Developing a Static Site Generator Workflow

Nobody likes finding bugs. Even worse, no one enjoys finding bugs while shopping for digital products. That is why, as a company providing a web-based bug tracking tool to tens of thousands of users, we have to ensure a bug-free environment. With our increasing number of web pages – and therefore increasing lines of code… Continue reading Developing a Static Site Generator Workflow

How to Grow Your App Team

You can find a lot of online resources that help you on your way to make a successful app. Once you reach that point, you’re looking to retain or even expand on that success. This is the moment that you, a single person who has built an app, grows into something bigger, a team that continues… Continue reading How to Grow Your App Team

7 Slack Integrations Developers Should Use

How to customize Slack to enhance your development workflow using integrations and bots It certainly feels like Slack is gradually becoming the standard for modern office communication. While you may argue that technically Slack is no different than, say, IRC – the polished experience is what makes it stand out in the crowd of messaging… Continue reading 7 Slack Integrations Developers Should Use