Pearl WP – The Most Functional Theme You’ll Ever Need to Build Your Business Website

Pearl is unlike any WordPress theme you’ve ever used. Why? You’ll have the capability to design a website to the exact specifications of your business, personal blog, expertise or passion. It is versatile, sleek and adaptable for really any type of business use. Pearl is a micro-niche business WordPress theme that allows you to mirror… Continue reading Pearl WP – The Most Functional Theme You’ll Ever Need to Build Your Business Website

Is WordPress Ready for the New EU Privacy Rules?

Data is invaluable in the digital age, and if you have online presence, particularly if you run a website, then you are automatically part of the data game. With the new EU rules on data protection set to come into force in less than a year from now, how will WordPress – everyone’s favorite platform… Continue reading Is WordPress Ready for the New EU Privacy Rules?

5 Wireframing Tools for Rapid Prototyping

June 28, 2017 by David Jones Wireframing tools are used to create rudimentary layouts for websites and applications. Developers use them to plan their user interface and test different options. If you’ve ever sketched out a website site design on graph paper or even a napkin, you’ve done some wireframing. If you’ve seen layouts using rectangles… Continue reading 5 Wireframing Tools for Rapid Prototyping

31 Creative Business Logo Designs for Inspiration – 45

This is the inspiration #45 of logo design series. A superb and professionally designed collection of Business Logos, inspiring and fresh concept. Corporate identity or Branding is all about creating a logo and in building up the brand value is essentially best done by a graphic designer who is adept in creating images keeping the color schemes, and the… Continue reading 31 Creative Business Logo Designs for Inspiration – 45

The Artsy Design Bundle

We so excited to introduce another awesome fonts bundle by our friends at Pixelo: The Artsy Design Bundle. This bundle contains a massive collection of artsy design goodies that will boost up your design to the next level and save hours of your time. You’ll get 17 beautiful fonts varying from script, hand-drawn, and display.… Continue reading The Artsy Design Bundle

A letter from Sol LeWitt about creative block, read by Benedict Cumberbatch

In 1960, pioneering American artists Sol LeWitt and Eva Hesse met for the first time and instantly clicked, quickly forming a strong, deep bond that would last for ten years and result in countless inspirational discussions and rich exchanges of ideas. In the video below, Benedict Cumberbatch reads a letter sent from Sol to Eva… Continue reading A letter from Sol LeWitt about creative block, read by Benedict Cumberbatch

Access 5000+ Design Assets for Just $29/Month!

Posted · Category: Best Collections Do you often find yourself struggling to find the right graphic asset to complete your projects? How does access to 5000+ highly curated fonts, graphics templates, icons, UI kits and much more for just one low monthly price sound? Envato Elements promises all this and more. Just launched, it offers… Continue reading Access 5000+ Design Assets for Just $29/Month!

5 Common Problems Faced by Python Beginners

More from this author How to Launch Your Next Tech Product for Free (Almost!) API Building and Testing Made Easier with Postman Are you in the process of learning Python? It’s a fantastic language to learn, but as with any language, it does present challenges that can seem overwhelming at times, especially if you’re teaching… Continue reading 5 Common Problems Faced by Python Beginners

How to Make WordPress Sites Different by Geography

An Approach to Geolocal WordPress Sites In order to launch an inexpensive global network of sites run by volunteers that would provide shoppers categorized directories to local stores, I needed to leverage the power of WordPress with some unusual customizations and workarounds. There are a number of approaches to providing local experiences with WordPress. In this tutorial, I’m… Continue reading How to Make WordPress Sites Different by Geography