15+ Creative WordPress Themes For Photographers Released June 2013

In this article, we are going to show you more than 15 new WordPress themes for photographers that were released in June 2013. I have written about fresh WordPress themes earlier and in this post I decided to focus on theme designs for photography websites. If you are a photographer, artist or a creative person… Continue reading 15+ Creative WordPress Themes For Photographers Released June 2013

Creative and Engaging 404 Error Pages

If you find yourself taking a wrong turn on a website, it is very pleasant to be confronted with a creative 404 error page rather than just boring text that can frustrate you and cause you to move away from the site altogether. A creative error page is more likely to engage you and keep… Continue reading Creative and Engaging 404 Error Pages

A Showcase of Creative Redesign Concepts

It’s always interesting to see another designer’s take on a famous website, app or even physical product. Different designers add their own personality and style, and often when designing a concept come up with novel and interesting ideas. To help give your inspiration a boost, we’ve brought together a showcase of some of our favourite… Continue reading A Showcase of Creative Redesign Concepts

What Creative Cloud Means to You

Last week, Adobe announced that they were discontinuing the physical versions of the Creative Suite, and moving their entire operation to what they’re calling Creative Cloud (CC). This means that from here on out, if you want to use Photoshop, Illustrator or any of the other great Adobe programs out there, you’ll have to pay… Continue reading What Creative Cloud Means to You

Polishing up Your Creative Process

Today we’ll focus on increasing your creative capabilities through an introduction to a couple of creativity techniques. An important key issue to understand is that creativity techniques are not magic tools to increase your creativity as skill. Rather, they act as guides to help you find possible creative solutions for the problem you’re up against.… Continue reading Polishing up Your Creative Process

Creative Block: Environmental and Emotional

In the previous article we discussed the meaning of creative block. We introduced the observational block and possible solutions for overcoming it. In this article, we’ll introduce two more types of creative block; the environmental block and the emotional block. Understanding how these occur in reality is an important step in beating them. Let’s quickly… Continue reading Creative Block: Environmental and Emotional

45+ Websites with Floating and Fixed Position Navigation Designs

Great looking and user-friendly navigation is one of the most important aspects to get right in web design. Web designers have invented many different ideas to help users find what they are looking as efficiently as possible. Still the most used approach is one or two drop down menus placed at the top of the… Continue reading 45+ Websites with Floating and Fixed Position Navigation Designs

45 Informative And Extremely Creative Infographics

In this collection, we are presenting 45 extremely creative Infographics for you so that you can see how brilliantly you can also present your own Infographic designs. Infographics is the most preferred way to effectively and successfully communicate statistics and information with the readers in a more meaningful and readable way. The way Infographics have… Continue reading 45 Informative And Extremely Creative Infographics

45 Creative Buttons And Badges Tutorials

For today’s round up, we have gathered 45 tutorials that will let you learn how to create appealing and fine looking buttons and badges for your website. All these tutorials are different from one another but they all make use of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. With beautiful and appealing web buttons and badges, the overall… Continue reading 45 Creative Buttons And Badges Tutorials

21 Creative World Maps in Photoshop, Eps & Ai Formats

Few days ago, there was a tough and difficult task and that was the searching for the high quality world map source files. This task was not only difficult but also took lots of time. But now in this collection, you will see the 20+ World Map Source Files in different formats like PSD, EPS… Continue reading 21 Creative World Maps in Photoshop, Eps & Ai Formats

10 Very Creative And Fresh Free Fonts For Your Designing Projects

Hi guys, I’ve collected latest, unique and useful trendy fonts for our designer community. Being a graphic designer myself I perfectly know how these fonts play the essential role in today’s graphic designing and to find a perfect font or simply making it can take a lot of precious time which can other wise be… Continue reading 10 Very Creative And Fresh Free Fonts For Your Designing Projects

30 Powerful and Free Drupal CMS Themes

I think it’s a safe bet to assume Drupal is one of the most appreciated open source CMS platforms based on PHP/MySQL. Knowledgeable web developers would agree that Drupal CMS offers more customizations from the backend, without hacking into your theme files. There are also plenty of members in the community who provide support and… Continue reading 30 Powerful and Free Drupal CMS Themes

Single Page Website Designs: 60+ Fresh Creative Designs

As you’ve already seen in our previous posts about Single Page Website Designs that showcasing your work in single page design is a hot trend. It’s kind of ironic to see what designers can do with single pages as modern age designers love to experiment with things and observe how people interact with their work.… Continue reading Single Page Website Designs: 60+ Fresh Creative Designs

50 Fresh and Truly Creative Photo Manipulations

The featured image of this post is the georgeous photo manipulation [myOwnWorld²]. When memory fade like the life of autumn leaf Evolution Titanic II the place you want to be the WorkForce Play with me? also human part II Health Check Despairing Red (Love) Stoned visitor. Moon Palace… the Mysteries of Waxing Youth Preparing for… Continue reading 50 Fresh and Truly Creative Photo Manipulations

50 Creative Examples Of Levitation Photography

Levitation is said to be some sort of skill that allows human to float in the air and yes, nobody did that successfully until now. However, it’s an interesting concept that has been played out in many movies to impress people, thus attracting photographers to produce their own fantastic work of levitation. Here is a… Continue reading 50 Creative Examples Of Levitation Photography