Designer Spotlight: John Thai

Every week we are discovering new, awesome, design stars and showcasing them right here. The spotlight may hit on a logo designer, UI designer, videographers, web or graphic designer—we’re bringing you a new talent. These bad ass designers bring their “A” game time and time again and we hope that you will find this as… Continue reading Designer Spotlight: John Thai

Weekly Dose Of Inspirations: Typography Art

Hi guys, This is another episode of our weekly inspiration series. In this series we’ll try to bring out the most popular, very unique and highly inspirational works of highly talented artists of our art and design community. The aim behind initiating these roundups is bringing out and showcasing the amazing art created today and… Continue reading Weekly Dose Of Inspirations: Typography Art

10 Very Creative And Fresh Free Fonts For Your Designing Projects

Hi guys, I’ve collected latest, unique and useful trendy fonts for our designer community. Being a graphic designer myself I perfectly know how these fonts play the essential role in today’s graphic designing and to find a perfect font or simply making it can take a lot of precious time which can other wise be… Continue reading 10 Very Creative And Fresh Free Fonts For Your Designing Projects

3D Chrome Text in Photoshop CS6 Extended

In today’s video, we’re going to be taking a look at creating a chrome text effect using the new 3D features within Photoshop CS6 Extended. We’re going to look at bring your text into the 3rd dimension, working with bevels, materials and reflections to create the end result. Note: The 3D features are only available… Continue reading 3D Chrome Text in Photoshop CS6 Extended

266 High Quality Beautiful Free Photoshop Patterns

Being a graphic designer myself I perfectly know how these resources save us a lot of trouble with some very tight deadlines. So, in this series we’ll bring collections of new resources every week. Patterns play an important role in whatever we create in Photoshop or even in Illustrator and that is why you can… Continue reading 266 High Quality Beautiful Free Photoshop Patterns