Leveraging accessibility in digital publishing — a UX case study

What is Meredith? Meredith Corporation is a public, diversified media firm dedicated to delivering trustworthy content to audiences of scale that drive financial return for shareholders. The company focuses on magazine publishing, television broadcasting, content licensing, and data/marketing services. As of 2018, Meredith is the largest magazine publisher in America and is recognized as the… Continue reading Leveraging accessibility in digital publishing — a UX case study

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Our app idea already exists, but we’re going to do it anyway

Existing Apps I’ve found while doing research Image found on Wild Edibles Blog Wild Edibles Wild Edibles is an app that primarily focuses on identifying plants using photos, in-depth descriptions of each plant and details of where it can be found. This app has recently announced that it will allow you to add your own notes against… Continue reading Our app idea already exists, but we’re going to do it anyway

Categorized as UX

The road not taken: dealing with unintended user actions

“So, when the user clicks here, this will pop up” “What if user doesn’t clicks there?” “What do you mean?” “What if user clicks elsewhere?” “Oh. hmmm……..” This was my first design grooming session with PMs and developers. We were discussing about potential designs which would go into the next sprint. I had thought that I had come… Continue reading The road not taken: dealing with unintended user actions

Categorized as UX

There is no better “growth hack” for SaaS than talking with your customers

(The Customer Lifecycle. Please let me know if you know the source.) It sounds simple — but it’s not easy: talking with your customers through every stage of the customer lifecycle. There’s been a lot said about the value of talking to your customers before you build the product to ensure market fit, but very little said about… Continue reading There is no better “growth hack” for SaaS than talking with your customers

Categorized as UX

Stop ‘delivering’ software with Agile — it doesn’t work

When either of these 2 things happen, maybe your best talent starts to leave the organisation. Maybe your product fails to create change for its customers and you stop growing/start shrinking. Maybe your org decides that this ‘Agile’ thing isn’t really for them and moves back to Waterfall. Agile fails because its our belief that… Continue reading Stop ‘delivering’ software with Agile — it doesn’t work

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DesignOps or UX Strategy or Design Management or Design Leadership?

It looks like “DesignOps” is about to supplant “UX Strategy” and other terms to describe digital product design management. The term has appeared more and more in recent years. Now it is riding the wave of a hype cycle with the release of the “DesignOps Handbook” by InVision. However, the concept itself is hardly new — it’s… Continue reading DesignOps or UX Strategy or Design Management or Design Leadership?

Categorized as UX

100 days of Motion Design

Reflecting 1. Driven by ideas Once I had an idea, I was driven to bring it to life. It did not matter what techniques I needed to learn. For example, I wanted to express my love for reading. To make my idea of flipping book come true, I found a tutorial Open Your Book on Youtube… Continue reading 100 days of Motion Design

The most common topics from 200+ design mentorship sessions

Photo by Trust “Tru” Katsande For the last couple of years I have been regularly meeting with designers from various countries and backgrounds to offer them mentorship and career guidance. These sessions are one of the most efficient ways I have found to give back to the community some of what I have learned from it — the… Continue reading The most common topics from 200+ design mentorship sessions

Categorized as UX

Designing a complex table for mobile consumption (nom)

The User Loss-prevention consultants inspect residential and commercial buildings to help ensure systems (such as fire protection systems and fuel-fired equipment systems) meet local, national, and industry standards. These consultants compare different risk factors across multiple assigned locations. This comparison allows them to make recommendations to property owners of how to mitigate risks and thus… Continue reading Designing a complex table for mobile consumption (nom)

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Interaction models

To a western eater, definitely to a Spaniard like me, the first time having ramen breaks a few well-established mental models. Eating out is a social event. Long noodles equals spaghetti, which you eat using a fork. Soup is to be eaten with a spoon, and the person sitting next to you will not hear… Continue reading Interaction models

Tour de Workforce — here comes the collective economy

Image Credit: Simon Darby What does a group of lycra-clad cyclists have to do with the future of work? More than you might think. If you’re familiar with road cycling, you’ll have heard the term ‘peloton’ before. If you’re not partial to a hoard of people in spandex on two wheels, then maybe you haven’t. The… Continue reading Tour de Workforce — here comes the collective economy

Building a mobile app UX testing setup for under $50

What we learnt testing different versions of the sled: The first version had a flat sled which the user had to hold with the phone in their hand (rather than having it on a flat surface) — whilst this is more in line with how a user will naturally hold their phone it meant that the setup… Continue reading Building a mobile app UX testing setup for under $50

10 steps for a better queer user experience

Do allow users to change or write in their own gender, if this is something your application makes use of. Forcing a user to re-create their whole account if their gender identity should shift isn’t a great experience and it feels like a waste of resources. Consider not having users specify a gender. There are… Continue reading 10 steps for a better queer user experience

The importance of Design QA in digital product design

Great customer experiences don’t happen by accident. In digital product design, the customer experience encompasses everything that the product team does; development, design, DevOps, and QA — everyone’s role impacts the customer experience but especially the design and user experience. Since I’m a product designer, there’s a particular part of the process that I’m obsessed with, and… Continue reading The importance of Design QA in digital product design

The workshop fallacy — and more UX links this week

Workshops won’t solve the whole problem › You are in a meeting, and at some point the discussion goes into an endless loop. People don’t seem to agree on what the ideal solution should be. Different points of view are being thrown into the discussion, and the conversation is starting to heat up. At some point,… Continue reading The workshop fallacy — and more UX links this week

How to hack people loyalty with care?

First thing first: If you have a few friends in your life, care is not designed to fit your skillset. Having a lot of friends proves how much effort and time you have spent to build a loving community around you. Care requires the same effort and it should be mandatory for every startup. “Caring… Continue reading How to hack people loyalty with care?

Sharing work in progress in design — and more UX links this week

If you like the links, don’t forget to ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Delivering your work in layers › Some designers like to work on a product piece by piece. They focus on one screen or feature at a time, and dedicate full days of work trying to make that one piece look as polished and finished as possible. Before… Continue reading Sharing work in progress in design — and more UX links this week

Raising a Design System in a team

DDesign systems have been around for quite a while. They’ve arisen with the need of designing for not only one thing, but for a whole set of elements, keeping the same look & feel among them, so all the individual parts look as though they belong to the same family. Design systems were first developed… Continue reading Raising a Design System in a team

We need a better name for UX, and that name is “Screllvus”

The debate has been raging for decades now over what to call the practice currently known as “UX.” It’s been called at times (and sometimes all at once) Web Design, UI Design, Interaction Design, Information Architecture, Product Design, User Experience, Customer Experience, and everything in between. But now I have definitively come up with a… Continue reading We need a better name for UX, and that name is “Screllvus”

HanaBot Reservation Chatbot — A Case Study

The Ask: Enhance the chatbot experience and improve the user on-boarding process. User Goals: Ability to make a reservation easily Ability to create an account quickly Ability to alter existing reservations (Ex// Cancellations, extending time) Business Goals: Provide users with a positive reservation experience at HanaHaus AND on-the-go Increase customer engagement with the chatbot Convert… Continue reading HanaBot Reservation Chatbot — A Case Study

Competitive analysis is a method, not a solution

Pineapples might look cool, but that doesn’t mean that every fruit should be spiky. (source) We all have been there: you have been with your team in a room for a couple of hours now, and it seems you hit a dead-end while discussing one design problem. Suddenly, someone brings up the solution for it all:… Continue reading Competitive analysis is a method, not a solution

Why is everyone talking about DesignOps now? — and more UX links this week

DesignOps: the questions you’re probably asking yourself now › As design teams start to scale in size (and the design process in complexity) our industry turns the spotlight to DesignOps: a new nomenclature for an old profession that is becoming increasingly important for every company seeking to create great, consistent, and efficient work. We have… Continue reading Why is everyone talking about DesignOps now? — and more UX links this week