Here are 34 articles relating Hawaii’s false missile alert with bad design

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Just in case you were away. The Hawaii Missile Alert Culprit: Poorly Chosen File Names Redesigning Hawaii’s Emergency Alert System’s Interface In The Open Blame terrible interface design for the Hawaii missile alert debacle A Hawaiian Missile Lullaby A UX Perspective on the Hawaii False Missile Alert Design Fail #2 :… Continue reading Here are 34 articles relating Hawaii’s false missile alert with bad design

How Non-Digital Elements Can Improve UX

Designers draw ideas for website design and best user experience (UX) from everywhere – not just the digital sphere. If it annoys in real life, it can hinder user experience online. If it uplifts emotions or forms connections in the outside world, chances are it can be used for inspiration in designing online experiences as… Continue reading How Non-Digital Elements Can Improve UX

Why You Should Seriously Consider Outsourcing Web Development

Smart outsourcing is key to the success of most businesses today. The company contracts external professionals to carry out its often non-strategic functions to focus its resources towards more strategic matters. You can have your accounting functions outsourced or your recruitment taken care of by a professional HR agency, or can outsource web development to… Continue reading Why You Should Seriously Consider Outsourcing Web Development

Showcase of Creative “Meet the Team” About Pages

About pages are one of the most important aspects of any website. They provide the opportunity to give our site and company a human touch and allow users to put a face to the name. Freelancer about pages are simple, it all about you! But agencies often need to introduce many people who form a… Continue reading Showcase of Creative “Meet the Team” About Pages

How To Make Your Usability Test An Engaging Experience

In my first usability test, I met a dear old woman who didn’t know how uses a mouse. She lifted it up and pointed it at the screen, encouraging the cursor in verbal tones! At the test’s conclusion I got completely nothing. But I quickly learned the importance of laying down very exact criteria for… Continue reading How To Make Your Usability Test An Engaging Experience