Don’t be to quick to sell your website. You have been working hard to get your website into what it is worth, be sure to sell it for what it’s worth!
When you have a website that companies are interested in purchasing, be proud of yourself, you’ve built something amazing. Don’t be afraid to take it to the next level however, see how much business you can get, and sell when the asking price is reasonable and the highest that you can get it to be.
Time, Labor, and Love.
Prior to selling, you have a good idea of how much labor you’ve put into your website and know how much money that you’ve earned from it. Ensure that you’re making enough money to make up for the fact that you’re not going to have an opportunity to make more from it in the future. Remember that once you’ve sold your website, you’re going to have a hard time knowing that someone else is making more profit than you did in the past, so don’t let it go for too little.
When buying or selling a home, there is a specific process people execute. First, you need to choose a good reason to be selling, since no one wants an old-run down house or website. Think of a good reason for your sale, maybe you’re just moving on to a new project, if you are, explain that. Whatever the reason is, be honest about it. There is no need to lie.
Next, you need to find a way to let people know that you’re trying to sell your website. This part is a lot like selling a house. You can find several online companies that specialize in selling your site, just like a real-estate office. This will come in handy. While most companies take a hefty commission on every sale, some offer a lower percentage or a set price, find the agency that will work the best for you.
Lastly, ensure that you are not jumping into the first deal that comes your way. Since there will be several companies willing to buy your website, make sure that you give them ample time to find you and offer you more than the last guy.
While you might have a buyer who is willing to purchase your website for more than someone else, you need to check how this person or company is going to use your website. See to it that they have the ethics that you’re looking for to go forward with in your site. You’ve put sweat, blood, and tears into your website, it’s kind of like selling your own child. Be sure that some spammer won’t turn it into an erectile dysfunction drug selling website. If you don’t care what a company is going to use your site for, may the highest bidder win!
What Should I Sell it for?
The average price of a high-traffic website, that’s not making any money, is about ten thousand dollars. In this, you should understand that your site might not have the traffic level needed to get that much, or you might be able to sell your site for a lot more than that, depending on how much traffic you’re getting.
To properly determine the worth of your site, there are several steps that you can take. The first is to determine your traffic. The more page views that you’re seeing, the more likely someone is to jump at the idea of getting involved with your domain. If you’re not getting much traffic, but a lot of revenue, see to it that you’re selling on that fact. Be sure to have proper documentation showing how your sales are looking and what your traffic levels are, these will be vital to you making the most money that you possibly can off of your sale.
If you’re looking to make the most money possible, stay away from using abbreviations in your name. For instance, don’t use the letter ‘u’ to mean ‘you’ in your domain, serious clients want mature sites. Keeping that in mind, the shorter that your domain name is, the better. Many one-word domain names end up selling for millions in comparison to websites with very long names. As a very basic rule, take the revenue that your site is making annually and multiply that by three. This will be the fairest asking price when you’re ready to sell your website.
In summary, when you’re ready to sell your website, you need to be sure of just a few things. Keep in mind that you’ve worked hard, and you don’t want to see someone destroy everything that you have built. Also make sure that you are making as much money as you can off your sale while still being fair to your potential buyers. No one in this situation wants to get ripped off. You’ve put a lot of hard work into building your site, ensure that your buyer is going to keep up that hard work so you can continue to be proud of all that has been done.