50 fantastic freebies for web designers, August 2014

Latest freebies for August 2014. Today we share our very best free resources for web designers and developers. August is going to be a awesome month. Whether you’re a designer, developer, or enthusiast we’re sure you’ll find something here to feed into your next project. Enjoy!   Draft A Retro display font. SCSS waves An artistic… Continue reading 50 fantastic freebies for web designers, August 2014

Freebies : 250 Retina Icons

Today’s free design resource is a set of 300 absolutely free icons for designers.Each icon has been carefully crafted following Apple’s iOS 7 guidelines and would make a great choice for your next web and mobile design projects.. All icons are designed on a precise grid, to guarantee consistency and crisp display. Perfect for Status… Continue reading Freebies : 250 Retina Icons

Responsive, Fluid-Width, Variable-Item Navigation with CSS

Around six months ago I was asked to develop a single row navigation bar that could contain a variable number of menu items while filling the entire width of the container. The amount of navigational items was dictated elsewhere and likely to change in future.Thinking ahead, it would have been impractical to change the CSS… Continue reading Responsive, Fluid-Width, Variable-Item Navigation with CSS

10 Incredible Photography Tutorials and Techniques

Today we share some high-speed photography, macro photography, black and white photography, night photography, and macro photography which can be great help for professional photographers and beginners.   Tilt-Shift Photography Photoshop Tutorial When choosing a photograph for the tilt-shift effect, bear in mind that you want to give the impression of a miniature model. Miniature… Continue reading 10 Incredible Photography Tutorials and Techniques

Make Shapes with CSS: How to Create Different Shapes in CSS

One of best cool features of CSS3 is that it reduces the use of images in web designs and allows you to create different shapes in CSS. Commonforms that you usually see in Photoshop or Illustrator can now be done using CSS3. New CSS properties like transform and border-radius add complexity with shapes instead of creating… Continue reading Make Shapes with CSS: How to Create Different Shapes in CSS

Remarkable Typography Designs for Inspiration – 27 Examples

Typography design are just awesome and great trend. Experimenting with the right choice of font, splashing with bold or plain colors, and designing it in different perspective are elements that works on typography. It uses on logos, creative poster design and websites. It does not only attract visitors attention but also create a cool look on… Continue reading Remarkable Typography Designs for Inspiration – 27 Examples

25 Web and Graphic Design Studio Websites for Your Inspiration

It’s always interesting to see what design creative studios and agencies crafted for themselves. These people design websites for the whole world and come up with new trends and tendencies to follow. Someone may think they would use the craziest and far-out designs. But you’d be surprised to know that these creative agencies and design… Continue reading 25 Web and Graphic Design Studio Websites for Your Inspiration

Free Swift Tutorials for Apple’s New Programming Language

Unveiled only a month ago, the new programming language Swift that was created by Apple for iOS developers shook up Xcode lovers a bit. It aims to provide programmers with an alternative that slowly should replace Objective-C, which is not so resilient against erroneous code. Swift includes slightly revised basic Objective-C features and new advanced… Continue reading Free Swift Tutorials for Apple’s New Programming Language

Free Tools to Help With Color Theming a Website

Everyone knows that color is an incredibly powerful tool for sending the right message to your audience. The last thing you want your website to do is alienate readers because of the color scheme you used. Specific shades and hues can often carry personal or even cultural meanings that need to be considered before implementing… Continue reading Free Tools to Help With Color Theming a Website

Notification Styles with CSS Animations for Inspirations

There are some simple ideas and effects for unobtrusive website notifications. There are a lot of ways to show an unobtrusive message to a user: from the classic growl-like notification to a bar at the top of the viewport. There’s really no limit to making creative notification styles and effects but you should keep in… Continue reading Notification Styles with CSS Animations for Inspirations

How to Create Photo-filled Text with Photoshop

Designing for the web has always been a fast-developing field where a professional has to skillfully combine visual information design, aesthetics and composition priciples with the most relevant current ideas and trends to satisfy the expectations of his client. A good web designer has a clear vision of the main aim of the website they… Continue reading How to Create Photo-filled Text with Photoshop

20 Impressive CSS3 Techniques, Libraries and Examples

In this list we’ve gathered for you some of the best sources of CSS goodness. We’ve chosen some amazing demos from various artists that come to prove that nowadays everything is possible with CSS. We’ve also included articles that depict the awesome new features of CSS3 and a few helpful libraries full of CSS tricks.… Continue reading 20 Impressive CSS3 Techniques, Libraries and Examples

Free Download: iOS 7 Wireframe Toolkit for Prototyping

André Revin was creating an app flow in illustrator and he made an Ai file iOS7 iPhone 5 mockup for prototyping. He made a pixel perfect wireframe mockup. Super easy to create your prototype. You can download the source file for free and use in their work. There are 28 artboards size of 320 by… Continue reading Free Download: iOS 7 Wireframe Toolkit for Prototyping

35 Mobile Responsive Portfolio Website Layouts

A portfolio is used to showcase your creative work to anyone with Internet access. The goal is to present your talent front & center making it easy to navigate. Responsive layouts will look stunning on any device allowing visitors to can check out your work from their laptop, tablet, or even smartphone. It’s tough to… Continue reading 35 Mobile Responsive Portfolio Website Layouts

Tips for Designing a Beautiful Single-Page Portfolio Website

Many trends in general web design can also be applied to single page layouts. But there are some unique features to the lone webpage which can add more flavor into a design. Like most of the web design field, common sense and user experience always trumps inessential creative ideas. But that doesn’t mean anybody can… Continue reading Tips for Designing a Beautiful Single-Page Portfolio Website

40 Examples of iOS 7 Mobile App Interface Designs

Apple is constantly moving forward with new software updates and more intriguing devices. iOS7 is their most recent minimalist interface update moving away from from iOS6. The new iOS uses a lot of flat menus, buttons, badges, and simpler app icons. If you’re thinking of designing a new app interface for iOS7 be sure to… Continue reading 40 Examples of iOS 7 Mobile App Interface Designs

How Do You Design Interaction?

If you have to design an interface it’s almost obvious to think to begin the process by drawing. But is this the best way? I once casually started by writing an imagined human-computer conversation, and only afterwards I continued by drawing. This changed my way of thinking and I never went back to drawing first.… Continue reading How Do You Design Interaction?

Beginner’s Tips & Tricks for Learning Icon Design

Aside from regular web & graphics design, the process of designing icons is vast and complex. Iconography can be created with a sketch or from a blank document in digital software. Digital icons can be created using either pixels or vectors. There are many options and the outcome is heavily reliant on the medium, such… Continue reading Beginner’s Tips & Tricks for Learning Icon Design

Understanding The Phase of Website Design

Design phase consists of all the activities that ensure that page elements, colors and graphics all work together to provide an enjoyable experience for the customers while projecting a professional image for the business. Design of a Web project is the next most important and popular Web development phase. The focus of the design phase… Continue reading Understanding The Phase of Website Design

Free Quality Photos for Bloggers and Website Owners

KaboomPics is a collection of good quality photos offered for free to bloggers, website owners, small businesses, freelancers & social media ninjas. This simple website gives you an opportunity to browse through thousands of pictures without any payment even for commercial use. You can do nearly anything with the images, commercial or not. For example… Continue reading Free Quality Photos for Bloggers and Website Owners

Collection Of High Quality Free Fonts For Designers

Fonts are life of design as many other elements. In digital world, where there are many interfaces and other features making everything work, fonts make everything readable to actually work in the first place. From designing point-of-view, addition of fonts can make a powerful impression on audience. Considering fonts and typography in digital designing, a… Continue reading Collection Of High Quality Free Fonts For Designers

Top 10 Web Design Trends This Year

The battle for fashion statement no more just encompasses clothing, jewelry or stylized watches. Most competed area of making a fashion statement is on the web itself. Yes, in look, feel and smart user interfaces or in facilitating more user preferences for accessing the web, innovation and creativity are the driving force now for an… Continue reading Top 10 Web Design Trends This Year