How to design a yearbook layout in InDesign

In this Adobe InDesign tutorial, you will learn how to create a yearbook layout using paragraph styles, InDesign’s parent pages, and how to build a simple photo grid for arranging multiple portraits.

If you want a ready-made template instead of following this tutorial, check out this yearbook layout template available on Envato.

Yearbook template layoutYearbook template layoutYearbook template layout

What you’ll need for this InDesign tutorial

For this yearbook template tutorial, I’ve created a collection of assets you can use.

1. How to design a book cover

Step 1

Create a new document in Adobe Photoshop that’s 8.75 x 11.25 in, Grayscale, and 300 Resolution. Take your torn paper edges and arrange them on the canvas like so.

Paper edgesPaper edgesPaper edges

Step 2 

Use a variety of student/school life photos or use images from the collection linked above, and arrange them underneath the torn paper edges.

Create a Layer Mask to erase edges that extend past the torn edges.

Student photo coverStudent photo coverStudent photo cover

Step 3 

Open the halftone grayscale texture and place it on top of your image. I’m using #10 from the zip file for reference. Change the layer to Linear Burn. Add a Color Fill layer #000000 and change the layer to Overlay with 50% Opacity. Place a Brightness and Contrast adjustment layer on top and change the Brightness to 79. Save the file as a PSD to your desktop.

Step 4

Create a new document in InDesign using 8.5 x 11 for the dimensions, 24 pages, 0.5 in margins, and 0.125 in bleed on each side. Select Create

Indesign new documentIndesign new documentIndesign new document

Step 5

File > Place the cover we just saved as a PSD and put it on the cover. Change the Opacity to 70% and the Mode to Overlay.

Cover transparencyCover transparencyCover transparency

Step 6

Create a new swatch in the Swatches panel using the values C100, M70, Y10, and K55. Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to cover the background with this deep blue swatch. Move it behind the photo collage.

Blue backgroundBlue backgroundBlue background

Step 7

Use the Glendale and Michigan Signature fonts for the “Class of” text. Use the Type Tool (T) and type “2025” using NexusBold with a font size of 390 pt. Fill the text with yellow from the Swatches panel, and then apply a Drop Shadow in the Effects panel.

Drop shadowDrop shadowDrop shadow

Step 8

Add an Inner Shadow effect using the paper swatch.

Inner shadowInner shadowInner shadow

Step 9

Add an Inner Glow effect using the fuchsia swatch.

Inner glowInner glowInner glow

Step 10

Add a Bevel and Emboss effect using the fuchsia and C2 M45 Y22 K10 swatches.

Bevel and embossBevel and embossBevel and emboss

Step 11

Add a Satin effect using the C13 M72 Y100 K0 swatch.

Satin effectSatin effectSatin effect

Step 12

Add a Basic Feather effect.

Basic featherBasic featherBasic feather

Step 13

Finish the cover by adding information about your school and the mascot’s logo using C86 M1 Y5 K0 and paper from the Swatches panel.

School informationSchool informationSchool information

2. How to create an InDesign table of contents

Step 1

On Page 2, type out the words “Table of Contents” using Glendale, NexusBold, and Maksimal.

Table of contentsTable of contentsTable of contents

Step 2

Create a new layer in the Layers panel and name it Footer. In the Pages panel, double-click the A-Parent spread. Use the Type Tool (T) and create a square in the corner. Right-click > Type > Insert Special Characters > Markers > Current Page Number. Change the font to Glendale. Add another text field and type the name of the school. Duplicate these text layers and add them to the facing page. Duplicate this A-Parent spread and change the colors of the footer to a light color version to be used on dark backgrounds.

Table of contents footerTable of contents footerTable of contents footer

Step 3

Working on Layer 1 in the Layers panel, use the #10 texture from the halftone grayscale zip file, and place it on the document in the background. Change the Opacity to 40%. Finish the background by adding the mascot of your school to the background with a 7% Opacity.

Table of contents backgroundTable of contents backgroundTable of contents background

3. How to design a yearbook layout template

Step 1

On page 3, we will place the letter from the principal and use doodle lines to add some flair to our spread. In the Paragraph Styles panel, create a new style to simplify the text formatting later in the tutorial.

Letter from the principalLetter from the principalLetter from the principal

Step 2

Place the photo of your principal on page 3. Use the Pen Tool (P) to make an outline around the principal.

Photo mask using PathfinderPhoto mask using PathfinderPhoto mask using Pathfinder

Step 3

Select the photo of the principal along with the shape we just created with the Pen Tool (P). In the Pathfinder panel, select the Subtract icon under the Pathfinder section. Add an orange Drop Shadow using the Effects panel.

Orange drop shadowOrange drop shadowOrange drop shadow

Step 4

In this next step, you’ll learn how to use InDesign’s text wrap feature. With the principal’s photo still selected, go to the Text Wrap panel and select Wrap around object shape. Change the Top Offset to 0.3125 in.

Photo text wrapPhoto text wrapPhoto text wrap

Step 5

On page 4, we will design a “year in review” graphic. Let’s start by using a combination of the Ellipse Tool (L), Rectangle Tool (M), and Type Tool (T) to create a music graphic for the top songs of the school year. Don’t forget to fill the background with a light blue halftone texture.

Music graphicMusic graphicMusic graphic

Step 6

Next, add some ripped pieces of paper and create a variety of “fill in the blanks” exercises and interesting facts that happened during the school year. Finish by adding candid photos of some school activities overlaid with doodle lines.

Year in review paper ripsYear in review paper ripsYear in review paper rips

Step 7

Page 5 will be a replica of page 3. Use the same methods of building this page, but make sure to add a flag pennant with your school’s mascot.

Letter from class presidentLetter from class presidentLetter from class president

Step 8

On the next spread (pages 6 & 7), we’ll create a special “awards and superlatives” section. Use the Rectangle Frame Tool (F) to create four frames on each spread with a black Drop Shadow and light blue Stroke, along with a horizontal bar for first and last names.

Special awardsSpecial awardsSpecial awards

Step 9

Add some captions along with photos like “Most Creative” and “Class Clown” near the images of the winners.

Special awards photosSpecial awards photosSpecial awards photos

Step 10

Wrap up this section by adding more doodles from the previous spreads.

Special awards doodlesSpecial awards doodlesSpecial awards doodles

Step 11

For pages 8 & 9, we’ll add the photos for the clubs and teams. Start by applying a C0 M77 Y68 K0 background and a halftone texture.

Clubs and teamsClubs and teamsClubs and teams

Step 12

Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to create several squares and place photos for the polaroids we are making. Use the Maksimal font for the caption.

Clubs and teams polaroidsClubs and teams polaroidsClubs and teams polaroids

Step 13

Copy (Command-C) and paste (Command-V) the paper tears used on page 4 and type out a description for each photo. Add more doodle lines to this spread as well.

Clubs and teams descriptionClubs and teams descriptionClubs and teams description

4. How to make a photo collage

Step 1

For pages 10 & 11, you will learn how to make a photo collage. Start by adding a dark blue background and halftone texture. Create a title for your school article—for this example, I’m using “A day in the life at Hawkins High School”. Use the fonts NexusBold, Glendale, and Maksimal for the headline and subtitle.

Hawkins High BackgroundHawkins High BackgroundHawkins High Background

Step 2

Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to create several overlapping rectangles of different sizes. File > Place your candid student photos into each one.

School article photosSchool article photosSchool article photos

Step 3

Grab the Type Tool (T) and create several frames around the photo collage we created. Fill the frames with information detailing student life at the school.

School article text frameSchool article text frameSchool article text frame

5. How to make a photo grid

Step 1

Start by setting up pages 12 & 13 with the halftone texture and “Faculty & Staff” headline.

Faculty and Staff backgroundFaculty and Staff backgroundFaculty and Staff background

Step 2

Choose the Rectangle Tool (F) and drag across the page then press the right arrow and down arrow keys to create a photo grid.

Photo gridPhoto gridPhoto grid

Step 3

File > Place the faculty headshots and type the staff names beneath each photo.

Faculty headshotsFaculty headshotsFaculty headshots

Step 4

For pages 14-21, divide your students’ photos by class and place them. Add more pages and repeat this process if needed.

Senior class spreadSenior class spreadSenior class spread

Step 5

On the final spread, leave some space for autographs and farewell messages for students.

Autograph spreadAutograph spreadAutograph spread

Step 6

On the back cover, mimic the style of the front cover, with more images of students.

Yearbook back coverYearbook back coverYearbook back cover

All done!

You can now celebrate special memories with your students and faculty by using this yearbook layout template. In this yearbook layout tutorial, you learned how to design a book cover, wrap text around images, use InDesign’s parent pages for page numbering, and organize your table of contents.

Elevate your yearbook display with this hardcover book mockup available via Envato.

Hardcover book mockupHardcover book mockupHardcover book mockup

5 creative yearbook template ideas 

Create additional yearbook templates by using this list of customizable layouts.

School yearbook template (INDD, Canva)

School yearbook templateSchool yearbook templateSchool yearbook template

This InDesign layout template is ideal for showcasing the achievements, events, and celebrations of both teachers and students.

Yearbook brochure template (INDD, Canva)

yearbook brochure templateyearbook brochure templateyearbook brochure template

Guide your students through an exciting school year with this colorful yearbook brochure template. This template includes versions for both Canva and InDesign, helping your memories shine.

School yearbook (INDD)

yearbook templateyearbook templateyearbook template

This yearbook layout template features over 25 pages of ready-to-print content, including various layouts such as student articles, two cover designs, a table of contents, and photo collages.

School yearbook template (INDD)

school yearbook templateschool yearbook templateschool yearbook template

School yearbook template is a customizable layout with 24 pages. Created in InDesign, this professional template provides everything needed to design a yearbook for faculty and students.

Digital yearbook template (INDD, Canva)

digital yearbook templatedigital yearbook templatedigital yearbook template

This digital yearbook template is ideal for colleges, universities, and other educational institutions to highlight student life and activities. Available in various formats, it allows the creation of diverse layouts that celebrate students’ moments.

If you liked this tutorial on how to make a yearbook template layout, you may like these other resources as well: