Object-Oriented PHP With Classes and Objects

In this article, we’re going to explore the basics of object-oriented programming in PHP. We’ll start with an introduction to classes and objects, and we’ll discuss a couple of advanced concepts like inheritance and polymorphism in the latter half of this article. What Is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)? Object-oriented programming, commonly referred to as OOP, is… Continue reading Object-Oriented PHP With Classes and Objects

How Technology Has Impacted the Four Orders of Design

Unless you are a professional designer who has remained current in your respective field, you may not be familiar with what many of today’s designers know as the “Four Orders of Design”, as developed by Professor Richard Buchanan and extensively written about in his book of the same name released in 1999. However, if you… Continue reading How Technology Has Impacted the Four Orders of Design

How to Create a Menorah Illustration in Adobe Illustrator

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial we’ll be creating a Hanukkah holiday card and illustrating one of the most popular Jewish symbols, the Hanukkah Menorah. The Menorah is one of the oldest symbols in Judaism. Sometimes called the ‘Chanukiah’, the Menorah is a nine-branched candelabrum that is used on Hanukkah. It stands for light, wisdom,… Continue reading How to Create a Menorah Illustration in Adobe Illustrator

5 Tips to Putting Together Your Website Navigation

Your website navigation is one of the most crucial parts of your overall design. Not only is it used to help visitors orientate themselves in your digital space, but it can also affect everything from your conversion rate to your bounce rate. In order to make sure your website navigation is designed to convert browsers… Continue reading 5 Tips to Putting Together Your Website Navigation

Essay on Characteristics of Web Design Mentor And Where to Find One for Yourself

There has been much more dialog about mentorship among the web designer communities. Being a mentor comes down to being a trusted instructor who is promptly available to offer help and support that is most appropriate to the mentored individual. Much the same as a writer mentor who provide tips and advices about essay writing… Continue reading Essay on Characteristics of Web Design Mentor And Where to Find One for Yourself