology for making websites and apps look pretty on mobile devices continues to emerge and evolve. One of those awesome mobile technologies to arrive on the scene in recent years is that of SVG or Scalable Vector Graphics. SVG takes vectors a step further… Continue reading Best of SVG 2014: Icons, Tools and Resources

28 Free Online Tools & Resources for Web Designers

With the increasing popularity of web design there are more online resources available no than ever before. In the past we’ve covered top design tools that included both premium and free options. But since most designers would prefer to use free tools that $ 0.00 price tag is much more useful and in-demand. In this… Continue reading 28 Free Online Tools & Resources for Web Designers

15 Top Notch Collaboration Tools for Your Creative Projects

Are you daunted or put off by the prospect of project management? You shouldn’t be. Think of it rather as an opportunity. Start-ups have more to prove than large companies. They have to build a reputation and not lose credibility, which is why your web design or development practice needs teamwork to deliver great products.… Continue reading 15 Top Notch Collaboration Tools for Your Creative Projects