Empathy for everyone, not only for your users

But wait, now, in order for your validated design to transform into a reality, is InVision really going to help remove the bridge between Designers vocabulary and Engineering? Nope. If you don’t want tot confuse upside down your developers colleagues, you should start by not only having a basic html/css/javascript knowledge, but also key concepts… Continue reading Empathy for everyone, not only for your users

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The overlap between designing and acting — and more UX links this week

Shared lessons for actors and user researchers › It’s a Monday evening and my first day of acting class at the Berkeley Repertory Theater. Jack, our instructor, starts our class off with a couple improv games and then goes over our schedule for the next 10 weeks. We don’t touch a play until Week 6.… Continue reading The overlap between designing and acting — and more UX links this week

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Modernising the hiring process — a UX case study

Competitor Analysis From the competitors we looked at 2 key insights were found: The most effective way employees were keeping up to date with their referrals was through continuous updates. The preferred methods were through notifications e.g. HR email updates, live job boards updates, and newsfeeds. A few of the competitors we looked at also… Continue reading Modernising the hiring process — a UX case study

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Sketchnotes & key takeaways from the Amuse UX Conference 2018

14 Sketchnotes from Amuse 2018 Conference Two weeks ago I attended the Amuse UX Conference, and I had a lot of fun capturing the talks by creating sketchnotes. Amuse is a 3-in-1 conference, it’s held together with Impact and Crunch. I missed the first talk of Amuse, since I decided to listen to Marty Cagan’s… Continue reading Sketchnotes & key takeaways from the Amuse UX Conference 2018

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What can a Product Designer learn from people’s belief in God?

Alright, I know this might probably be the weirdest headline you’ll come across Medium today. However, sometimes the weirdest things can help us think critically and that’s what this thought did to me. While I am writing this, billions of people across the world are celebrating the Hindu festival of Diwali. Diwali is primarily known… Continue reading What can a Product Designer learn from people’s belief in God?

Benchmarking in UX research

Credit Many user researchers, especially those who focus on qualitative methods, are often asked about quantifying the user experience. We are asked to include quantitative data to supplement quotes or video/audio clips. Qualitative-based user researchers, including myself, may look towards surveys to help add that quantitate spice. However, there is much more to quantitative data… Continue reading Benchmarking in UX research

6 steps to becoming a better facilitator for user research

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash. User research can be conducted in many ways. You could usability test a prototype in a lab, interview users to discover their motivations, or guerrilla test a sketch you’ve drawn up. One thing the above methods all have in common is that good facilitation is key to generating the best… Continue reading 6 steps to becoming a better facilitator for user research

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Hidden privilege in design — and more UX links this week

The hidden privilege in design ›By Hareem Mannan. “Did you get anyone else’s insight on this project? Was it just you all? Have you considered how that might be limiting at all?” I felt the question permeating through every fiber of my being, reverberating in my mind until it was the only thought I had.… Continue reading Hidden privilege in design — and more UX links this week

What the art of puppetry taught me about user experience design

I recently visited the Center For Puppetry Arts in Atlanta, Georgia for a backstage tour. Going into it, I knew very little about puppetry arts. I had seen the muppets, and I could imagine someone making a sock puppet to entertain children with, but I didn’t know much else. What I didn’t realize was how… Continue reading What the art of puppetry taught me about user experience design

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Things that are missing from your job description

Photo by Joanna Kosinska Write clear emails Be flexible; briefs change Find problems before they occur Bring energy to the table Don’t take design critique as an insult Understand the impact of moving that button Make people around you feel comfortable Bring 3 solutions with every complaint Don’t give up too fast Mute your microphone when… Continue reading Things that are missing from your job description

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Reality check: how to use the new Google Material Design theming

The Sketch Plugin First I’m downloading the Material Theme Editor from the official Website. Currently, there is only a plugin available for Sketch. As Sketch is my favorite tool for creating wireframes and mockups — I’m happy for using an existing tool. To get an idea of how to get started with the Material Theme Editor, I checked… Continue reading Reality check: how to use the new Google Material Design theming

You don’t know it yet, but you want to be a UX/UI designer

The last years have been a transformative period for the tech industry. Multiple innovations have created a new set of challenges for business. Therefore, companies need to change the way they fabricate products and services and the way they develop these solutions to adapt themselves in no time to new requirements. With so many digital… Continue reading You don’t know it yet, but you want to be a UX/UI designer

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How does Headspace hold up with usability heuristics and accessibility?

In UX design, usability is the ease of use of an interface, or how easily a person can learn and use the product. How can we evaluate the usability of a product objectively? From 1990–94, Jakob Nielsen developed broad rules of thumb known as heuristics that should be considered when objectively evaluating interaction design. These… Continue reading How does Headspace hold up with usability heuristics and accessibility?

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The application of cogntive psychology to User-Interface Design

B.A. Critical and contectual dissertation written in 2011 originally posted at http://purofu.com/dissertation.html Do we see our thoughts? A great paradox in plain words, but an inevitable juxtaposition between everyday stimuli and the human thought process. Can a repetitive pattern in our habitualism be the study of much greater things in order to make our lives… Continue reading The application of cogntive psychology to User-Interface Design

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Putting Health Back in the Hands of the People; Designing Health for the Mobile Experience

As this was an open brief to help redesign any mobile application currently in the market, we felt that it would be much more meaningful to choose an app that would benefit the public. We threw out many ideas about apps that we could redesign; from transport to second-hand goods market, food delivery as well… Continue reading Putting Health Back in the Hands of the People; Designing Health for the Mobile Experience

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Bidirectionality: arabic UX that extends beyond the screen

Let’s assume you’ve just been approached with a proposal of working on a highly prospective, Arabic UX project for the first time in your career. Alternatively, your company is looking to expand into the MENA market and needs to design and localize their product to new grounds. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Still, your knowledge of… Continue reading Bidirectionality: arabic UX that extends beyond the screen

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Bicycles don’t work

Only dumb people use bikes (for Formula 1 racing) The first time I got on a bicycle it didn’t go too well. My next few attempts also just failed and the whole thing was frustrating. It didn’t work. I would have been much better off sticking to walking on my feet. Until I finally got it.… Continue reading Bicycles don’t work

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Animation principles in UX — and more design links this week

The ultimate guide to proper use of animation in UX › By Taras Skytskyi. Nowadays it’s hard to impress or even surprise with an interface animation. It shows interactions between screens, explains how to use the application or simply directs a user’s attention. While exploring the articles about animation, I found out that almost all… Continue reading Animation principles in UX — and more design links this week

Redesigning the information architecture of a university website — a UX case study

This article is a retrospective piece for a project that was done as part of the User Experience Design Immersive Course in General Assembly (Singapore). Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] if you’d like to chat more about this project. Thanks! :) The Task We had 10 days to: redesign the Information Architecture… Continue reading Redesigning the information architecture of a university website — a UX case study

The full stack product manager

I smiled as I read the title and thought, “Alright Lopp, I’ll bite”. How could I resist? I paired up with the one-and-only Michael Lopp to facilitate the session and it was truly one of the most interesting a-ha conversations that I’ve had the opportunity to take part in for a while. Honestly, this also… Continue reading The full stack product manager

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