21 Free Responsive WordPress Themes

Free WordPress themes for 2013 are releasing constantly. Web Designers and developers keeping them busy developing great WordPress themes for others. Sometime free themes are equal in quality of premium WordPress themes. The internet world is full of free resources and WordPress theme is one of them. To make you life easier, we have collected… Continue reading 21 Free Responsive WordPress Themes

10 jquery plugins for typography problems

Typography has been one of the biggest nightmares of the web designers and developers. As the websites are getting more and more interactive, static typographic features are becoming a thing of the past. Website owners now want text that not only coveys the message, but also attract the visitors. Now even though we now have… Continue reading 10 jquery plugins for typography problems

27 Must-Have Typefaces for Graphic Designers

This article explores 27 typefaces that will serve as a solid foundation for your typeface library. Take what you will from my suggestions. More importantly, learn from them and use that knowledge to build a typeface library that works for you!   Typeface Categories Most typefaces fall into one of five categories: serif, sans serif,… Continue reading 27 Must-Have Typefaces for Graphic Designers

30 Must have jQuery Plugins Dedicated to Website Performance

Website performance is very important factor for its success; jQuery has contributed a lot to improve website performance. jQuery plugins are used to perform a set of methods to increase the usability and performance of existing system. In this case, website performance is of concern. jQuery plugins is the best resources to increase the object… Continue reading 30 Must have jQuery Plugins Dedicated to Website Performance

20+ Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin Compilation

In today’s world it is vital to have a mobile-ready website. A responsive jQuery slider plugin will allow your image sliders to adapt to the screen resolution of different viewing devices. These highly popular plugins will assist you in creating stunning responsive image sliders that feature awesome website transitions and effects. Image sliders in general… Continue reading 20+ Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin Compilation

A Beginner’s Guide to Photoshop Tools

Web designers use the most powerful photo editor, Photoshop, as a web design app. It comes with a vast array of tools. Today, Adobe Photoshop has become so powerful that you actually start using it as a verb. It’s no exaggeration to say that it is the most amazing software application on the earth. It’s… Continue reading A Beginner’s Guide to Photoshop Tools

A Look Into CSS Units: Pixels, EM, and Percentage

Unit takes an important role for measuring and building things like a house, a bridge or a tower, and building a website is not an exception. There are a number of methods of measurements used on the Web, specifically in CSS, namely Pixel, EM and Percentage. In this post, we are going to run through… Continue reading A Look Into CSS Units: Pixels, EM, and Percentage

5 Web Design Mistakes of Small Businesses

It’s happens many times that you have decided to put lots of money and time into building a better web presence for your company. But the final result you see from all efforts and money is no growth in traffic or business from the new website. Before you or your company should launch a new… Continue reading 5 Web Design Mistakes of Small Businesses

How To Create an Ornate Compass Rose in Illustrator

I recently shared some tips with a subscriber about how to create a nautical star design in Illustrator, which then prompted me to research traditional nautical star and compass rose layouts and construct an ornate design of my own. The process makes use of lots of simple but really useful techniques in Illustrator to build… Continue reading How To Create an Ornate Compass Rose in Illustrator

Showcase of Fresh iPhone App UI Concept Designs

There’s so many great looking apps in the works it’s difficult to keep track of the amazing concepts designers are constructing. This post showcases over 30 inspiring iPhone app designs from the past few weeks, all of which boast great interface designs for interesting apps currently in the works. There’s a few similarities that could… Continue reading Showcase of Fresh iPhone App UI Concept Designs

10 Terrific Time-Saving CSS Cleanup Tools

The benefits of having clean, organized CSS are numerous. A site with immaculate CSS will load more quickly, appear more prominently in search results, and serve as a stellar testament of your professionalism for future clients. Everyone from the everyday visitor to the most scrutinous fellow designer will benefit from your diligent, clean CSS markup. … Continue reading 10 Terrific Time-Saving CSS Cleanup Tools

Quick Tip: Add a Progress Bar to Your Site

Since the advent of mobile, web sites are turning more and more into “apps”. Concepts that make sense for a locally running application are transferred to the web. One of these is the recent addition of “progress bars” to some of Google’s websites that show the loading state of the page. In this quick tip,… Continue reading Quick Tip: Add a Progress Bar to Your Site

Cleanfolio: Free Responsive HTML5 Template

Today we’re pleased to bring you Cleanfolio, a Free Responsive HTML5 Template designed by Bloom Web Design and Coded by Glade Kettle. It’s works great on all devices including Phones, Desktop, Tablets and Laptops. All content is in a single HTML5 files making it quick and easy too edit. Cleanfolio Free Responsive HTML5 Template has… Continue reading Cleanfolio: Free Responsive HTML5 Template

A Web Designer’s Typographic Boilerplate

I like to use a typography.css in my projects; a separate file which houses all the basic structural typographic styles I’ll need. A lot of what’s found within it is obvious stuff (heading sizes, for example) but it also contains less obvious things which I don’t want to forget. Let’s work our way through the… Continue reading A Web Designer’s Typographic Boilerplate

Simplest Way to Create Cool CSS3 Animation Effects

CSS3 Animation are gaining tons of attention lately. Personally, I have started using it in some of my projects and I absolutely love how simple it is to create a smooth animation effect. One of the major advantages of CSS3 is – they’re hardware accelerated. It’s smoother and faster if compared with javascript generated animation.… Continue reading Simplest Way to Create Cool CSS3 Animation Effects

25 Free WordPress Themes for You to Download

WordPress not only powering most of the websites and blogs on internet but gives you a secure and effective environment for you to manage your data easily. The most robust CMS of all time, WordPress is very important factor for the responsiveness of a website, its theme feature lets you choose a WordPress theme out… Continue reading 25 Free WordPress Themes for You to Download

Adding Space to Your Designs

Let’s get the basic stuff out of the way first. Whitespace isn’t simply a block of space in your design that has to be white. Instead, think of it more like structural “empty” space, where no extra elements, embellishments or other parts to your design are placed. A great example of whitespace – but still… Continue reading Adding Space to Your Designs

21 Absolutely New Responsive Blog/Magazine Style WordPress Themes

We regularly check for new WordPress themes either free or paid and bring them together for WordPress users.Since the responsive design changed almost everything in blog design industry,theme designers and developers work really hard to present their new wordpress themes or update the existing ones. You can find hundreds of free and premium WordPress themes… Continue reading 21 Absolutely New Responsive Blog/Magazine Style WordPress Themes

20 Beautiful Examples of Background Image Usage in Web Design

Images have an effective and important role in web design. An experienced designer can use a large image in websites background effectively. This application of images will be look more composed when menus buttons will floating on this image. Here you can find 20 Beautiful Examples of Background Image Usage in Web Design.   Wythe… Continue reading 20 Beautiful Examples of Background Image Usage in Web Design

Create This Gorgeous Moonlight Poster of a Girl Walking on a Railway

Preview of Final Results Tutorial Resources Model – Dazzle-stock Railway – Sed-rah-stock Sky 1 – Frostbo Sky 2 – Frostbo Moon – Yumi1805 Step 1 Create a new document with a trasparent background. Size: Width 1500px Height: 2000px Step 2 Go to File > Place and open the ‘Railway’ Stock. Step 3 Go to Edit… Continue reading Create This Gorgeous Moonlight Poster of a Girl Walking on a Railway

40+ beautiful examples of flat web design

In this article, I have compiled more than 40 stunning flat web design examples for your review. In recent months, flat web design is the talk of the town and the topic is still dominating the internet steadily. From user interface to the newest portfolio update to icons to even the best web design blogs,… Continue reading 40+ beautiful examples of flat web design

Create a Clueless Racecar Driver Illustration in Photoshop

Creating a high-impact and realistic caricature illustration can be a fun but extremely challenging task. In this tutorial, we will explain how to properly control all the elements of a composition including color balance, contrast, textures, and more, as well as all of the tools and techniques that you will need to know in Photoshop… Continue reading Create a Clueless Racecar Driver Illustration in Photoshop

Flat Design – The Next Step Forward in the Evolution of Web Design

Flat design is nothing but simplicity put into practice. The fact that simple shapes such as rectangles and circles are being preferred over gradients and drop shadows shows that the tide is in favor of simplicity. A case in point is the new design of the Windows Phone and the Windows 8 OS Metro UI… Continue reading Flat Design – The Next Step Forward in the Evolution of Web Design